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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. Hello If you hide the column titles, you can't resize the columns. So please set ShowColumnTitles = True
  2. Merhaba Client tarafindan bir istek gelmedigi surece, client tarafini degistiremezsiniz. Onerim bir unitimer koyup bunu kontrol etmeniz.
  3. Hello, You can't change displayformat in drawcolumncell. Try change the display format OnCreate or OnBeforeshow
  4. I'm checking it. Do you want it only for rectangle or any type of polygon?
  5. Hi There is not a problem with the latest Unigui version. I tried with unistringgrid and it is working. Did you try with the latest?
  6. Merhaba Bu sayiyi nerden degistiriyorsunuz? Kullanici web tarafindan mi degistiriyor yoksa server birseyleri kontrol edince mi degisiyor?
  7. Hello Which version are you using? I'm not able to reproduce with the latest build
  8. Hello If grid needs to refresh itself, that means grid is dirty. Let say you have 3 records and in server side you refreshed the query and you have 4 records now. In the client side grid needs to refresh. Before it refresh if you try to access 4th record in client side, you will get error.
  9. Hello Please check notes about Node Version and HyperServer Version http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/important-notes.htm Basically "Starting with version of uniGUI and HyperServer, it is possible to mix Nodes compiled with different versions of uniGUI, provided that all of them are compiled with a uniGUI version greater than You can easily recognized HyperServer version by opening the Server Monitor."
  10. Hello This error happens when you make changes when grid is dirty. There is no way to fix this error as you need to change your code. This error is a precaution.
  11. Hello Below code will change selected item's border color UniserverModule.CustomCss .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-selected > .x-treelist-row::before { background-color: #FFFF00 !important; }
  12. Hello can you please create a test case so we can work on it?
  13. Hello Do you want to get it when you click to button or every time when you move the map?
  14. Hayri ASLAN


    Hello Thank you for letting us. We will add this into one of the next builds.
  15. Hello As you have ConnectionFailureRecovery, system will try to send unanswered requests again. You can set UniServerModule.ConnectionFailureRecovery.Enabled
  16. Hi If you are using professional version, you need to adjust your email so next time we will not ask this question. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6291-new-users-please-adjust-your-forum-email-address/
  17. It is based on the code. Above code has "inputWrap.addCls" so we need to make sure inputWrap is created. Because of that we used OnReady event.
  18. Hello For the right side you can use Triggers. For the left side you can use something below UniServerModule -> CustomCSS .icon-textfield:before { position: absolute; height: 100%; z-index: 9999; left: 5px; font-size: 12px; top: 25%; } .icon-textfield .x-form-text { padding-left: 20px; } YourForm.OnReady Event procedure TMainForm.UniFormReady(Sender: TObject); begin with UniEdit1, JSInterface do begin JSCall('inputWrap.addCls', ['fa fa-user icon-textfield']); end; end; Result
  19. Hi You said "My component version is : Complete Professional" so you should have a subscription. Are you using cracked version?
  20. Hi Can you please adjust your email address?
  21. Hello Create a custom css and add it into uniservermodule.customcss Then set component's layoutconfig.Cls
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