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  1. is posible know the cursor position in a TuniMemo ??? Thanks
  2. Hello, I would like to know how you can call from an ISAPI DLL to another. thanks
  3. Hello, I would like to know how you can call from an ISAPI DLL to another. thanks
  4. Bringtofrom and sendtoback, work or not works? if it works, how it's done?
  5. if I create a label at runtime and add the clientEvents not work, but if I assign the clientevent to a label already created if it works Label6.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add('added=function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts)'#13#10'{'#13#10' sender.draggable= true;'#13#10'}'); LabelPrueba:=TUniLabel.Create(Self); with LabelPrueba do begin Left:=100; Top:=100; Caption:='Prueba'; Parent:=PanelFormato; ClientEvents.Enabled:=True; ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add('added=function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts)'#13#10'{'#13#10' sender.draggable= true;'#13#10'}'); end; I'm doing wrong
  6. if I create a label at runtime and add the clientEvents not work, but if I assign the clientevent to a label already created if it works Label6.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add('added=function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts)'#13#10'{'#13#10' sender.draggable= true;'#13#10'}'); LabelPrueba:=TUniLabel.Create(Self); with LabelPrueba do begin Left:=100; Top:=100; Caption:='Prueba'; Parent:=PanelFormato; ClientEvents.Enabled:=True; ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add('added=function added(sender, container, pos, eOpts)'#13#10'{'#13#10' sender.draggable= true;'#13#10'}'); end; I'm doing wrong
  7. mayusod

    label width

    This Works: UniImage1.pIcture.bitmap.Canvas.TextWidth('Hello World')
  8. mayusod

    label width

    Ok, back to beginning , does not change width after label rendered on the cliente screen.
  9. mayusod

    label width

    to place objects on the screen at runtime. you have some method to indicate the width in pixel of a text Delphi example: canvas.textwidth('Hello') or Canvas.textHeigth('Wordl')? thanks for you help
  10. mayusod

    label width

    can you tell me some solution?
  11. mayusod

    label width

    when I change the Font size of a label, width does not change.
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