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  1. Hello I have same problems too : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/9587-error-link-to-module-unimainmodule-which-cannot-be-found/and It is random.
  2. Hello I want to sign pdf with jar run at client. Does unigui support run jar at client? Thank you
  3. +1. Is there anything new about this error. I have many times this message. Thank you.
  4. Hello Sometime i open datamodule or form, I have error "Module 'xxxx' links to module 'UniMainModule' which cannot be found in the current project. Do you wish to remove/redirect the links to other module?" If I close project and reopen it, error disappear. How to fix it? Thank you Tuan
  5. Dear Farshad I will do it in next month. Now I had some problem with Unigui. The first is http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/9291-dbgrid-refresh-column-total-of-row-after-edit-column-qty/&do=findComment&comment=48017. Can I use UniEdit instead of UniDBEdit. The second is DoSetRemoteValue is called before JSEventHandler. If I buy UniGui, Can I has solution to fix it? Sorry for my English. Tuan
  6. Thank for your support I must use TUniDBEdit because from http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/9291-dbgrid-refresh-column-total-of-row-after-edit-column-qty/&do=findComment&comment=48017 If I use TUniDBEdit, value of column 4 from 200 will be update to 0 after I press tab (same value as I press enter). But now problem is not edit in grid, Now my problem is new control base on TUniDBEdit which has trigger to show lookup dialog. If field's onvalidation is called after call JSEventHandler (AEventName = 'Triggerclick'), I can disable onvalidation => show lookup => do something => re enable onvalidation at end. But now field's onvalidation is called before call JSEventHandler.
  7. No, from call stack. Please help, I must show 2 or 3 forms of unigui to my boss before decide use unigui.
  8. I create new control base on TUniDBEdit, it has trigger to show lookup dialog. I use this control in grid column editor (name accountEdit1) and name accountEdit2 in other Fieldset (second TagSheet) The first if I edit grid column, press trigger button, lookup dialog show before call field's onvalidation. The second if I edit accountEdit2 control, press trigger button, field's onvalidation call before lookup dialog show. I debugged, on the first procedure DoSetRemoteValue don't call, on the second procedure DoSetRemoteValue call before JSEventHandler. Why has difference behavior of same control? I use Trial Sorry for my English.
  9. Up. Please help me I am using
  10. Thank you very much, ComboBox.ItemIndex := 0 is working. Tuan
  11. I try to use TUniDBEdit instead of TUniEdit. Value of column 4 will be updated from 200 to 0 when press tab., but originalValue is still 200. I debug http and found request : Ajax=1&IsEvent=1&Obj=O229&Evt=edit&VR=&V=0.00&O=200&R=0&C=3&RN=undefined&_S_ID=EtfhXXORhh100714B47&_seq_=22&_uo_=O16D Is there any way to update originalValue to value when control has focus?
  12. I am using Complete Professional Trial.
  13. #1 From you at : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/9013-color-one-item-in-tuniradiogroup/
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