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Everything posted by Tokay

  1. Good news is about removing ARC from the Linux code. It'll be more compatible with old Windows code.
  2. Tokay

    UniGui + SQLite

    Firebird всё таки более продвинутая бд, чем MySQL. Я использовал только её. Если, конечно, выбор вообще есть.
  3. Tokay

    UniGui + SQLite

    Ну и UIB можно глянуть: https://github.com/hgourvest/uib
  4. Tokay

    UniGui + SQLite

    Можно попробовать посмотреть еще на FIB+. Единственное - их правовой статус неясен.
  5. Tokay

    UniGui + SQLite

    UniGUI работает с любыми компонентами - наследниками TDataSet, то есть с IBDac тоже.
  6. Tokay

    UniGui + SQLite

    Вы можете использовать IBX из поставки Professional. Они работают и всегда работали с Firebird без ограничений.
  7. UniDAC already works under Linux https://forums.devart.com/viewtopic.php?t=35231
  8. TMS and DevExpress develops mostly the frontend components. But the UniGUI is not only frontend components, but frontend + backend. You can compare how many backends (servers, hosts) works on the Linux and on the Windows. And introducing the UniGUI to the Linux world you can expand the field of using many times. And I think that converting UniGUI to the Linux is not so hard. I already converted my big project with million+ lines from Windows to Linux (and from Delphi to Lazarus, when I started, Delphi did not have Linux support at all) for about three months. If full sources of UniGUI were available, maybe I would have done it myself. But for a while we have what we have.
  9. May be this sample can help you? http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/11277-speedbutton-alignment/
  10. Ruslan, you have many risks everywhere. As with Microsoft: https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2002/01/06/fire-and-motion/ (the classic article) as with other soft company (Google+, recent example). Delphi already works on Linux and mobiles. I think that no need to pull your prejudices here. And give your limited knowledge as the state of things. We have some successfull commercial projects for the Linux on the Delphi+Lazarus. And need Linux support in the UniGUI.
  11. BTW you can try to use approach from my topic:
  12. I think that you can just analize returned value of the ShellExecute to understand what happend https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/shellapi/nf-shellapi-shellexecutea
  13. Does the MessageDlg called from the uniGUIForm module?
  14. The img folder also needed in the exe folder. All works fine. Thank you guys!
  15. You can try: UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TForm2, False) <> nil
  16. I just try to download my project from topic, and it downloaded well. I reupload it here. You can view my sources. It's great! I'll wait for you solution, thank you. Project3.7z
  17. I have created a server folder (not file) browser. Unfotunatelly it's have a bug on the UniGUI side. I reported it to the Portal.
  18. I think that it would be very helpful and demonstrative to create online layout demos. It's very strong feature almost without oficial demos. And it's very strange. I just now learned that it can be done: But it's incredibly great feature!
  19. You have 266 fixes for different properties in CustomCSS: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/search/&amp;q=CustomCSS I think that good idea is to collect many of them into one or several non-visible components. Something like TJvNavPaneStyleManager from Jedi components you can see in attach. I think that is possible and not too hard, and could significantly extend the display settings of components.
  20. You can use EurekaLog or such app for finding place of an issue.
  21. UniSession.SendFile(xreport, 'FileNameAtTheUserSide.pdf');
  22. Tokay

    DBGrid DrawRow

    Странный какой-то код. Мне кажется, что нужно так: procedure TfrmEdtRetSale.undbgrdPayDrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Column: TUniDBGridColumn; Attribs: TUniCellAttribs); begin if ARow=0 then begin Attribs.Font.Style:=[fsStrikeOut]; Attribs.Color:=clRed; end; end;
  23. Specifically for unigui you don't have to do restful or other api. All works as is, no need to do front <> back connections maually. With one or many web users. And this is a big benefit. But for coonect other, external, software you need to do some kind of a connection api.
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