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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Здравствуйте, Какую сборку и издание UniGUI используете?
  2. Hello, First of all, please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using? You can only link to local files located in the web directory...
  3. Добрый день, Ну, примерно так: procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleBeforeLogin(Sender: TObject; var Handled: Boolean); begin if Theme = 'xx' then UniServerModule.CustomCSS.Add('.test {}') end;
  4. Create a simple case for a better understanding.
  5. I didn't understand your case completely, but try: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniPanel1.JSInterface.JSConfigObject('header', 'focusCls', ['']); end;
  6. Hello, Something is not very clear...
  7. Yes, \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\ScrollBox
  8. Well, here you could help us with a simple test app...
  9. Hello, Can you make a simple testcase to check?
  10. Sherzod

    UniDBGrid 1558

    Hi, Yes, I have opened a request.
  11. Программно можете "очистить"? Я имею в виду Вы можете обрабатывать событие.
  12. Добрый день, На данный момент, можете обрабатывать таким образом. 1. Triggers -> HandleClicks = True 2. UnimComboBox1 -> OnAjaxEvent -> procedure TMainmForm.UnimComboBox1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = 'trgclick' then begin ShowMessage(Params.Values['id']) end; end;
  13. Hello, Why do you need it, can you describe your case in more detail !?
  14. Hello, By default, no. You need to create/install a browser plugin I guess. Maybe this link will help you, don't know: https://qz.io/
  15. Hello, One possible solution. UnimSegmentedButton -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> function painted(sender, eOpts) { sender.getRefItems().forEach(function(btn){btn.setIconAlign("top")}); }
  16. Здравствуйте, Тогда Вы можете попробовать создать свой массив констант.
  17. Well, if I understand you correctly, you can increase the values: UniPopupMenu1.Popup(X+xx, Y+yy, ANode);
  18. Hello, Which build are you using? Maybe you are using some config!?
  19. Hello, procedure TMainForm.UniTreeView1CellContextClick(ANode: TUniTreeNode; X, Y: Integer); begin UniPopupMenu1.Popup(X, Y, ANode); end;
  20. Hello, Sorry, your case is not very clear.
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