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Found 20 results

  1. i want to change the font of the title. and i dont want to use css like : #O71_id_header-title-textEl { font-size: 18px !important; }
  2. Good night, at login I put a panel with the fields, I need this panel to be centralized, but I am not getting it, I tried this way. procedure TfrmLogin.UniLoginFormScreenResize(Sender: TObject; AWidth, AHeight: Integer); begin pnLogin.top := (Self.Height div 2) - (pnLogin.height div 2); pnLogin.left := (Self.Width div 2) - (pnLogin.width div 2); end;
  3. In my project I can set panel setScrollTop and setScrollLeft with the following code - works as expected. RightPanel.JSInterface.JSCall('body.setScrollTop', [0]); TopPanel.JSInterface.JSCall('body.setScrollLeft', [0]); If I understand correctly, to scroll to bottom I will need a 'div' id in the body script as a locator ? As for right ? Please advise with code example how to setScrollBottom and setScrollRight an a panel containing a HTMLFrame ? Thanks in advance
  4. Hello guys. I have already seen several examples that it is possible to make the Form transparent. Can I also set then uniPanel transparent? Thankful.
  5. I have set a UniPanel.Title text and would like to show a hint when someone mouses over the title. How can I enable a hint to be visible?
  6. Please show me how to SET (plus get) Desktop Panel Height at runtime - thanks.
  7. Hi Guys, I am working on a Panel which I would like to position center of screen or my main form. I came into some issues when resizing the browser. I attached the screen and case project. Using uniGUI 1.90.1522 and Delphi Rio ... Any inputs and suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks, Frances Panel_Resize.zip
  8. how to collapse with click in header?
  9. Dear all, My mobile form contain many chart, and every chart i put on Panel with collapsed function. But when i collapsed one of the panel, the panel never adjust their position to close the gap. can advise me, how to make unimpanel will auto adjust filling the gap ?
  10. Hello, I would like when disabling the panel component the items inside do not change color att, Amaro
  11. Hi guys, When trying to change the height of the title in the panel using event "render" of panel function render(sender, eOpts) { var header = sender.header; header.setHeight(5); } A space the size of the removed height of the title is added to the bottom of the panel The title of the text also does not appear. But I can solve manipulating the CSS class .x-panel-header-text-container-default But the question of spacing can not solve. How to solve this problem? TitlePanel.rar
  12. Hi, I need to remove all borders: my css: .noPanelBorder { border: none; background: none; } my UnitEvents: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.baseCls='noPanelBorder'; config.cls='noPanelBorder'; }
  13. I have 3 panels. the property collapsible this true. How do I click a panel and the other two the retraction? Same as example: Layout Management -> Accordion Layout. Tanks Ricardo M.Souza
  14. Hi everyone, Im trying to display a form(form4) inside another form(form3) that has a panel and that panel would act as a layoutbase for form4 but im not getting it to work. I tried to first show the form ex form4.show and that works but then when i do form4.SetParent(form3.layoutbase); i keep getting access violation error. THIS should happen onCreate for form3, i have attached to screen shots to easier understand want im trying to do. Best Regards Christian Johnson
  15. Hello, how I can do this effect in splitter in unigui? And it would be possible to control the event click runtime? Thanks.
  16. Good morning to all, I have a couple of questions regarding Unigui 1 - I'm inserting a menu, but I want this menu not always this at the top but in a specific location such as inside a panel, the idea is to place in the first form a kind of baner and under the banner menu, but the menu is always placed above. 2 - As is to be able to display a form inside a panel. 3 - Finally got the application form for you to display in page mode, but as I show a modal form in this case. Thank you ...
  17. Good morning to all, I have a couple of questions regarding Unigui 1 - I'm inserting a menu, but I want this menu not always this at the top but in a specific location such as inside a panel, the idea is to place in the first form a kind of baner and under the banner menu, but the menu is always placed above. 2 - As is to be able to display a form inside a panel. 3 - Finally got the application form for you to display in page mode, but as I show a modal form in this case. Thank you ...
  18. Buenos dias a Todos, Tengo un par de Pregunta con Relacion a Unigui 1- Estoy Insertando un menu, pero deseo que ese menu no este siempre en el tope sino en una ubicacion especifica por ejemplo dentro de un panel, la idea es colocar en el formulario primero una especie de baner y debajo del banner el menu, pero el menu siempre se coloca arriba. 2- como es que se logra mostrar un formulario dentro de un panel. 3- Por Ultimo tengo la aplicacion para que lo formulario se muestren en modo Pagina, pero como muestro un formulario modal en este caso. Gracias...
  19. Good morning to all, I have a couple of questions regarding Unigui 1 - I'm inserting a menu, but I want this menu not always this at the top but in a specific location such as inside a panel, the idea is to place in the first form a kind of baner and under the banner menu, but the menu is always placed above. 2 - As is to be able to display a form inside a panel. 3 - Finally got the application form for you to display in page mode, but as I show a modal form in this case. Thank you ...
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