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Everything posted by Tokay

  1. Actually the data is in the 'Actions' column, not in the other. I.e. really need to show data (four states of the row/record) in the 'Actions' as buttons with different icons with action on they.
  2. I need something like this (photoshopped example), 'Action' image index depends on, for example, CustomNo:
  3. Ok, I see this post, but how to move from font (x-fa fa-home) to TUniNativeImageList images indexes?
  4. Unfortunatelly I have no find any example how to change image depended on dataset. I additionally explain what is nedded to achive: row 1 has 0 value in the 2 column (with action buttons), then we show on grid button Image 0 from bineded TUniNativeImageList; row 2 has 4 value in the 2 column (with action buttons), then we show on grid button Image 4 from bineded TUniNativeImageList; row 3 has 2 value in the 2 column (with action buttons), then we show on grid button Image 2 from bineded TUniNativeImageList; and in that way all other rows.
  5. A DbGrid has action column with one button. It's necesserry to change image on the buttons depends of current dataset row data. The difficulty is that UniDBGrid1DrawColumnCell does not fired on such columns, if I understand correctly. Maybe this is a bug or it works by disign in such way? I'm use 1551 version.
  6. We are using Eurekalog, it works perfect. Early we've used Mad for some reason, without UniGUI, it needs much more resources (memory). Both project are quite stable and very useful.
  7. Попробуй именно Линуксовые демки: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Linux64\"
  8. Hi! Downloaded zip has 0 file length, please, reupload or fix it!
  9. Можешь пример посмотреть, там всё просто: Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\Grid - DBTreeGrid
  10. Actually TUniCanvas has a bug. When change it size on the front, back shadow images does not changed and therefor TUniCanvas works wrong. This is fix for an issue, please add it to the sources: if (not IsLoading) and ((pw <> Width) or (ph <> Height)) then begin SetDomStyleProperty('clip', GetClipStr ); JSCall('setWH', [Width, Height]); // FPngImage.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight); FBitmap.SetSize(AWidth, AHeight); // end;
  11. Hi! I also faced this problem. Maybe it could be fixed on the component side? This is a very used case: store last grid selection/position, but with current component behavior have no any solution except of such private call with unpredictable consequences.
  12. You can find UniFSButton43 on the UniScrollBox2 when Owner of the UniFSButton43 is UniScrollBox2. I think that Owner of the UniFSButton43 is your form. Components can be found only in the owner components list, not in any other.
  13. I already have opened form in the tab, but some users want (optionally) open such window not in the soft tab but in the browser window or browser tab. Some users have two (or even more) physical monitors and is very convient to view same environment on the both monitors: one form on the first monitor and second form on the second, both forms within one unigui session. Unfortunatally I havn't found a solution. It seems that one session could not work in the two browser tabs/windows and such behaviour does not possible.
  14. Your fixes works, thank you!
  15. That it PageSizeExtension.7z
  16. Hi, I found an issue with use of this code: function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var me = sender; if (me.pagingBar) { me.pagingBar.getComponent("refresh").handler = function() { ajaxRequest(me, '_refresh', []) } } } It interferre with PagingToolbarResizer from this topic while open form: http://forums.unigui.com/?app=core&module=system&controller=content&do=find&content_class=forums_Topic&content_id=4210&content_commentid=73856 JS Error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'get') Does it possible to use both codes together? Thank you! Version 1551
  17. This example works for me, thank you! 1551 version.
  18. I see few such questions but no one solution. Maybe it possible with help of open url? Call to open url in the new tab, it's works good. And after unigui get such url and opens it as the form in the new tab?
  19. Tokay

    treeview nodes

    BTW Could be used some memory dataset, not the real db.
  20. You can search on this forum: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/7483-vcl-forms
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