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  1. unit uniLottie; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { } { uniLottie } { ============= } { } { Description: This class contains a wrapper for the Lottie javascript } { library. } { } { Github: https://lottiefiles.com/web-player } { } { Installation: Under the files folder copy the following files: } { lottie/lottie-player.js } { lottie/myanimation.json } { } { This source code is copyrighted material. } { } { Copyright (c) CastleSoft Pty Ltd. 2017-2023. All rights reserved. } { } { } { MIT License } { } { Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy } { of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to } { deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the } { rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or } { sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is } { furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: } { } { The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in } { all copies or substantial portions of the Software. } { } { THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR } { IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, } { FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE } { AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER } { LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,} { OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN } { THE SOFTWARE. } { } { Version Date Description Modified by } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { 1.0.0 29-Jan-2023 Initial Release Andrew Tierney } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniPanel, uniHTMLFrame, uniGUITypes, uniGUIJSUtils, uniGUIApplication,System.Json; type TPlayModes = (Normal, Bounce); type TDirection = (Forward, Backward); type TUniLottie = class(TUniCustomHTMLFrame) private { Private declarations } FOnFinished : TNotifyEvent; fControls : Boolean; fHover : Boolean; fAutoplay : Boolean; fLoop : Boolean; fBackgroundColour: String; {can be transparent or rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.51) } fWidth : string; { Can be 300px or 30% - pixels or percent } fHeight : string; { Can be 300px or 30% - pixels or percent } fAnimationSpeed: Float32; fPlayMode : TPlayModes; fDirection : TDirection; fAnimationFile: string; { place in files/lottie/lf20_yom6uvgj.json for example} procedure H_OnFinished(Sender: TObject); function GetOnFinished: TNotifyEvent; procedure SetOnFinished(const Value: TNotifyEvent); function BuildHTML(): string; protected { Protected declarations } procedure WebCreate; override; procedure JSEventHandler(AEventName: string; AParams: TUniStrings); override; public { Public declarations } constructor Create(owner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; procedure Play; published { Published declarations } property ShowControls: Boolean read fControls write fControls; property Hover: Boolean read fHover write fHover; property Autoplay: Boolean read fAutoplay write fAutoplay; property Loop: Boolean read fLoop write fLoop; property BackgroundColour: string read fBackgroundColour write fBackgroundColour; property AnimationWidth: string read fWidth write fWidth; property AnimationfHeight: string read fHeight write fHeight; property AnimationSeed: float32 read fAnimationSpeed write fAnimationSpeed; property PlayMode: TPlayModes read fPlayMode write fPlayMode; property Direction: TDirection read fDirection write fDirection; property AnimationFile: string read fAnimationFile write fAnimationFile; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('uniGUI Extensions', [TUniLottie]); end; { TUniLottie } function TUniLottie.BuildHTML: string; var bstr: string; begin // <lottie-player src="https://assets1.lottiefiles.com/datafiles/HN7OcWNnoqje6iXIiZdWzKxvLIbfeCGTmvXmEm1h/data.json" background="transparent" speed="1" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;" hover loop controls autoplay></lottie-player> bstr := ''; bstr := bstr + '<lottie-player '; bstr := bstr + ' id="'+JSName+'" '; bstr := bstr + ' src="/files/lottie/'+fAnimationFile+'" '; if fControls then bstr := bstr + ' controls '; if fHover then bstr := bstr + ' hover '; if fAutoplay then bstr := bstr + ' autoplay '; if fLoop then bstr := bstr + ' loop '; bstr := bstr + ' background="' + fBackgroundColour + '" '; bstr := bstr + ' style="width: ' + fWidth + '; height: ' + fHeight + ';"'; bstr := bstr + ' speed="' + FloatToStr(fAnimationSpeed) + '"'; if fPlayMode = TPlayModes.Normal then bstr := bstr + ' mode="normal" ' else bstr := bstr + ' mode="bounce" '; bstr := bstr + 'complete: function() { ajaxRequest('+JSName+',"onFinished",[]); },'; bstr := bstr + '/>'; result := bstr; end; procedure TUniLottie.Clear; begin fControls := false; fHover := false; fAutoplay := true; fLoop := true; fBackgroundColour := 'transparent'; fWidth := '100%'; fHeight := '100%'; fAnimationSpeed := 1; fPlayMode := TPlayModes.Normal; fDirection := TDirection.Forward; fAnimationFile := ''; end; constructor TUniLottie.Create(owner: TComponent); begin inherited; Clear; end; destructor TUniLottie.Destroy; begin inherited; end; function TUniLottie.GetOnFinished: TNotifyEvent; begin result := FOnFinished; end; procedure TUniLottie.H_OnFinished(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FOnFinished) then FOnFinished(Sender); end; procedure TUniLottie.JSEventHandler(AEventName: string; AParams: TUniStrings); begin inherited; if AEventName = 'onFinished' then begin H_OnFinished(self); end; end; procedure TUniLottie.Play; begin HTML.Text := BuildHTML; end; procedure TUniLottie.SetOnFinished(const Value: TNotifyEvent); begin FOnFinished := Value; end; procedure TUniLottie.WebCreate; begin inherited; // Optional Webcreate extras end; Initialization UniAddJSLibrary('lottie/lottie-player.js',False,[upoFolderFiles,upoPlatformBoth]); end.
  2. 2023-01-31-uniLottie-V100.zip Attached is a SIMPLE uniGUI component to display Lottie Animations using the player. It's raw and a quick hack that could do with some work, use as you like. A handy little control to add Lottie animations to your uniGUI app. https://lottiefiles.com/featured Properties published from the control are: property ShowControls: Boolean read fControls write fControls; property Hover: Boolean read fHover write fHover; property Autoplay: Boolean read fAutoplay write fAutoplay; property Loop: Boolean read fLoop write fLoop; property BackgroundColour: string read fBackgroundColour write fBackgroundColour; property AnimationWidth: string read fWidth write fWidth; property AnimationfHeight: string read fHeight write fHeight; property AnimationSeed: float32 read fAnimationSpeed write fAnimationSpeed; property PlayMode: TPlayModes read fPlayMode write fPlayMode; property Direction: TDirection read fDirection write fDirection; property AnimationFile: string read fAnimationFile write fAnimationFile;
  3. Cool... Looks pretty straight forward: <script src="https://unpkg.com/@lottiefiles/lottie-player@latest/dist/lottie-player.js"></script> <lottie-player src="https://assets3.lottiefiles.com/packages/lf20_yom6uvgj.json" background="transparent" speed="1" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;" loop autoplay></lottie-player> https://github.com/LottieFiles/lottie-player Include the lottie-player.js Expose a few properties: - Playmode (Normal or Bounce) - Direction (Forward or Backward) - Background Colour (transparent, RGB) - Width, Height (pixels or percent) - Animation Speed (1x) - Controls (true/false) - Autoplay (true/false) - Hover (true/false) - Loop (true/false) - Lottie File/URL (json file or url) That's about it... If you don't I'll try and throw one together when I get a change.
  4. If I get a chance I may wrap the Lottie web player into a uniGUI control. https://lottiefiles.com/web-player And post it in the components. It looks pretty simple to wrap.
  5. Hi Fred, "for what ?" - The existing styles are basic, and if you have desk/mobile apps using Delphi Styles it would be nice to match the web interface. "As for tiktok mode effects ?" - Actually Lottie animations would be very cool. (https://lottiefiles.com) and Skia4Delphi implements these. So a port would be nice. 🙂 A full bootstrap and material design theme would also be nice. I agree it may be a tricky task, but I believe it would be possible for a smart parser to read the Delphi style and generate CSS. Not a high priority obviously.. A nice to have. Reactive layouts are higher on the list for me.
  6. No problem.. I've uploaded the PAS files into the link above. It's works for a number of projects, is very very raw. Anyone who wishes to improve/cleanup/make a component or include in the uniGUI core is free to do whatever with the code. (the code is from all over the net. Just returning the favour). 🙂
  7. Merry Christmas... Attached is an raw/rough hack to implement SAML/SSO for office365/AzureAD The attached code is very RAW, needs some cleanup. But it is working for me in a few projects. It's FREE for anyone to improve/make into a component for others who use uniGUI. It contains a few PAS files: - ServerModule (Basically contains a List of OpenIDSessions - MainModule uses the BeforeLogin event to call TOpenIDConnect.DoCallBack and create a UserInfo object (ie. Who is logged in) - Login (a uniLoginForm) has a Button to Login via SSO (ie. TOpenIDConnect.DoLogin(...) - OpenIDConnect.pas and Pkg.Json.DTO.pas are the core bits which do the dirty work. It's been extracted from a few projects.. So you WILL need to read/cut/paste etc. If anyone wants to create a polished FREE component from this for the uniGUI community that would be great. (or if it was included in the uniGUI Core). SAML and SSO.zip
  8. I have a working SAML/SSO setup with Office365/AzureAD in uniGUI. The code is VERY VERY rough, snippets from stack overflow, google, etc etc.. Patched together and it seems to be working ok. Is anyone interested in me uploading the code, cleaning it up and making it a FREE component/feature for other uniGUI users.
  9. Just a thought... A tool to convert/use any existing Delphi Style on uniGUI would be pretty cool. Licensing may be the issue, but the mapping of controls should be similar ? Just graphic -> CSS for uniGUI theme ?
  10. NOT tested.. maybe something like this ? function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.listConfig={ getInnerTpl: function() { var tpl = '<table width="100%">'+ '<tr>'+ '<td style="vertical-align:top;width:100%">'+ '<div><span style="font-weight:bold;">{name} {middlename} </span><span style="float:right;color:blue">{lastname}</span></div>'+ '</td>'+ '</tr>'+ '</table>'; return tpl; } }; }
  11. Any word on the following build: HyperServer improvements WebSockets for uniGUI
  12. In a LOGIN form I have a button which builds a URL (for OpenID Connect) Microsoft authentication. And redirects to the OpenID for authentication, the URL contains the UniSession.SessionID. Using: UniSession.UrlRedirect(loginRequest); Microsoft authenticates ok, and the URL (callback used in the loginRequest) is called. This triggers: UniGUIServerModuleHTTPCommand if ARequestInfo.URI.Contains('/auth') then I extract the TOKEN and the SessionID I sent to Microsoft (it comes back) I store the SessionID in a Dictionary<string,string> so I have SessionID,Token Then set Handled := true; AResponseInfo.Redirect('/?_S_ID='+sID); (ie.. The original session id sent to Microsoft, returned etc). This returns back to the LOGIN form on the ORIGINAL Session_ID. On the FORM_SHOW I check if the Current Session_ID is in the Server Dictionary and if approved. set the LOGIN to mrOK. All seems to be great..!!!! EXCEPT.. Strange Javascript errors appear when I do anything on the main form ??? Any ideas ? If you have been redirected like: LOGIN -> HTTPCommand -> /?_S_ID=xxxxx. Is there anything else you need to keep the session valid ? Thanks Andrew
  13. The link below has a BASIC implementation of SAML for ASP.NET. (323 lines of c# code), a Delphi/uniGUI version would be nice. This would assist in Education / Business sites who use SAML for single-sign-on to take up uniGUI as an option. https://github.com/jitbit/AspNetSaml How SAML works? SAML workflow has 2 steps: User is redirected to the SAML provider (where he authenticates) User is redirected back to your app, where you validate the payload Here's how you do it (this example is for ASP.NET MVC: 1. Redirecting the user to the saml provider: //this example is an ASP.NET MVC action method public ActionResult Login() { //TODO: specify the SAML provider url here, aka "Endpoint" var samlEndpoint = "http://saml-provider-that-we-use.com/login/"; var request = new AuthRequest( "http://www.myapp.com", //TODO: put your app's "entity ID" here "http://www.myapp.com/SamlConsume" //TODO: put Assertion Consumer URL (where the provider should redirect users after authenticating) ); //redirect the user to the SAML provider return Redirect(request.GetRedirectUrl(samlEndpoint)); } 2. User has been redirected back User is sent back to your app - you need to validate the SAML response ("assertion") that you recieved via POST. Here's an example of how you do it in ASP.NET MVC //ASP.NET MVC action method... But you can easily modify the code for Web-forms etc. public ActionResult SamlConsume() { // 1. TODO: specify the certificate that your SAML provider gave you string samlCertificate = @"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH123543== -----END CERTIFICATE-----"; // 2. Let's read the data - SAML providers usually POST it into the "SAMLResponse" var Saml.Response samlResponse = new Response(samlCertificate, Request.Form["SAMLResponse"]); // 3. We're done! if (samlResponse.IsValid()) username = samlResponse.GetNameID(); } Reading more attributes from the provider SAML providers usually send more data with their response: username, first/last names etc. Here's how to get it: if (samlResponse.IsValid()) { //WOOHOO!!! user is logged in //Some more optional stuff for you //let's extract username/firstname etc string username, email, firstname, lastname; try { username = samlResponse.GetNameID(); email = samlResponse.GetEmail(); firstname = samlResponse.GetFirstName(); lastname = samlResponse.GetLastName(); } catch(Exception ex) { //insert error handling code //no, really, please do return null; } //user has been authenticated, put your code here, like set a cookie or something... //or call FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie() or something }
  14. > www.unigui.com ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server Server: Address: ** server can't find www.unigui.com: SERVFAIL forums.unigui.com ;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server Server: Address: ** server can't find forums.unigui.com: SERVFAIL > forums.unigui.com Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: forums.unigui.com Address: Google DNS servers and having problems with your domain. Telstra appears to resolve ok.
  15. No problem Farshad.... All good, understood. :-)
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