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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. Hi, I can't reproduce. Can you please create a test case?
  2. Hi, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  3. I see. I found the problem and created a ticket. We will work on this.
  4. Why you are not setting grid or column readonly?
  5. To able to show mask in datamodule, you need to call synchronize. We are not suggesting call synchronize in any datamodule event.
  6. reCAPTCHA v3 is on our todo list. I will check it too.
  7. Hi, I will try to add mobile version of captcha.
  8. Yes I'm currently working on this feature
  9. Hi, yes I committed my code so you will get it with new build.
  10. Hmm no it is not published. You can assign from code. Or let me find a way to add markers.
  11. Are you creating your markers on create? Please move them to onupdatehtml of unimmap
  12. Please try with the attached UniMap pas file. @devya@Mehmet Emin uniMap.pas
  13. Hi with this code, I can't get the problem. Are you testing with which device?
  14. I find a way to use google services with UniMap. I will start to implement google services one by one. - Route - Geocoding - Elevation and more
  15. Hi, Yes, we checked and we are not assigning attachedcomponent on the core side. We will add it in the next build so your code will continue to work.
  16. Hi Do you have any link about this feature?
  17. Hi Can you please add below code to unimap.pas line 629 if IsMobile then JSCallGlobal(FMapJSName + '.on', ['layeradd', JSFunction('','if (Ext.isDefined('+FMapJSName+'.invalidateSize)){setTimeout(function(){'+FMapJSName+'.invalidateSize();},1000); } ')]);
  18. Hi, To reproduce the issue can you please create a simple test case?
  19. Hi, You can set UniTabSheet1.Closable:=False while editing. This will remove "X" button
  20. It affects all modal windows including MessageDlgs and ShowMessages unless you explicitly call the Non-blocking version of those methods.
  21. Is UniMainModule.EnableSynchronousOperations = True? To able to use blocking windows, you must set it true otherwise, you will get error.
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