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jackamin last won the day on June 28 2021

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  1. This does not work on mainform if MainFormDisplayMode is set to mfPage in server module it works if you change it to mfWindow is there a way to make the mainform transparent when it is set to mfPage
  2. tested again UniApplication.RemoteAddress; does return the cleint's static ip. this will return same IP for all users on the same network. is there a way to also get the local ip or some other identification to identify the pc.
  3. UniApplication.RemoteAddress; this returns the ip address of the server where the application is running. How do we get the client IP?
  4. It works well Thank you Sherzod -Jack
  5. Hello, I was able to insert text at the cursor position, however, I would like the cursor to go to the end of the inserted text afterwards. For example: say my original memo text is '123' and my cursor is between the '2' and the '3'. Now if I insert the string 'test', I want my cursor to be '12test[right here]3' Currently it's going back to the very beginning. Can you please help? Thanks -Jack
  6. Can you create a unigui component of syncfusion word processor or create the necessary html with js to make it work in unigui? https://www.syncfusion.com/javascript-ui-controls/js-word-processor 

    or is there any other alternatives to edit and save word docs docx format something like timymce. Tinymce works but it can only edit html files converting docx to html to edit in tinymce is not an option the formatting is not accurate.

  7. Hello, First of all, thank you for sharing your solution! Unfortunately, it did not work for me in Delphi XE10, in a UniGui application that runs in synchronous mode. I got the following error message: HOWEVER! I was able to fix the problem by calling UniSession.Synchronize() between the Delphi code and the JavaScript code. The following worked for me: UniListBox1.ItemIndex:=11; UniSession.Synchronize(); UniListBox1.JSInterface.JSCall('boundList.getSelectedNodes()[0].scrollIntoView', [True]); Note that I hard-coded '0' as the selected node index. This is because UniListBox1 does not have multi-select enabled. Also note that, in the MainModule, the EnableSynchronousOperations property must be set to 'True' to use UniSession.Synchronize(), but you should read this guide before deciding to run your application in synchronous mode. Hope it helps someone! -Jack
  8. I was using the Tunicalendarpanel and found some js code there so had to disable that for it to work.
  9. Hi, I don't think so, i can't find any js code in the project.
  10. Hi, I get a weird error message after installing new unigui update version, my applications will compile but none of the applications will start and i get the message "sender.setActiveView is not a function" when i try to run the applications. I have attached a picture of the error. Anybody that have the same issue and have a solution to this, please let my know ? Best Regards Jack Amin
  11. Hi everybody, I'm using unigui version, i created a website and on one of the frames i have created a googlemap just like the example from the demo folder and it's working as it should when i run it as localhost but when i run it under a static ip it show it for a split second then i get a message that says that something is wrong. I have created a project before with a previous unigui version and i did not have this problem. I have attached two screenshots one from my project when i run it as locahost and the other is from the googlemaps demo project ran under a static ip with the error message.
  12. Hi, I created a new form in my project named form1 and i want to open this form in a new browser tab when i click on a button from the mainform? Best regards Jack Amin
  13. It does work, just tried it. That's weird, must have done something strange.
  14. Hi, I have i hybrid application and i'm trying to hide the characters on the login screen where i have a TunimEdit. There is a property called "PasswordChar" that is defaulted to #0. I tried to remove the 0 but did not work. I have the same login screen in the desktop version where i have a TuniEdit, when i set the "PasswordChar" to # it works and hides the chars. Currently using version Best Regards Jack
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