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Everything posted by delagoutte

  1. I have a tunibutton on a panel. this button is anchor on right and left. When i decrease my panel size my button size width is decrease. If the caption is too long for the button, i would like the caption to be written on 2 lines or that the font size decrease automaticly. Is it possible to do that ?
  2. i'm using scalabium export suite : http://www.scalabium.com/sme/ It work fine. i use it for excel, json, xml, csv,...
  3. Try to see demo threadtimer for long process and update ui
  4. try to go to the portal and enter your forum account email/password. Normally , You should reach an interface allowing you to download unigui complete / runtime / theme / help ..
  5. it is the url where you downloaded your current version. http://www.unigui.com/support/customer-portal
  6. non pas avec la beta Normalement pour cette année. Mais cela fait maintenant quelques années que j'utilise unigui et les roadmap ont un peu de mal à être tenu malgré le fait que le projet avance bien. Concernant le coté payant, je te comprends et cela nous a fait hésité lors du passage au payant avant d'acheter nos licences, mais nous avons trouvé le produit suffisamment avancé et maintenu pour prendre le risque. Cela permet également d'être en règle vis à vis de sencha car unigui reverse une partie du prix à sencha pour la license oem de sencha. C'est principalement pour cette raison que la beta est devenu payante il me semble afin de permettre un déploiement en règle. Même avis et c'est pour cela que nous avons divers produit commerciaux en production depuis peu
  7. voir image ci dessous Si cela n'apparait pas chez toi c'est peut être un problème de droit. Il faut voir avec les admin dans ce cas la
  8. i have a (very) little application on apache 2.4 (and with loadbalancing) without any problem
  9. Méthode qui fonctionne : bouton "More Reply Option" en bas dans la partie attachfile "choississez un fichier" (jpg/png/zip pour un projet example/...) "AttachThis File" ensuite "Add To Post"
  10. This had already happened to me with one of our applications. This is because of the heuristic engine. You can send the exe for analysis and if there is no problem :http://support.eset.com/kb141/?viewlocale=en_en it will be removed alerts during the future update of the antivirus if it is a false positive.
  11. Later, could you share a topic/wiki about the methodology you used to do this work ?
  12. Salut, Je suis également français mais il semble que nous ne soyons pas encore trés nombreux
  13. Thanks all, it's working , I used Delphi dev méthod because i need to do it on a image url column
  14. Try: On servermodule->customcss-> add : .trans_panel { background-color:transparent !important; } on your unihtmlframe ->clientevents->extevents add function boxready(sender, width, height, eOpts) { sender.addBodyCls('trans_panel'); } Or define you background image on the css
  15. How to define hint for a specific cell accordinf to current data of the row ?
  16. Hi, i have the same problem with 1362 WIndows 2012 R2 + IIS 8.5 I have isapi with 0.99 version on this server and this isapi are inproduction. I need install 1.0 runtime for deploy a new isapi was made with unigui 1.0 I need the 2 runtime on this server. What impact if there is both ?
  17. Do you try c:\windows\SysWow64\ if your dll is 32bits. Have you got your FDGUIxWaitCursor.screencursor set to grcnone. I'm using unigui with firedac and isapi on iis without problem
  18. i use it with dataset. and for column title i use Mydataset.Fields.DisplayLabel := myTitleColumn if you deploy as dll. don't forget : SMExport.Options:=SMExport.Options-[soShowMessage]; SMExport.AnimatedStatus:=false; sample of my export function : function TExportAO.SaveToXls : boolean; var SMExport: TSMExportToXLS; begin result:=false; SMExport := TSMExportToXLS.Create(nil); try SMExport.AnimatedStatus:=false; SMExport.Options:=SMExport.Options-[soShowMessage]; SMExport.DataSet:= GenQuery1;//genquery1 is a fdquery i use firedac SMExport.ColumnSource := csDataSet; SMExport.AddTitle := True; SMExport.FileName := fFileName; SMExport.KeyGenerator:='My Company Name'; GenTitleLabel;//this function set displaylabel for each column SMExport.Execute; result := (SMExport.ExportResult = erCompleted); finally SMExport.Free; end; end;
  19. Hi, i have a unidbgrid with dgCheckSelect + multiselect for having a column with checkbox and set my selection. When i load data the checkbox for the current row is automatically checked. I don't want the current row automatically checked ? how to do this ? i don't dfind the option if it exist
  20. delagoutte

    report tool

    i don't use QR but i'm using a export lib for my data (scalabium) i had got a problem when i use it in Isapi. The problem was there is a form with progress bar when i exported data. the form could display in standalone but not in isapi. Maybe you have got the same problem . have you got option for display progress/info ? if yes you should disable it.
  21. Is it possible to have the default theme in "blue" and use "WIn10" for only one form in my app ?
  22. answer faster than lucky luck . I will try but I do not doubt that it works. thank you in advance
  23. Yes it's working. a last Question : if before create the button, i have 3 vclstatuspanelthat are create on design. How can i create the button between 2 existing panel betwween 2 and 3 for exemple ?
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