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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. If it is server side you can use idhttp. It is same with normal vcl application
  2. Do you want to send from client-side or Server-side?
  3. No. Can you please share your customtile url?
  4. Hi, One possible solution : UniServerModule.customCss: .testsvg{ background-image:url(/files/smarthome.svg); } And The Form : UniSpeedButton1.ImageIndex := UniNativeImageList1.AddIconCls('testsvg',uicoCustom );
  5. Do you have any error in console?
  6. You right. Try Icon.iconAnchor := Point(1, 5)
  7. Hi, It is TPoint so you need to use like Marker.Icon.IconAnchor.X and Marker.Icon.IconAnchor.Y
  8. Hello, Please check Marker.Icon.IconAnchor https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.6.0.html#icon-iconanchor
  9. Hi, You can use UniStringGrid. Right now we don't have columns on listbox.
  10. Hi, You need to call UniSweetAlert1.AddInputOptions. AddInputOptions('Caption 1', 'value 1'); AddInputOptions('Caption 2', 'value 2'); AddInputOptions('Caption 3', 'value 3'); Also, I found a bug while testing. Fixed in our side.If you don't want to wait next build Please open UniSweetAlert.pas Change Line 234 to IfThen(Length(FInputOptions) > 0, 'inputOptions'), JSStatement(GeTInputOptionsCommaText), and Line 315 to for i := 0 to Length(FinputOptions)-1 do
  11. Unfortunately not. You need to do this manually.
  12. Hello, We managed to get the component. Please find attached MainModule.pas and check it.MainModule.pas
  13. You can create a form inside of a panel like frame. What is the purpose of converting to frame?
  14. Hi, Can you please explain what are you trying to do? Also can you please create a test case?
  15. Hello, Sorry, can you please specify which edition of UniGUI are you using?
  16. Hayri ASLAN


    Also, UniButtonEdit & UniDBButtonEdit will be released in the next build.
  17. Hayri ASLAN


    uniGUI Equinox (1.90.0) (Q1/2020) New Features Ext JS 7.0.0 ListView CheckCombobox CheckListBox FileUpload Drag & Drop support UniButtonEdit & UniDBButtonEdit UniPanel, UniForm, UniDBGrid ToolsButton property Infinite Grid Infinite List Mobile Canvas Responsive Layout HyperServer additional Transport Channel types   Improvements Pivot Grid client-side designer Improved RowWidget HyperServer Performance Improvements Grid data entry enhancements. uniGUI Quasar (2.0.0) (Q1/2020 – Q2/2020) New Features Linux Support (Embarcadero Delphi) HyperServer - Server Farm Gantt, Scheduler and Calendar components from Bryntum ( Optional will be sold separately ) Improvements More HyperServer improvements Fully Automated Installer
  18. Yada bir parametre ile formCreate de bunu ayarlayabilirsiniz.
  19. Hi, Can you please create test case? I can't reproduce it.
  20. Merhaba Maalesef runtime da bunu yapamazsınız.
  21. Hi, Long-time ago we started to develop it but because of the problems, we stopped. Buffered property comes from those days. It is in our roadmap and we will do it.
  22. Merhaba, UniURLFrame kullanabilirsiniz fakat erişmeye çalıştığınız site sizi domain altında değil ise o sitedeki bilgileri okuyamazsınız. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing hatası alırsınız.
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