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Everything posted by Tokay

  1. You could at this stage (optionally, in OnShow event) hide form, and later another will show.
  2. Tokay

    TUniForm is Open

    I think it could possible do additional check: Form := UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TUniFormVisualizarTarefa, False); if (not Assigned(Form)) and (not Form.Visible) then ..... form closed
  3. You could use any web client to get data from any website, for example: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/System.Net.HttpClientComponent.TNetHTTPClient
  4. Obviously unigui prort is open in other app. Change unigui port or close app wich has open port.
  5. I think that you can post a screenshot what are you looking for.
  6. Is it possible to control which Calendar Id is allowed to put one to another or not. For example, to allow putting Calendar Id 2 on Calendar Id 1 but Calendar Id 3 - not.
  7. Ok, I understood. One more question. Does it posiible to restrict time events overlaing?
  8. Up. See many questions about time slot changing. We need 15 minutes time slot. Does it possible in actual versions?
  9. Not full. uniTools are still closed
  10. Related issues Added high text to the UniHTMLMemos. And tools became half-hidden, right scrollbars does not view. On Windows all works well:
  11. Hi, this is great soultion for my purpose. It's do about ideal what's needed: I put a label to the UniPageControl1. But how to center label vertically on the corner? And a bit push label to left from right border?
  12. Tokay


    Condolences from Belarus and hope that with Farshad all is ok.
  13. After changing bottom window margin panel disappear at all:
  14. Moreover. I have same issue on different theme. Classic: Carbon (BTW pay attention to the button, it has no picture): Delphi 10.4.2, Ubuntu 18, FireFox, 1562 UniGui
  15. We've found solution: span.x-btn-inner-default-toolbar-large { font-size: 11px; } 11px on default theme. I've set 10px in the project.
  16. Кидай тестовый проект, может саппорт посмотрит и будут идеи что тут придумать.
  17. Вот примерный код того что тебе нужно: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var lMainForm: TMainForm; lUniButton: TUniButton; MainModule: TUniMainModule; Session: TUniGUISession; begin Session := UniServerModule.GetSession('id второй сессии'); if Assigned(Session) then begin MainModule := TUniMainModule(Session.UniApplication.UniMainModule); lMainForm := TMainForm(MainModule.GetFormInstance(TMainForm, False)); lUniButton := TUniButton.Create(lMainForm); lUniButton.Parent := lMainForm; end; end; Единственное тебе нужно как-то найти ID сессии в которую надо пристроить кнопку.
  18. You could try soime kind of the profiler to find what exatly your process does to take all CPU core time.
  19. About the same as on Windows: put certificates + key, install OpenSSL lib.
  20. Could you please help me find CSS style at least for toolbutton labels? They are huge:
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