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Everything posted by mierlp

  1. The problem is with al lot more third part components then only uniGUI. I upgrade to Tokyo 10.2.2 and have problems with DevArt myDAC, EHLib, ImageEN There's a fix from december 17 which resolves some issue, but not all. Problems with ImageEN en EHLib are still there. Because of a clean install of my computer i didn't had the time to install uniGui..
  2. ​Hi I use a uniListbox for that with the following functions/code : function FindFiles(searchstr: string; list: TStrings): boolean; var hn: THandle; fd: WIN32_FIND_DATA; begin Result := False; hn := FindFirstFile(PChar(searchstr),fd); if hn <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin Result := True; list.Add(StrPas(fd.cFileName)); while FindNextFile(hn,fd) = True do list.Add(StrPas(fd.cFileName)); end; Windows.FindClose(hn); end; On the form activate the uniLisbox is filled with the names of pdf files procedure TFormExplorAccreditation.UniFormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin UniListBox_Files.Items.Clear; FindFiles(uniServerModule.StartPath+'\files\pdf\'+'*.pdf',UniListBox_Files.Items); end; When the user double clicks on a file name you can use/do something with the file, in this ​case a var will be used and gets the selected file name sSenderFILE := UniListBox_files.Items[uniListBox_Files.ItemIndex]; for extract the directory you can use ExtractFilePath function, but in you case you already know ​the directory name because you need the show the content of a given directory
  3. +1 ...many times this message and the module exists...it looks something if it only happends with large forms/unit (my project contains now 80 forms/units
  4. Hi I restrict it by the limit of users in the user table There's a separate table for the configuration which contains : - company information - field for maxAllowedUsers - field for maxAllowedUsertSessions (how many session a user may start) The can't add more users in the user table as the maxAllowedUser value. I do all the checks at the user login and decide what to do: - when the maxAllowdUsers is reached - when the maxAllowdUserSessions is reached Now it's only a matter of controlling the parameters. For me it's working Regards Peter
  5. Hi Erich Nice solutions...where or what's best placeo to define the array...on mainform, mainmodule, servermodule ? regards Peter
  6. Hi What causes this error ? In a existing project my gmap works, in new one i got this message regards Peter
  7. Other option is https://www.strato.com/en_us/server/windows-vps i have 2 vps servers running there..and is perfect. unlimited traffic, lots of storage and good HP 3par hardware.
  8. Hi, On my form there a several datasources. The every datasource has a onStateChange with the ​following code to enable/disable buttons. This works like i want. procedure TFormTableProduction.dsProductionBasicDayStateChange( Sender: TObject); begin if dmProduction.ProductionBasicDay.State in [dsBrowse] then begin FormTableProductionDay.UniBitBtn_Add.Enabled := True; FormTableProductionDay.UniBitBtn_Delete.Enabled := True; FormTableProductionDay.UniBitBtn_Save.Enabled := False; FormTableProductionDay.UniBitBtn_Cancel.Enabled := False; end; if dmProduction.ProductionBasicDay.State in [dsInsert,dsEdit] then begin FormTableProductionDay.UniBitBtn_Add.Enabled := False; FormTableProductionDay.UniBitBtn_Delete.Enabled := False; FormTableProductionDay.UniBitBtn_Save.Enabled := True; FormTableProductionDay.UniBitBtn_Cancel.Enabled := True; end; end; Attached sample form. When the user hits the button with the (dutch) text 'Beheren productie dagen' then a second form will be opened for adding prodution days. Because the datasource for this table is also on the first form the buttons for addind/editing in this form are not responding to the state. In the windows variant of the application i use : if ( Assigned( FormTableProductionDay ) ) then begin ...my code end; But in uniGui thats not working...how can i solve this?
  9. Hi Thanks for the tips...a working example is attached. BUT...one question how to make it that the latest opened form is always on top. when i open form 1, i'ts on top...when opening form 2 after that it's NOT on top and only visible when closing form 1. AlywayOnTop is not working example1.zip
  10. hi how can i open every form in the same uniContainer or a panel The form must be maximized opened in the uniContainer panel. example.zip
  11. Hi Finally i have my form design with non borders. Therefore i use on the form: UniEvents -> Window.BeforeInit with this code: config.baseCls='frmNoBorderRadius'; config.cls='frmNoBorderRadius'; That works good, see attachment 1 When opening the first form, it is with NO border and just perfect. When i leave the form open and then open a second form...there is a border...see attachement 2 at the right and bottom border/shadow. When opening the first form and close it, and then open a second form...there's no problem/border..so thats good. I can reproduce it and when restarting the application than it works good, till i open 2 forms I use it with the Win10 theme. Other themes are having other problems with no borders and show som white marges left and at the bottom of the form What can cause this behavior and better how to solve it.
  12. hi When using a theme the most showmessage are displayed with a clBtnFace background instead of white. See attachement. The background of the text area is clBtnFace. The behavior of a showmessage depends on the theme you are using. How to change the background text area ? Regards Peter
  13. Hi How can i add other button languages to the SweetAlert. Is there a file which contains the translation or do i have the edit the UniSFSweetAlert I can change the Portugese value for Yes and No into the value for dutch but when selecting the language for the component i can choose from English and Potugese. And is itpossible to make the buttons same size/length Regards Peter
  14. Hi If i buy this theme is it possible to use it in uniGui and how to do this ? Regards Peter
  15. mierlp


    Hi for e-mail is use : https://www.emailarchitect.net/easendmail Works well in windows apps and unigui. They also have a component EASendMail SMTP Service for bulk mail sending. You send the e-mails to a queue and the services picked it up and sends the mail. Regards Peter
  16. Hi GerhardV Looks very nice...any idea when to share? regards Peter
  17. Sorry...yes for end-user-design capabilities
  18. Hi, I was wondering how you facilitate report design for your application. For my new application there will be 10 standard (Fast) reports. I use FastReport and you can't use the designer with uniGui. Do you create a Windows application which contains the same dataset/fields and design the report and when it's ready upload to the server ? Or how do you facilitate ? Regards Peter
  19. hi I'm still struggling with the opening and positioning of a panel...and there is a difference between opening at the onCreateEvent of the Mainform and calling it with by code I have build : ServerModule.MainFormDisplay - mfPage FormMain as Main form and menu FormTableEvents with no borders and layout = fit .........that works When you start the application i created a FormMain.OnCreateEvent with the following code : FormTableEvents.Parent := Self; FormTableEvents.Show(); This is opening the form and places the panel directly in the center ....that works BUT When you close this form and then click on the menu button 'Tabellen' and 'Evenementen' (sorry it's dutch language) the form will be opened but the panel starts at the left site and is then centered I did try some things like : AlignmentControl = uniAlignmentServer but the the panel is also resized of the full width Layout = several options but not working for what i need Has anyone suggestions or is this a bug or do i need to build it otherways. The reason why i build it this way is you don't have borders showing of the form. Regards Peter mijnSeminar.zip
  20. mierlp

    Design question

    Hi For a new application i'm going to try it building in uniGui. A lot of web application i see are using the full width of the browser...sometimes that looks oke but sometimes it's uggly. I have lots of forms which contains a dbgrid, dbnavigator en 3 fields because these are lookup tables. Design them over the full with doesn't look beautifull. So may question is...what's you're approach for design you web application, see examples which i quickly draw with Pencil. (great tool for quick design mock-up for a customer) Regards Peter
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