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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. One possible solution... procedure TMainForm.UniCalendarPanel1ViewChange(Sender: TUniCalendarPanel; CurrentView: TUniCalendarViewType); begin (Sender as TUniCalendarPanel).JSInterface.JSCode(#1'.down("[xtype=segmentedbutton][value=month]").hide();'); end;
  2. It's impossible, except possibly using ActiveX, or plugins that are designed for a specific web browser. But I'm not sure...
  3. OK, Can you try to use this approach? 1. UniContainerPanel1.Layout = vbox 2. UniContainerPanel1.ClientEvents.ExtEvents -> function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { sender.getEl().setStyle('overflow-x', 'hidden'); sender.items.items.forEach(function(item) { item.on('expand', function() { var newHeight = item.getHeader().getHeight() + item.getHeight(); if (!item.getMaxHeight()) { item.setMaxHeight(newHeight); } item.setHeight(item.getHeader().getHeight() + item.getHeight()) }) }); }
  4. As I said above, we try to assist you in resolving any issues! For your case, what if you will use accordion layout for example!?
  5. Hello, First of all, we try to assist you in resolving any issues! But please also read the license.txt: 4. Support You will be assisted in installation process to fix your issues regarding installation. This products grants one year of subscription to all minor and major updates including new versions. Your subscription will start at time of purchase and will end one year later unless you renew your subscription. You will not receive any extra support options as a part of this subscription. You can report bugs, ask for new features, post questions and request support in our support forums. There is no warranty that your question will be answered, your requested feature will be implemented, your support request will be answered and/or your reported bugs will be fixed. FMSoft Inc. will try to prioritize bugs and fix them in upcoming releases. FMSoft Inc. does not warranty that all bugs or any specific bug will be fixed. Best regards.
  6. Hi, What CSS do you use for the UniButton?
  7. Пожалуйста, настройте ваш email форума, или используете триальную версию!?
  8. Please adjust your forum email address if you are not using a trial edition.
  9. Hello, Sorry, which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  10. Can you check your testcase? It seems you have attached another test case.
  11. Добрый день, Вы правильно настраиваете? http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/isapi_module.htm
  12. Hello, Sorry, but I don’t understand what you want.
  13. Please check your testcase, and please attach the testcase with sources.
  14. Try this approach too: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/8238-change-formnavigatekeys-at-runtime/&do=findComment&comment=55862
  15. As Hayri said, yes it is impossible. But, what is your logic, can you share what you wanted?
  16. Hello, Sorry for the late response. You are using a fit layout. Perhaps you need to use another layout...
  17. If I understand you correctly, try to analyze and modify this code for your case... 1. UniHTMLMemo2.ClientEvents.ExtEvents ... function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var me=sender; me.scrollToEndIfNeeded = function() { if (me.getWin().document.body.scrollHeight-me.getWin().scrollY<200) { me.getWin().scrollTo(0, me.getWin().document.body.scrollHeight); } } } 2. Use procedure TMainForm.UniBitBtn4Click(Sender: TObject); begin Inc(j); UniHTMLMemo2.Lines.Add('<br>' + IntToStr(j)); UniHTMLMemo2.JSInterface.JSCallDefer('scrollToEndIfNeeded', [], 20); end;
  18. Sherzod

    ajx hatası

    Merhaba, Ext.example.msg And what kind of code, where do you get this?
  19. Have you seen this demo? \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\FormNavigate
  20. Can you please explain in more detail? Maybe you wanted like in this demo?: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\FormNavigate
  21. There was one of the possible solutions on the forum: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7442-i-want-to-let-the-unimainmenu-control-mouse-close-to-the-automatic-pop-up-sub-menu-how-to-set-up/&amp;do=findComment&amp;comment=37933
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