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  1. nice! thats works, taking advantage of the moment, it is possible to make the same configuration on the pager?
  2. i used UniDBGrid, in case its possible or only on mobile ?
  3. no sucess function beforeInit(sender, config) { function painted(sender, eOpts) { sender.getHeaderContainer().setHeight(60); } }
  4. im use i tried that config but not work
  5. hi sherzod i have one similar quest about height of column header of unidbgrid. how change a default size when this component is created look at moment he is created at 32px in theme triton. btw i want to change that size. if i change in custom css this broken my others elements look the image
  6. how can change that free pack for a premium pack (i have a premium).
  7. no, im my cenario is one unidbgrid with some tunipanels for control design
  8. hi Sherzod i have a similar question, i want call that fileuploadbutton event from a cell click on unidbgrid (i tried a click from a action colum but, i have no sucess) i try like with UniFileUploadButton1 do JSInterface.JSAddListener('click', 'function(){'+ JSName +'.extractFileInput().click()}', UniDBGrid1.Columns[0].ActionColumn.Buttons.Items[0].JSMenuItem); u know how i have success with this case ?
  9. Due to the impossibility of using the settings I mention below, I intended to make a TUniButton available with the CSS settings I intended to use and keep an invisible TUniFileUploadButton triggering the upload function (if I could simulate his click ...) It has several forms. One is by assigning a CSS class in the LayoutConfig properties. Another is by adding through UniEvents. TUniFileUploadButton does not have these properties to edit. --------- Anyway, I already solved my problem by assigning a CSS class to the form that allowed me to make the changes I needed. Thanks for the feedback.
  10. In my project I use custom css for the buttons change layout appearence. I just realized that I didn't complete my question in the first post, sorry for that. I would like to know how to handle the TUniFileUploadButton OnClick event or how to insert CSS into it, similar to what I do in TUniButton.
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