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Le Meur Guillaume

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  1. Bonjour Mr Delagoutte,

    De la part d'un autre utilisateur français d'UniGUI.

    peut être des choses à échanger ...



    Guillaume Le Meur

  2. Hi, we are using the build. but in fact, there is no problem : It's because some other functions are defined in the inherited form. So the value of the property (TStringList kind) is erase but not merge. If we add this function by code (OnCreate event), it's ok. Sorry for this "fake news". Regards
  3. Hello, it seems that, when we work see inherited forms, functions defined in the base form are not working in the derived form. For exemple : we want to store Left, top, Height and width properties when user resize a form. We relay informations with the function Form.ClientEvent.ExtEvents / window.Move / function window.move(sender, x, y, eOpts) { ajaxRequest(sender, 'resizeAndMove', ["width="+sender.width, "height="+sender.height, "x="+x, "y="+y]); } It's ok in the bas form, not the other. Perhaps because such "resizeAndMove" function is not really defined in the derived form ... Does someone have already note such trouble ? Regards
  4. hello, we need same functions, for several options (Grid Selection, Filter element etc ...) we did it by (saving property of the grid), destroying the grid and recreate it, with the new options. Not too bad Regards...
  5. To my point of view : - FastScript is very powerfull, easy to implement and to use. (Debug etc ...) And it comes with FastReport ... - PaxCompiler : I've never succed with it - TMS Scripter : The only working under Android. Using script with uniGui : the main problem is when you want a "ModalDialog" during your script, to allow user to answer question... That's why we build something like "WorkFlow" to reproduce this step...
  6. Bonjour, C'est en effet bien possible... C'est un peu dommage, car parfois il plus simple d'expliquer certains cas de figure en français. Nous travaillons actuellement avec uniGUI pour essayer de réaliser notre projet web. Nous sommes basés sur Aix en Provence
  7. Indeed, your previous message is a good illustration. My idea was to bring together relatively close people working with uniGui to share knowledge. But it does not matter, continues on the official forum in French Indeed, your previous message is a good illustration. My idea was to bring together relatively close people working with uniGui to share knowledge. But it does not matter, continues on the official forum in French
  8. Bonjour, à tout hasard, si une "communauté" Frenchi pointe le bout de son nez .. Le Meur Guillaume
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