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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. Hello Please use below unimap.pas until we publish new version. uniMap.pas
  2. Hello Do you want to disable http port completely or you want redirect users visited "http://yoursite" to "https://yoursite" ?
  3. Hello Can you try below solution?
  4. Hello, I was working on RowWidget and I have a solution. procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniDBGrid1, JSInterface do begin JSAssign('findPlugin("rowwidget").getHeaderConfig', [JSFunction('', 'var defaultIconColumnCfg = this.superclass.getHeaderConfig.apply(this, arguments);'+ 'defaultIconColumnCfg.renderer = function (value, gridcell, record) { '+ // Your logic goes here. column[0] is custno. if it is 1221 show + sign otherwise hide. ' if (record.get(0) === 1221) { '+ ' return ''<div class="'' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + ''grid-row-expander" role="presentation" tabIndex="0"></div>''; '+ ' } '+ '}; ' + 'return defaultIconColumnCfg;')]); end; end;
  5. Hello You can use OnCellContextClick event.
  6. Hello, aVector.Options.Editable:= True.
  7. Hello What are you trying to achieve? Do you have simple test case?
  8. Hello I implemented one of the code that you sent me for area. Do you have example of what you want? So I can add it
  9. Hello If you are using professional version, please adjust your email first.
  10. Hello 1. Download below file and add into files folder. https://unpkg.com/leaflet-geosearch@3.3.2/dist/bundle.min.js 2. add below code to customfiles files/bundle.min.js 3. add an edit to the form and to search an address run below code procedure TMainForm.UniButton18Click(Sender: TObject); begin with UniMap1, JSInterface do begin JSCode('const provider = new window.GeoSearch.OpenStreetMapProvider();'); JSCallGlobal('var query_promise = provider.search',[JSObject(['query', uniedit4.Text])]); JSCallGlobal('query_promise.then', [JSFunction('e','ajaxRequest('+JSName+', "OnAddressFound", {address: JSON.stringify(e)});')]); end; end; 4. To get the result, add below code to unimap.onAjaxEvent if EventName='OnAddressFound' then begin addressJson:= Params['address'].AsString; end now you will get a JSONArray with found results. You need to parse it. Check below example https://jsfiddle.net/Alechan/L6s4nfwg/ Example addressJSON [ { "x":35.3258349, "y":36.9936175, "label":"Adana, Seyhan, Adana, Mediterranean Region, 01010, Turkey", "bounds":[ [ 36.8336175, 35.1658349 ], [ 37.1536175, 35.4858349 ] ], "raw":{ "place_id":128287, "licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright", "osm_type":"node", "osm_id":26480399, "boundingbox":[ "36.8336175", "37.1536175", "35.1658349", "35.4858349" ], "lat":"36.9936175", "lon":"35.3258349", "display_name":"Adana, Seyhan, Adana, Mediterranean Region, 01010, Turkey", "class":"place", "type":"city", "importance":0.7673464411826116, "icon":"https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/ui/mapicons//poi_place_city.p.20.png" } }, { "x":35.4984094, "y":37.1438001, "label":"Adana, Mediterranean Region, Turkey", "bounds":[ [ 36.2630414, 34.7392967 ], [ 38.4046019, 36.4095784 ] ], "raw":{ "place_id":257827537, "licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright", "osm_type":"relation", "osm_id":167216, "boundingbox":[ "36.2630414", "38.4046019", "34.7392967", "36.4095784" ], "lat":"37.1438001", "lon":"35.4984094", "display_name":"Adana, Mediterranean Region, Turkey", "class":"boundary", "type":"administrative", "importance":0.7673464411826116, "icon":"https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/ui/mapicons//poi_boundary_administrative.p.20.png" } }, { "x":35.33124175868778, "y":37.02213715, "label":"Adana, Kışla Mahallesi, Yüreğir, Adana, Mediterranean Region, Turkey", "bounds":[ [ 37.0216189, 35.3304464 ], [ 37.0227239, 35.3321308 ] ], "raw":{ "place_id":237840251, "licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright", "osm_type":"way", "osm_id":754261366, "boundingbox":[ "37.0216189", "37.0227239", "35.3304464", "35.3321308" ], "lat":"37.02213715", "lon":"35.33124175868778", "display_name":"Adana, Kışla Mahallesi, Yüreğir, Adana, Mediterranean Region, Turkey", "class":"leisure", "type":"park", "importance":0.35000000000000003 } }, { "x":35.31912610457783, "y":37.0036959, "label":"Adana, Atatürk Caddesi, Adana, Seyhan, Adana, Mediterranean Region, Turkey", "bounds":[ [ 37.0035359, 35.3188148 ], [ 37.0038454, 35.3194402 ] ], "raw":{ "place_id":317402933, "licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright", "osm_type":"way", "osm_id":153300717, "boundingbox":[ "37.0035359", "37.0038454", "35.3188148", "35.3194402" ], "lat":"37.0036959", "lon":"35.31912610457783", "display_name":"Adana, Atatürk Caddesi, Adana, Seyhan, Adana, Mediterranean Region, Turkey", "class":"railway", "type":"station", "importance":0.201, "icon":"https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/ui/mapicons//transport_train_station2.p.20.png" } } ]
  11. Hello I'm able to compile and install new version. What error message are you getting?
  12. Hello We will publish next build tomorrow. We are actively working on Server Farm. We are planning to release HyperServer Server Farm in this month.
  13. Hello It is ready and will come with next build. We are working on some hyperserver features and planning to release by end of the month.]
  14. When you click the button, it will disable it until the response so no one can click again.
  15. And what is the type of close button? is it UniButton? We have autolock property for unibutton
  16. You can use Unifileuploadbutton instead of unifileupload
  17. The is the latest. Are you using UniButton? How they are closing your form?
  18. Do to security reasons, you need to click a file input button. There is no solution for this.
  19. Which version are you using? It is added recently.
  20. Hello Please set Unibutton.AutoLock:=True
  21. Please send your test case. It is working in my end
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