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Everything posted by IRWANTO82

  1. can i use separate file with username and date for log file?
  2. IRWANTO82

    Server Logs

    good job my oot, how to add show password button ?
  3. hello sir, godzilla beta for linux is available now if you have yearly support embarcadero you will got emailed
  4. delphi10 bigben will comming with linux support,, i hope it will support with unigui
  5. IRWANTO82


    i hope contabo have shared windows apache hosting, so i can put my small dll to test / demo my client
  6. i hope they want convert they code to native so it's easy to use in lazarus linux
  7. i have license pro user, i will renew if this support lazarus i hope new release support linux, you can contact lazarus team for help for native, i dont want to run standalone in linux with wine/crossover again
  8. is free or not.. ? your .exe http://hayriaslan.net:8079/UniExclusiveDemo.exe
  9. how to show uniscreenmask manually i want to display uniscreen manually after user confirm message, not when user click button using property .ScreenMask my own : uniGUIDialogs.MessageDlg( 'Do you want preview report without filter ?', mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, procedure(Sender: TComponent;Res: Integer) begin case Res of mrYes : begin // showing mask screenmask.show; call_my_report; end; mrNo : begin end; end; end );
  10. i use variable in MainModule FModul : string; in everyform i call this FModul := Self.Name; this is not good because if you open other window, old variable replaced, but maybe can help maybe LogException add to new feature sender parent
  11. nice website,, i hope this sample web will be open source,,
  12. this is isapi, to run in linux run vnc windows + wine + your unigui exe
  13. search high memory in lowendbox.com, i get 5GB cheap linux vps, install your vnc xwindows desktop and run your standalone exe using wine, until now tested running ok or buy http://winity.io/ is cheap vps windows
  14. i think 256MB is not enough,, XWindows VNC eat your resource
  15. i buy new delphi xe5 pro about $1500,, with many component available, so begin from $400 is enough for unigui you must set different type customer so you have different price - standard (standard comp) - pro (with theme etc) - premium (more)
  16. nice info, for dynamic IP maybe we can use inifiles myini := TInifiles.Create('config.ini'); ip := myini.ReadString('general', 'validip', ''); myini.free; but new feature request is possible
  17. i need this too, only specified ip could access it
  18. sir, is your myGPS source for sell too,


    how much price

  19. oh, nice info,,,, i will remove it before login,,, and validation if login success or not
  20. 1. is this using isapi or standalone ???2. if you using isapi .dll how to setup your index website to the .dll, usually i use www.aaaa.com/xxx.dll , so how to setup www.aaaa.com 3. when exit it's run to first web again, how to code it
  21. maybe better you could post full sample so we can try it or link
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