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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Cool, tell us for what purpose do you use such a program!?
  2. Hello, Please check the logs.
  3. Can you make a simple testcase to reproduce?
  4. Are you using custom JS code?
  5. Merhaba, First check your browser console for errors.
  6. Hello, Hmm, I couldn't reproduce your issue.
  7. Hello, Sorry we didn't respond in a timely manner. Good luck.
  8. Hello, Can you make a simple testcase to reproduce?
  9. Hello, There are solutions on the forum, have you tried searching?
  10. Hello, Please clarify your problem? I do not see the problem.
  11. Hello, I think you should find (or develop) and install a browser plugin that specializes in this. And additionally use JS libraries that work with cryptography.
  12. For example, one possible solution. 1. procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniMemo1.JSInterface do JSAddListener('blur', 'function(){ajaxRequest(this, "_blur", ["cpos="+this.inputEl.dom.selectionStart])}'); end; 2. procedure TMainForm.UniMemo1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = '_blur' then (Sender as TUniMemo).CustomAttribs.Values['cpos'] := Params.Values['cpos']; end; 3. Usage: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage(UniMemo1.CustomAttribs.Values['cpos']) end;
  13. Hello, Yes, the forum has solutions if I'm not mistaken.
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