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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Sherzod


    Make a simple testcase for check.
  2. Also, you can try to use this approach: 1. Uses ... UniStrUtils; 2. procedure TMainForm.DoRefreshChart; function InterGetColor: string; var vStatus: string; begin vStatus := DataSource3.DataSet.FieldByName('STATUS').AsString; if vStatus = 'PENDENTE' then Result := '#9c9c9c' else if vStatus = 'GERADO' then Result := '#0000FF' else if vStatus = 'ENVIADO' then Result := '#008080' else if vStatus = 'RECEBIDO' then Result := '#800080' else if vStatus = 'PROCESSADO' then Result := '#008000' else if vStatus = 'ERRO' then Result := '#FF0000' else if vStatus = 'CANCELADO' then Result := '#800000' else if vStatus = 'IGNORADO' then Result := '#808000'; end; var I: Integer; ColorsStr: string; begin UniPie3DSeries1.Clear; UniPie3DSeries1.Colors.Clear; with DataSource3.DataSet do begin First; while not Eof do begin UniPie3DSeries1.Colors.Add(InterGetColor); UniPie3DSeries1.Add('1', FieldByName('ID_DETAIL').AsString); Next; end; ColorsStr := '['; with UniPie3DSeries1 do for I := 0 to Colors.Count - 1 do ColorsStr := ColorsStr + '"'+Colors[I]+'",'; ColorsStr := RemoveTrailingChar(ColorsStr, ','); ColorsStr := ColorsStr + ']'; end; with UniChart1 do begin JSInterface.JSAssign('colors', [JSInterface.JSStatement(ColorsStr)]); JSInterface.JSCall('chart.series[0].setRenderer', [JSInterface.JSFunction('sprite, record, attributes, index, store', ' if (record) {'+ ' if ('+ JSName +'.colors[index]) {'+ ' attributes.fill = '+ JSName +'.colors[index];'+ ' }'+ ' }'+ ' return attributes;' )]); end; UniChart1.RefreshData; end;
  3. Please see this demo: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\ThreadTimer-2
  4. Hi Dominique, One possible solution I think. 1. CustomCSS: .customWindow.x-mask { opacity: 0.0; background: rgb(0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; } 2. Form.ClientEvents.ExtEvents -> function window.show(sender, eOpts) { if (this.modal) { var dom = Ext.dom.Query.select('.x-mask'); var el = Ext.get(dom[0]); el.addCls('customWindow'); } }
  5. Hello, Which build of UniGUI are you using? Can you make a simple testcase for check?
  6. Sherzod


    Hi, Can you make a simple testcase for check?
  7. Sherzod


    Also this post may help: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/11709-how-do-i-validate-a-value-from-a-stringgrid/&do=findComment&comment=62231
  8. Sherzod


    Hi, Can you please explain in more detail? uniStringGrid1, strgCars - What kind of control, and how are they related?
  9. Sherzod

    video gösterme

    Merhaba, You can try to use UniHTMLFrame with <video> tag for example.
  10. .x-component.x-item-disabled { opacity: 0.3; }
  11. Hello, If you want to go this way, I will also analyze...
  12. Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  13. This behavior, you yourself must implement in your project I guess. And it’s normal that it doesn’t work by default.
  14. Hello, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  15. Добрый день, Может Вам сюда!? http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Mobile_Tutorial:_Using_the_Web_Browser_Component_(iOS_and_Android)
  16. Sherzod

    Can't activate

    Get License Key, Web link to License Key...
  17. Sherzod

    Can't activate

    Have you tried to generate a new key?
  18. Sherzod

    Can't activate

    Hi, Can you give a sequence of your actions? Can you check the keyboard layout, capslock?
  19. Hi Andy, Sorry for the late response. Try to make these changes: 1. getEl() replace with element procedure TMainForm.UniFormReady(Sender: TObject); begin with UniImage1.JSInterface do begin JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("alt", "");'); JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("id", "image-unique-id");'); JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("usemap", "#image-map");'); end; with UniImage2.JSInterface do begin JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("alt", "");'); JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("id", "image-unique-id2");'); JSCode('Ext.get('#1'.element.select("img").elements[0]).dom.setAttribute("usemap", "#image-map2");'); end; end; 2. imageMap.js 3. Clear browser cache
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