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  1. taskkill /f /im $(OUTPUTFILENAME) 2>1 || exit /B 0
  2. Good Morning, I would like to know if it is possible to integrate REM Objects SDK along with UniGui to make a connection to an application server. This is with the purpose of the use of the application server methods since this server processes the data, make queries and affects the database. In other way if i can't use REM, is there some place in the frame where i can integrate my custom remote functions invocations? I would really appreciate any help, Thank you.
  3. Hi , In fact, I have long been eager to create a Responsive web app with Unigui. Of course, it's enough to create an app that handles administrative or massive data with Unigui. However, sometimes there are a lot of demands for design from clients and for responsive web. With UniGui's UniGUIServerModuleHTTPCommand, you can create a responsive and responsive app that meets your needs. However, this approach is often annoying when dealing with Unigui's greatest strength, Dataset. So, to make the best use of Unigui's advantages and to avoid the inconvenience of forming datasets, I wrote a very small module and named it dbfoxScript. As the name implies, it not only imports Datasets from the server, but also makes them faithful to the CRUD role. Therefore, if you need to add or modify datasets, you can speed up your development by minimizing the compile behavior after opening and modifying the Server Module like the previous development. Of course, developing a Web app in HTML can be a tiring thing. We are already familiar with Unigui through intuitive and easy development. <About dbfoxScript> It is a simple script made only for CRUD. select, insert, update, delete, upload (File). It can be used when using Ajax with Unigui Server instead of PHP, JSP, ASP. Currently, it is under testing, and will make minimal functionality. It was easy to create using Unigui's modules and components. nice connections with jQuery mobile, ReAct native, Ionic, and so on. Supported RDBs are SQL server, Firebird, MySQL and so on ( with UniDac ) <Configuration> 1. Webserver: Unigui 2. dbfoxScript: Unigui 3. Designed Templete: Luna (Comercial) * Design choice is up to you. 4. Sample Database: Firebird 5. Unidac Lets start !! 1. prepare to connect Database -- open settinginfo.ini and Edit yours !! [UNIDAC] ProviderName=Interbase Server= Username=SYSDBA Password=masterkey Database=<youPath>\uni_dbfox_ajax_unidac_luna_master\IBDATA\uni_demo.fdb Provider=prAuto //Provider=prDirect //Provider=prAuto ( Firebird ) 2. how to call foxscript in javascript - remember ( CRUD means that those are 'select, update,delete,insert , upload ) - refer ServerModule.pas - this is for only 'select' query // sample 1 . dbfox/Datatables_member.html function get_member(){ var search_key = $("#search_member_name").val() ; if (search_key=='') { search_key = '' ; } else { search_key = search_key ; } var params = { foxFileName : 'member.fox', //[restrict] - only write fox file name ( should not use with folder ) foxTagName : 'fox@select_member', search_name : '%'+search_key+'%' }; //******************************************************** //connect Database and Return Selected Dataset as Json - That's it //******************************************************** var data = dbfox_ajaxRequest( 'select' , params ) ; console.log( data[0]); That'all . BTW , what params mean ? - first , open fox file dbfox/scriptures/member.fox - second look for Tag of fox@select_member - Automatically , it makes SQL statement and return jsonDataset to Client. /********************* * member.fox * */ <fox@select_member> SELECT member_id , member_name , member_image_filename , userid , password , indate , zaddr1 FROM MEMBER WHERE member_name LIKE :search_name </fox@select_member> * foxScript will return jsonDataset . 3. ServerModule.pas procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleHTTPCommand( ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo; var Handled: Boolean); var r : string ; params : TStrings ; begin //1.select if UpperCase(ARequestInfo.URI) = UpperCase( '/SELECT' ) then begin Handled := true; r := remote_Select( params ) ; AResponseInfo.ContentText := r ; end; //----- refer source about Insert , delete , upload(File/Image) end; uni_dbfox_ajax_unidac_luna_master.zip
  4. Attached here has an example of the problem. Notice that the creation works normal in the create of the form, but in onSHow or anywhere else it doesn't work. IconCombobox.rar
  5. I cannot catch errors with Eurekalog in Unigui project. I'm compiling the GumProWebRT.exe project and running it. GumProWeb.dll project uses parents. I followed the steps in the link below to set up a EurEkaLog to UniGui Delphi Compiler :DelphiXE7 Eurekalog version: The contents of the configuration file are below. The configuration file: uniGUI.eof : [Exception Log] EurekaLog Version=7007 Activate Handle=1 Activate=1 atCGI=0 atCLX=0 atConsole=0 atCPL=0 atDLL=1 atFixSafeCallException=0 atFMX=0 atIntraWeb=0 atISAPI=0 atMT=0 atService=0 AttachedFiles="" atVCL=0 atWin32=0 AutoCloseDialogSecs=0 AutoCrashMinutes=1 AutoCrashNumber=10 AutoCrashOperation=0 boCallRTLExceptionEvent=0 boCatchHandledExceptions=0 boCopyLogInCaseOfError=1 boDoNotPauseELServiceThread=1 boDoNotPauseMainThread=0 boHandleSafeCallExceptions=0 boPauseELThreads=0 boPauseRTLThreads=0 boPauseWindowsThreads=0 boSaveCompressedCopyInCaseOfError=0 boUseChainedExceptions=1 boUseMainModuleOptions=0 cfoCheckFileCorruption=0 cfoReduceFileSize=1 CompatibilityMode=0 csoAllowedRenderMethods=32 csoCaptureDelphiExceptions=1 csoCaptureOnlyModuleExceptions=1 csoDisabledRenderMethods=-2147483648 csoDoNotStoreProcNames=0 csoShowBPLs=1 csoShowDLLs=1 csoShowELThreads=0 csoShowInvalid=0 csoShowPointers=0 csoShowRTLThreads=0 csoShowWindowsThreads=0 Custom HELO command="" CustomExceptionMessage="There was an error. If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost." CustomTrackerName="" Debug=0 DebugDLL="" DebugInfoSource=1 DebugPath="" DefaultThreadState=1 DeferredCallStacks=1 DeleteMapAfterCompile=1 Dialog Class="TMessageBoxDialog" Dialogs on taskbar=0 DoNotAlterMSBuildEvents=1 DoNotTouch=0 DoNotTouchCompilation=0 DoNotTouchOptions=0 DoNotTouchPackages=0 DoNotTouchUnits=0 dpDLLExports=0 dpJCL=0 dpMadExcept=0 dpMap=0 dpMicrosoft=0 dpTD32=0 EarlyCapture=0 ECC32TradeSpeedForMemory=0 edoAttachScreenshotChecked=1 edoAutoSize=1 edoInstallCtrlCHook=1 edoOwnedWindow=1 edoSendErrorReportChecked=1 edoShowAttachScreenshotOption=1 edoShowCopyToClipOption=1 edoShowCustomButton=0 edoShowDetailsButton=1 edoShowInTopMostMode=0 edoShowModal=1 edoShowSendErrorReportOption=1 edoUseEurekaLogLookAndFeel=0 edoUseNativeMessageBox=1 edoUseRealIcon=0 edoUseRealName=0 ELX+EL=0 Encrypt Password="" Errors Number=1 Errors Terminate=0 EventLog_Category=0 EventLog_Computer="" EventLog_EventID=0 EventLog_Name="" ExternalConfig="" FiltersCount=0 Foreground Tab=1 Freeze Activate=0 Freeze Debugger Disable=1 Freeze Timeout=4 HTMLLayout="%U003Chtml%U003E\r\n %U003Chead%U003E\r\n %U003C%%content_type%%%U003E\r\n %U003Cmeta http-equiv=\qcontent-style-type\q content=\qtext/css\q /%U003E\r\n %U003Ctitle%U003E%U003C%%TITLE%%%U003E%U003C/title%U003E\r\n %U003C/head%U003E\r\n %U003Cbody%U003E\r\n %U003Ch1%U003EInternal Application Error%U003C/h1%U003E\r\n %U003Cp%U003E%U003C%%EXCEPTION_MESSAGE%%%U003E%U003C/p%U003E\r\n %U003Cp%U003E%U003Chr width=\q100%%\q%U003E\r\n %U003Cp%U003EThe exception details were saved to log file. Contact site administrator.%U003C/p%U003E\r\n %U003C/body%U003E\r\n%U003C/html%U003E" idConsole=0 idEurekaLog=0 idEurekaLogDetailed=0 idMSClassic=0 idService=0 idStepsToReproduce=0 idWeb=0 idWER=0 InjectCode=0 InjectInfo=1 InjectOptions=1 loAddBugIDInLogFileName=0 loAddComputerNameInLogFileName=1 loAddDateInLogFileName=1 loAllowManualActivation=0 loAppendReproduceText=0 loAppendReproduceTextOnlyWhenSending=1 loAttemptToUseSharedMM=0 loCatchLeaks=1 loCatchLeaksExceptions=1 loDeleteLogAtVersionChange=0 loEmptyFreedMemory=1 loEnableMMDebugMode=0 loFreeAllLeaks=0 loGroupsSonLeaks=1 loHideRTLLeaks=1 loMaxLeaks=30 loModulesSecton=1 loNoDuplicateErrors=0 loOnlyUnderDebugger=1 loOnlyUnderIDE=1 loProcessesSection=0 loRAWTracing=0 loResAllowManualOverride=0 loResCatchLeaks=0 loResHideRTLLeaks=1 loResOnlyUnderDebugger=1 loResOnlyUnderIDE=1 loResRAWStackTrace=0 loSaveAssemblerAndCPUSections=1 loShareMM=0 Mandatory e-mail=0 MiniDumpCreate=0 MiniDumpOptions=0 MinLeakSizeName=0 MinLeakSizeNameObjs=0 NestedExceptionMessage=3 NestedExceptionsStack=2 Output Path=".\\EurekaLog\\Bug Reports\\%%_ThisModuleName%%\\" Pack dump=1 Pack HTML=1 Pack report=1 Pack screenshot=1 Pack XML=1 PostFailureBuildEvent="" PostSuccessfulBuildEvent="" PreBuildEvent="" Presave report=1 ProjectID="" Save Log File=1 seBugZilla=0 seFogBugz=0 seFTP=0 seHTTP=0 seJIRA=0 seMantis=0 seMAPI=0 Sender Classes="" seSMAPI=0 seSMTP=0 ShowEMailControl=0 SlowAndSafe=1 sndAddBugIDInFileName=1 sndAddComputerNameInFileName=0 sndAddDateInFileName=1 sndBugZillaAppendText=0 sndBugZillaBasicAuthLogin="" sndBugZillaBasicAuthPassword="" sndBugZillaBugIDFieldName="" sndBugZillaComponent="" sndBugZillaCountFieldName="" sndBugZillaLogin="your-account" sndBugZillaOwner="" sndBugZillaPassword="" sndBugZillaPort=80 sndBugZillaProject="" sndBugZillaProxyHost="" sndBugZillaProxyLogin="" sndBugZillaProxyPassword="" sndBugZillaProxyPort=8080 sndBugZillaSSL=0 sndBugZillaUploadFilesForDups=0 sndBugZillaURL="www.example.com/folder/" sndBugZillaUseEMail=0 sndBugZillaUseHardware=1 sndBugZillaUseOS=1 sndBugZillaUseVersion=1 sndBugZillaVersion="" sndDeleteFileAfterSend=1 sndFogBugzAppendText=0 sndFogBugzArea="" sndFogBugzBasicAuthLogin="" sndFogBugzBasicAuthPassword="" sndFogBugzBugIDFieldName="" sndFogBugzCategory="" sndFogBugzHost="www.example.com/folder/" sndFogBugzID="" sndFogBugzLogin="your-account" sndFogBugzOwner="" sndFogBugzPassword="" sndFogBugzPort=80 sndFogBugzProject="" sndFogBugzProxyLogin="" sndFogBugzProxyPass="" sndFogBugzProxyPort=8080 sndFogBugzProxyURL="" sndFogBugzSSL=0 sndFogBugzUploadFilesForDups=0 sndFogBugzUseComputer=1 sndFogBugzUseEMail=1 sndFogBugzUseVersion=1 sndFTPLogin="your-account" sndFTPPassive=1 sndFTPPassword="" sndFTPPort=21 sndFTPProcy="" sndFTPProxyLogin="" sndFTPProxyPass="" sndFTPProxyPort=8080 sndFTPURL="www.example.com/folder/" sndHTTPAuthLogin="" sndHTTPAuthPass="" sndHTTPPort=80 sndHTTPProxy="" sndHTTPProxyLogin="" sndHTTPProxyPass="" sndHTTPProxyPort=8080 sndHTTPSSL=0 sndHTTPURL="www.example.com/folder/" sndJIRAAppendText=0 sndJIRAComponent="" sndJIRACountFieldName="" sndJIRAHost="www.example.com/folder/" sndJIRAIssueType="Bug" sndJIRALogin="your-account" sndJIRAOwner="" sndJIRAPassword="" sndJIRAPort=80 sndJIRAProject="" sndJIRAProxyLogin="" sndJIRAProxyPass="" sndJIRAProxyPort=8080 sndJIRAProxyURL="" sndJIRASSL=0 sndJIRAUploadFilesForDups=0 sndJIRAUseVersion="" sndMantisAppendText=0 sndMantisBasicAuthLogin="" sndMantisBasicAuthPass="" sndMantisBugIDFieldName="" sndMantisCategory="" sndMantisCountFieldName="" sndMantisLogin="your-account" sndMantisOwner="" sndMantisPassword="" sndMantisPort=80 sndMantisProject="" sndMantisProxy="" sndMantisProxyLogin="" sndMantisProxyPassw="" sndMantisProxyPort=8080 sndMantisSSL=0 sndMantisUploadFilesForDups=0 sndMantisURL="www.example.com/folder/" sndMantisUseWSDL=1 sndMantisVersion="" sndMAPIAppendLogs=0 sndMAPIMessage="%%_ExceptMsg%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_CallStack%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_Reproduce%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_LineBreak%%" sndMAPISubject="%%_ThisModuleName%%: %%_ExceptType%% (Bug %%_BugID%%; v%%_ThisModuleVer%%)" sndMAPITarget="your-email@example.com" sndPack=1 sndScreenshot=0 sndSendEntireLog=0 sndSendInSeparatedThread=0 sndSendLastHTMLPage=1 sndSendXMLLogCopy=0 sndShellEncode=0 sndShellMessage="%%_ExceptMsg%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_CallStack%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_Reproduce%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_LineBreak%%" sndShellRecepient="your-email@example.com" sndShellSubject="%%_ThisModuleName%%: %%_ExceptType%% (Bug %%_BugID%%; v%%_ThisModuleVer%%)" sndShellUseShellExecute=0 sndShellUTF8=0 sndShowFailureMsg=0 sndShowSendDialog=0 sndShowSuccessBugClosedOnly=0 sndShowSuccessMsg=0 sndSMAPIAppendLogs=0 sndSMAPIMessage="%%_ExceptMsg%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_CallStack%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_Reproduce%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_LineBreak%%" sndSMAPISubject="%%_ThisModuleName%%: %%_ExceptType%% (Bug %%_BugID%%; v%%_ThisModuleVer%%)" sndSMAPITarget="your-email@example.com" sndSMTPClientAppendLogs=0 sndSMTPClientFrom="your-email@example.com" sndSMTPClientHost="smtp.example.com" sndSMTPClientIgnoreSSLErrors=0 sndSMTPClientLogin="your-account" sndSMTPClientMessage="%%_ExceptMsg%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_CallStack%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_Reproduce%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_LineBreak%%" sndSMTPClientPassword="" sndSMTPClientPort=25 sndSMTPClientSSL=0 sndSMTPClientSubject="%%_ThisModuleName%%: %%_ExceptType%% (Bug %%_BugID%%; v%%_ThisModuleVer%%)" sndSMTPClientTarget="your-email@example.com" sndSMTPClientTLS=0 sndSMTPClientUseRealEMail=0 sndSMTPServerAppendLogs=0 sndSMTPServerFrom="your-email@example.com" sndSMTPServerMessage="%%_ExceptMsg%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_CallStack%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_Reproduce%%%%_LineBreak%%%%_LineBreak%%" sndSMTPServerPort=25 sndSMTPServerSSL=0 sndSMTPServerSubject="%%_ThisModuleName%%: %%_ExceptType%% (Bug %%_BugID%%; v%%_ThisModuleVer%%)" sndSMTPServerTarget="your-email@example.com" sndSMTPServerTLS=0 sndSMTPServerUseRealEMail=0 sndTimeout=60000 soActCtlsControlClass=0 soActCtlsControlText=0 soActCtlsFormClass=0 soActCtlsFormText=0 soAppCompilationDate=0 soAppName=0 soAppParameters=0 soAppStartDate=0 soAppUpTime=0 soAppVersionNumber=0 soCmpDisplayDPI=0 soCmpDisplayMode=0 soCmpFreeDisk=0 soCmpFreeMemory=0 soCmpName=0 soCmpPrinter=0 soCmpProcessor=0 soCmpSysUpTime=0 soCmpTotalDisk=0 soCmpTotalMemory=0 soCmpVideoCard=0 soCmpVM=0 soCustomData=0 soExcCount=0 soExcDate=0 soExcModuleName=0 soExcModuleVersion=0 soExcNote=0 soExcStatus=0 soNetDHCP=0 soNetDNS1=0 soNetDNS2=0 soNetGateway=0 soNetIP=0 soNetSubmask=0 soOSBuildN=0 soOSCharset=0 soOSInstallLanguage=0 soOSLanguage=0 soOSType=0 soOSUILanguage=0 soOSUpdate=0 soStepsToReproduce=1 soUserCompany=0 soUserEmail=1 soUserID=0 soUserName=1 soUserPrivileges=0 Stats=0 StoreEmptyUnits=1 SupportULR="" TDSCompleteRoutines=0 TDSCompleteUnits=0 TerminateBtn Checked=1 TerminateBtn Operation=2 TextsCollection="Default" UseExceptionComments=1 UseLowLevel=1 WebErrorCode=200 WERCustomizeReport=1 WERDumpType=0 WERPassThroughUnexpected=0 WERPassThroughUnhandled=0 WERSubmitAddRegisteredData=1 WERSubmitHonorRecovery=1 WERSubmitHonorRestart=1 WERSubmitNoArchive=0 WERSubmitNoCloseUI=0 WERSubmitNoQueue=0 WERSubmitOutOfProcess=1 WERSubmitOutOfProcessAsync=0 WERSubmitQueue=0 WERSubmitShowDebug=0 WERSubmitStartMinimized=0 ZipPassword=""
  6. Olá pessoal! Estamos com um problema ao colocar um scroll e rolar a pagina para baixo o componente htmlframe fica parado sem rolar junto com os demais elementos. Link para o vídeo mostrando o erro --- > http://www.grsoft.com.br/videos/VideoErroScroll.mp4 Agradecemos quem poder ajudar!
  7. Greetings, Currently, we are working on a application that already has a server setup (Windows Server 2012) loading a project like client-server adopting IIS and HyperServer (along side uniGUI), and these one's are been configured into DataSnap. But, a few days ago, my application starts to freezing and crash, and it's necessary to restart them again. uniGUI it's already attached into HyperSever and stablished correctly into client. By the way, we have DataSnap in Server-Side (case this one will crash) all our services it will stop. And i would like to know if there's any kind of settings i must be set into my application (or right into Datasnap, maybe?) or really should i search for another kind of Data Transference which it would be eficient and responsive (more them this one) which i use today? Best Regards!
  8. Quando dou um groupbox.enabled := false, ele fica com um efeito feio muito estranho, fica tudo cinza e nao da pra ver os dados dos componentes. alguem saberia como tirar esse efeito?
  9. Bom dia pessoal!! Será que alguém pode me ajudar? Alguém tem conhecimento se consigo desenvolver um projeto com Unigui (Delphi Seattle) onde consigo gerar um EXE para rodar também local, ou seja, via browser e local? Obrigado! Raphael
  10. Hello , I am getting an error of unguicorex.res file not found in my current project. i wont be able to resolve this error kindly help thanks in advance
  11. Hi everyone, yesterday I started working with the TUniChart component, I've only a little problem: How can I create a Chart with only one BarSerie with columns of different colors? At this moment I only undestanded how to insert different Series and color them, but it doesn't fit for my case. Thanks for answers and best regards.
  12. Hi everyone, this is my first topic and I'm asking your help about the LayoutConfig property that seems to be absent in the property list. In my case I have a TUniDBFormattedNumberEdit and I want to set the sub-property Width to 80% in order to stretch the component if the page size change. How can I do that? Thanks for your answers.
  13. Greetings and Regards What did it do to call and use JavaScript functions in unigui? There are sample usage functions in the Html file @Sherzod @Farshad Mohajeri html.zip
  14. Hi, I'm using nginx to redirect my unigui applications on IIS, but I need help to setting up. When nginx redirects an application to location, the files sources don't work. I've alredy tried to change ExtRoot and UniRoot, but without success. nginx conf upstream amteste { server localhost:91; } server { listen 80; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port; location = /amteste { return 301 /amteste/; } location /amteste/ { proxy_pass http://amteste/; } } Is it possible? Any idea?
  15. when I run TUniFileUpload's Execute method, it opens me to a screen of TUniFileUpload itself which is a non visual component, so I can't know how to handle his css. all of components IDs is auto generated and if i change some css with classname can update css of other buttons because the name of classes are the same.. Would anyone have any suggestions?
  16. Hi, I want to add optional two-factor authentication during login into my Delphi win32 application. Using: Delphi 10.1 Berlin Enterprise User logs in using normal username and password. On his mobile phone he have the Google Authenticator application, which is the code that he needs to enter in the application. What would be the easiest way to set this up? A very basic example would be appreciated. Thanks.
  17. hi how to change version of jquery ? <script src="/uni-"></script> to new version jquery New Version of &nbsp;jquery <script src="https://cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery/3.4.1"></script>
  18. how to add java script file in unigui ? not working and not add ...
  19. Hi i have encountered this error please help me fast because my server is completely disabled Please Refer me Soonnnnnn. @Sherzod @Farshad Mohajeri @erich.wanker
  20. Boa noite, pessoal estou com dificuldades em usar este unigui, por exemplo de replicar os demos, etc. Alguém sabe algum curso de unigui? Obrigado.
  21. Hi to All, i have downloaded the trial version of UNIGUI: "FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1500_Trial" to give it a try because im really interested in buy the license. I just installed it following the steps from here: http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/installation_instructions.htm taking care with the extra steps for c++ builder. The installation complete without errors. When i try to start a mobile application, i can compile it with the form empty without problem. But If i just add a mobile edit, UnimEdit1 or other component, in the mobile form; when i access the http://localhost/8077 i get the follow exception: "EIntfCastError with message "Interface not supported"" and the program breaks here. My IDE is Rad Studio 10.2 Tokyo. Thanks for any help!
  22. Boa tarde, peço ajuda de vcs. Ao realizar vários cadastro na mesma tela, o sistema perde a conexão com base de dados, estou usando a versão do Unigui Preciso fechar o sistema e carregar novamente, trava o navegador, necessário sair e voltar novamente.
  23. Hello world uniGUI community, I recently launched the uniGUI Brazil course and I received questions from other countries, I would like to know if there is this worldwide demand, if so please comment on this post if you have interest. The proposal for the Brazil course was as follows: Basic to Advanced Course on how to create WEB and Mobile applications with Delphi and the uniGUI Framework. • Course Level 1 - Basic 1. Basic structure of uniGUI and its Components - Introduction 2.Working with Forms and Frames 3.Creating the first application 4.Using Parameters in the URL for in-app access 5. Creating Data Module and Accessing Database 6. Creating a Simple CRUD 7. Generating a Report and Viewing the PDF in the Browser 8.Customizing style in application and Windows / Page mode 9. Configure the webserver - Installing IIS and configuring IIS for uniGUI 10.Hosting the application on IIS - ISAPI • Course Level 2 - Advanced 1. Creating a Login Screen and Setting Security Controls 2. Start screen with Collapse side menu (Bonus show HTML menu) 3.Configuring the Data Module and Firebird 3.0 Database 4.Table of accounts payable 5. Reporting with Filter 6. Working in stateless mode 7. Uploading txt file and reading in application and image upload and saving on server 8. Working with Cache / Storage and Creating a FileExplorer 9. Generating Graphs 10.Using a single DLL for multiple clients with and without parameters in the URL • Course Level 3 - Basic and Advanced Mobile 1. Knowing the Mobile Components 2. Creating a Hibrid Application (Desktop / Mobile) 3.Creating a 100% Mobile Application Product List 4.Part 1 - Login and Home Screen and Menu 5. Part 2 - CRUD no mobile 6.Part 3 - Reports 7.Part 4 - Creating an APK to run as an app on android 8. Part 5 - Interaction between the uniGUI application and the device 9.Part 6 - Interaction between the device and the uniGUI application Thank you.
  24. Some of our customers are having weird problems with our uniGUI software. I updated uniGUI to the latest version yesterday and at least some customers are getting AJAX-errors, duplicate entries in uniDBGrid and so on. I troubleshooted the problem with one of our customers and I asked him to clear cache or try another browser (He was using IE 11). He tried to use Chrome and everything worked as expected. One another customer cleared cache and that seemed to solve problem for her. I can't reproduce any of the errors and problem they're having so it's really difficult to fix something that doesn't seem to be broken. Is there something I'm missing here? What can I do to to solve this issue? Is there a way to instruct clients browser to fetch all the uniGUI files again effectively refreshing them? Is this cache related at all? If not, what should I do to prevent these kind of situations in the future when I update uniGUI to new version? Please advice. // Mika
  25. Hi, What has changed in UniGUI update 1.50 ?
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