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KingOrmon last won the day on June 11

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  1. I need to convert button in anchor, because I will proccessing this html in other app
  2. Hi, Is it possible to enable TUniToolButton.Href and Hreftarget properties ? Regards
  3. Hi, When I change some values of dataset DBGrid not show updated value, but this value is show correctly in a UniDBEdit. You can test simple case, changing column Qty to another value. You will see UniDBEdit with correct value but not show in grid. Regards d.zip
  4. I attach a simple case, see first uniDBCombobox and click on trigger button
  5. How can I enable screek mask only when click on trigger button, not when typing or another event
  6. Hi, I would like that trigger event button shows a mask. Actually I use the following code that works. But I would like if exists a config for enable it without listeners or a delphi property function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { sender.getTriggers().t1.el.addListener("click", function(event) { sender.showMask("Loading..."); }); } Regards
  7. A workaround seems to insert all components inside unicontainerpanel
  8. Hi Sherzod it happens when you use MainFormDisplayMode=mfPage Any idea ?
  9. Hi, I am migrating all forms from Serveralignment to Client Side Alignment. All works but I have a problem with screenmask, only applies to a one control of form, in server align mode screenmaks lock complete screen. any idea ? Thank you
  10. I don´t see loading never, I see a blank screen and after 2-3 seconds app. Only happens under mobile, on desktop is quickly
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