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literal last won the day on May 2 2019

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  1. I am using Devart Unidac and database is MySQL
  2. How can I get the changes in the database instantly every second?
  3. I am using v1.90 Professional Trial Edition
  4. I am developing a multiplayer chess application with Unigui. However, in the application I will make, I need to receive the changes on the database table periodically. But should I get it for this by sending a SQL query to the database every second using a UniTimer. Is this a healthy method or couldy you suggest a different way? Thanks.
  5. Thank you. My problem solved. I used UniMainModule.[Variable] on MainForm as you say.
  6. I am using v1.90 Professional Trial Edition
  7. I wrote a program using Unigui and MySQL. After logging into the program with my username and password, I read the account balance of the user and show it on the screen. I refresh this data every 5 seconds with UniTimer. Although it is a browser entered with a different user name that I have opened from different computers, the information of the last user I entered is visible and other browsers show the last user entered. However, I want the balance of that user to appear in each browser. How can I do this?
  8. Remove with radius border on the corners use code below function window.afterrender(sender, eOpts) { Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("padding", 0); Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("border-width", 0); Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("-webkit-border-radius", 0); Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("-moz-border-radius", 0); Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("border-radius", 0); }
  9. Image nesnesine sürükle bırak yapabilmek için Drag & Drop olaylarını eklemeyi düşünüyor musunuz? Ya da hangi yöntemle bir resmi sürükleyebilirim?
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