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mazluta last won the day on August 16 2022

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  1. but then, the dataset afterscroll not fire if record not selected. the user select the first 2 record. why to punish him and clear the selection?
  2. see the cursor is between the char 7 and the char d -> position 7 in the TUniEdit function keyup(sender, e, eOpts) { document.getElementById("M1234_aa-inputEl").value = e.target.selectionStart.toString(); the UniEdit just by Id name (given in the form create - edCCList.JSControl.Id := 'M1234_aa'; watch that the INPUT name is - M1234_aa-inputEl MySendMailFrm.ExtEventResultString.setText(e.target.selectionStart.toString()); the UniLabel by form name and component name }
  3. Denton - thank u very much. all your answer were OK
  4. in DELPHI desktop (the old one) i can get the name from is PARENT. can i do it here?
  5. i tryed. procedure TIturDocumentFrame.btnSendMailClick(Sender: TObject); Var FileAttche : String; begin If Not fIturResultFrame.DocumentsQry.Active Then Exit; If fIturResultFrame.DocumentsQry.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit; FileAttche := fIturResultFrame.DocumentsQry.FieldByName('Mz_FileName').AsString; NewSendMailFrm := TSendMailFrm.Create(UniApplication); NewSendMailFrm.FilesAttchLists.Add(FileAttche); NewSendMailFrm.ShowModal(CallBack_SendMail); end; the ExtEvent dont reconize this name and not - SendMailFrm
  6. i tried function keyup(sender, e, eOpts) { document.getElementById("M1234_aa-inputEl").value = e.target.selectionStart.toString(); /*document.getElementById("MyResultString").value = e.target.selectionStart.toString();*/ console.log("sender=" + sender); console.log("e=" + e); console.log("eOpts=" + eOpts); fLbl = document.getElementById("MyResultString"); fLbl.setText(e.target.selectionStart.toString()); } the result : sender=[object Object] - this give me nothing VM247:1 e=[object Object] VM247:1 eOpts=undefined how do i print to the console the TYPE of the obj like : sender= Ext.form.Field.Text
  7. one more Q. is there a way to change Var in PUBLIC (under the form/frame) area from the ExtEvent function ?
  8. WOW. thanks very much. a lot of reading. one more Q. i write keyup extevent like this : the purpose is to get the position of the cursor inside the text..... function keyup(sender, e, eOpts) { document.getElementById("M1234_aa-inputEl").value = e.target.selectionStart.toString(); /*document.getElementById("MyResultString").value = e.target.selectionStart.toString();*/ fLbl = document.getElementById("MyResultString"); fLbl.setText(e.target.selectionStart.toString()); } M1234_aa-inputEl -> is TUniedit and that work. MyResultString -> is some TUniLable - i want is caption to change to the same value - The SetText doesn't do nothing.
  9. 1. on my form i have 2 TUniEdit1 i want to add ExtEvent to TUniEdit1 onkeyup if the user click "^" in the TUniEdit1 i want to set TUniEdit1.Text to 'Hello' inside the OnKeyUp Clieck Event of the ExtEvent 2. in the ExtEvent, Whet is Sender? How Can I See What Is Members and Property Are? what is e - the same for Members and Property Are? what is eOpts - the same for Members and Property Are? 3. what is "document" or "windows" or "body" as relational to My FORM/FRAME 4. can i run ExtEvent OnKeyUp and the TUniEdit1.OnKeyUp on the same FORM/FRAME? what come first? is the ExtEvent is allwes ClientSide And Object.DelphiEvent is Server Side? 5. where can i find deeper documents on the ExtEvent for Older Delphi Developers
  10. is there example of UniAuxExceptionHandler and and madExcept ?
  11. the right way to call to ajaxrequest is : UniSession.AddJS('$.get("", function( data ){' + ' ajaxRequest(' + ThisName + '.form, ["test"], { response : data });}); '); not sending the HEADER in the request : {headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" }}
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