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Wilton Ergon

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Everything posted by Wilton Ergon

  1. I give up using this version, I went back to I had many problems with grids, mobile, among others, it has been a long time since a new release has been released, we hope that in the next ones, it will be more stable. do you use, something indispensable in this version ?, if not, I suggest returning ...
  2. you said you have a timer running every 1 second, you already tried to disable all timers, to see if the problem continues. here I have a much larger number of sections, and I don't have that problem.
  3. this occurs when you upload a new version, I have not used this feature of unigui, I prefer to upload the version directly on the server, and restart the site on IIS, of course, all clients will be taken down
  4. enter everything in the unigui, go deep, and you will not regret it ..
  5. keep that topic on top, so that everyone has knowledge.
  6. see.. type TfrmLogin = class(TUniLoginForm) <<<---- ... initialization RegisterAppFormClass(TfrmLogin);
  7. I went back to version 1526, it didn't happen anymore. I had a lot of problems with 1535, I will wait longer until it is more stable. nor will I list the problems here, because the forum already has several posts about all of them.
  8. I have today, almost 100 sites on a server, and on each site running with hyperserver, hundreds of connections, today I use 32-bit hyperserver dll, I can use 64-bit dll, even using the 32-bit unigui application, I will have some gain thereby?
  9. randomly, when I press any control on the cell phone, this message appears to me, when I try again it works. it appears that you are not encountering the event associated with the button. I realized that in the message a control code is displayed, servermodule options / soControlNameasID = true servermodulde supperssErros errObjectNotFound and errAjax = False ---->>>> will be that if changing this property can stop showing the error? unigui delphi Rio
  10. yes, i see a lot of news that indy is outdated, and there are better solutions, our dear master fashard, i already said that he has plans to implement other http communication means, let's wait for him to comment on that.
  11. I'm sorry about that, but this code was enough and there were never problems with dates
  12. in your mainform properties/script-> add Ext.QuickTips.init(); Ext.form.field.Date.prototype.altFormats="dmY|m/d/Y|n/j/Y|n/j/y|m/j/y|n/d/y|m/j/Y|n/d/Y|m-d-y|m-d-Y|m/d|m-d|md|mdy|mdY|d|Y-m-d|n-j|n/j"; this will affect all controls in your project It is legal that the user can only enter the numerical part, which will be added to the bars. your user types 25122020 (ddmmyyyy) will be changed to 25/12/2020
  13. Eu usei uma lista de caixas de seleção muito antes de o componente existir, isso é muito fácil de criar. você apenas cria dinamicamente componentes tunicheckbox em um tuniscrollbox e associar o evento click a uma função que tornará o salvamento do registro muito simples de fazer. //sample // sbox ->tuniscrollbox while not qry.eof do Begin cb :=TUniCheckBox.Create(sbox); cb.parent :=sbox; cb.caption :=formatfloat('000',qryid.Value)+'-'+qryDescription.value; cb.AlignWithMargins :=true; cb.Align :=alTop; cb.onclick :=clickcheck; qry.Next; End; procedure tform.clickcheck(sender:tobject); var i:integer; begin for I := 0 to sbox.ComponentCount-1 do begin if tunicheckbox(sbox.Components).Checked then //execute update end; end;
  14. it is not just about having an ide, and the compiler as it would? and all internal ecosystem of the functions of vcl, how would it be done? it would be easier to make the unigui compatible with the lazarus, which already has all this for free.
  15. this disabled option caused me a lot of random problems with dbgrid, see if in your project this is disabled
  16. sherzod, the attachment appears to be exactly the same as the previous one
  17. your example works perfectly, but it only removes the menu items, as I do to reassemble them and return the ones that were removed. if (me._rtext.indexOf(record.get("text")) > -1) {'+ ' record.remove()'+ ???? the example of friend Sherzod, applied only one filter to the menu items, this one does and removes the item, I need to recompose the items to return to the original state.
  18. I also need this, when the user changes the access profile in the main menu, I must reload the menu, and depending on the profile it may be necessary to hide some menus, and this only works in the create form, it is not working after that
  19. I would have already left datasnap, use restdatawhere, and totally free, and much more stable than datasnap
  20. yes, you will need a query, but you don't necessarily need to have a table in the bank for that. you can simulate a table like this sample qry.sql.text :='SELECT ''QUOTE'' DESCRIPTION,0 ID UNION SELECT ''Confirmed'' DESCRIPTION,1 ID UNION SELECT ''DELIVERED'' DESCRIPTION,2 ID' LINK datasource with tunidbloockupcombobox
  21. https://store.falconsistemas.com.br/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwupD4BRD4ARIsABJMmZ_QFRABkbdhoP8au95YMrweq3wkOcpc3KJa4HyzKaEVm0WHGJzfWD8aAuHQEALw_wcB here it is.
  22. someone else is going through this, there is nothing wrong with my application because it shows correctly in version 1534, only in the others and that the problem occurs, so and it seems clear that it is something in the newer versions that causes the problem
  23. STANDARD THEME in the examples it doesn't happen either, only in my project and only after the update, in the previous version, it works normally
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