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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. Merhaba Hangi sürümü kullanıyorsunuz? Yeni sürümlerde bu sorun çözülmüştü
  2. It will create ajaxevents from client side to server side. All you need is an event to update ui.
  3. In your stuation, something happening in background. You can't update user interface. To be able to update it, you need an event from client side. What i suggest is, add an unitimer to form and set enabled=False when query open. This timer will create events for you.
  4. Hello, If you have points of direction, you can draw a line
  5. Hello, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  6. Please wait new build. Widget column is not ready yet.
  7. var Stream : TStream; PostBody : string; begin if ARequestInfo.Command = 'POST' then begin Stream := ARequestInfo.PostStream; if assigned(Stream) then begin Stream.Position := 0; PostBody := ReadStringFromStream(Stream); end end end;
  8. Hi Please check " HTTP Post Callback - URLFrame - Auto Target" demo Key point is Sc:=UniSession.CallbackUrlEx('mycallback', Self, ['RES', 'OK']); S:=StringReplace(S, '{URL_CALLBACK}', Sc, []);
  9. Hi, Add this onCreate of Form or Frame with UniPanel1, JSInterface do begin JSAddListener('afterrender', JSFunction('sender', ' sender.setBodyStyle("background","transparent"); '+ ' sender.setBodyStyle("frame",false); '+ ' sender.setBodyStyle("border","none");') ); end;
  10. Hi, Nope. Hyperserver will create nodes and every node is isolated. You should put this kind of information to Database.
  11. Hello, Can you please specify, which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  12. We can't add this functionality to uniGUI. You need to use 3rd party components like FastReport or Flexcel
  13. You can't add text to trigger. It can be only icon. Also you don't have to use this client side code. Just set Style := csDropDownList and add 3 triggers.
  14. Hi To make combobox editable:=False, please set style one of this (csDropDownList, csOwnerDrawFixed, csOwnerDrawVariable) For tab issue, can you please create test case?
  15. You can use combobox with triggers. Please check C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\ComboBox Triggers
  16. Hayri ASLAN


    Please consider in demo AligmentControl is "uniAlignmentClient"
  17. Actually we already have onRowCollapseEvent but not published. We will publish it
  18. Merhaba http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/12152-how-to-get-a-curl-post/&do=findComment&comment=64798
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