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Everything posted by Tokay

  1. Does it possible to disable HTTP port of UniGUI? I need only HTTPS enabled, not both ports.
  2. I want to remind you that exists another way: Lazarus+FPC. It's a very good choise for Linux or Linux+Windows code. It's absolutely free, have a good compatibility with Delphi VCL code even under Linux. It's stable enough and IDE (Lazarus) works directly under Linux. We have hundreds of servers, and they works stable, 365/24. I hope that Farshad could translate his great UniGUI lib to the Lazarus platform too.
  3. We have huge amount of code, millions of lines, that uses TSharedImage descandant (DIB.pas): https://github.com/MasterOfChaos/Chaoslauncher/blob/master/External/DelphiX/DIB.pas it works well under delphi/win and lazarus win and linux, but could not been compiled with delphi/fmx. We already upgreaded from XE6 Pro to 10.4 Enterprise with hope for the UniGUI Linux version, but at the moment have no success
  4. I understand. We'll wait for better moment for upgrading, or maybe for https://www.crossvcl.com/ or Lazarus compatiblity. Unfortunatelly at the moment your library is unusable for us under Linux.
  5. Does this feature already worked? We are waiting for it to update a subscription.
  6. The TBitmap and descendances of the TCustomImage is needed inside the app not in the interface. If you can repeat this classes inside your framework it wood be good movement!
  7. Unfortunatelly it is no good framework to do something real in the Delphi + UniGUI. Lazarus has a good LCL that about totally compatible with the VCL framework on all platforms, and all code could be moved to Lazarus with minimal fixes. But in Delphi you have no VCL on Linux. You have only FMX, that even have no the TBitmap class and all apis if totally incompatible with the vcl. About all of code must be rewriteen. In the case of million lines it's a big chellenge. The Lazarus UniGUI version also not available at a moment. Also I try to use CrossVCL. It seems to good replacemnt for VCL, and have most standard VCL classes in Linux (it is not free, but ok, it's not a big issue). But UniGUI could not be compiled at the moment with CrossVCL because part of modules are not open sourced and compilator returns error that unigui's modules could not be compiled with changed sourses. And I don't know what to do next. Still waiting for now.
  8. Возьми отладчик и посмотри как алерты проходят
  9. число параметров в записи (record) фактически не ограничено, можно передавать одну запись с множеством полей.
  10. Oh, thank you! I found it!
  11. Unfortunatelly there is no dtmTimeOnly at the moment
  12. I also needs this feature
  13. Not exatly, 8 is allowed. 7 and older doesn't supported by MS anymore.
  14. у меня работает с унидаком без особенностей. кинь пример, гляну у себя
  15. It works! Thank you very much
  16. This is DFM code: object StringGrid1: TUniStringGrid Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 369 Height = 321 Hint = '' FixedCols = 0 FixedRows = 0 RowCount = 7 ColCount = 2 DefaultRowHeight = 18 Options = [goVertLine, goHorzLine, goColSizing, goRowSelect] ShowColumnTitles = True Columns = < item Title.Caption = #1055#1072#1088#1072#1084#1077#1090#1088 Title.Color = clBlack Width = 150 end item Title.Caption = #1047#1085#1072#1095#1077#1085#1080#1077 Title.Color = clBlack Width = 200 end> Align = alTop TabOrder = 1 end
  17. Is it possible to wrap lines in a column of a TUniStringGrid? I colud'nt find anything on forum.
  18. Можно пробовать по ID'шникам сессий, как я тут писал: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/14257-uniservermodulegetsession-new-powerfull-feature/ ID'шники приходят в сервермодуль в куках, если что: Cookie := ARequestInfo.Cookies.Cookie['UNI_GUI_SESSION_ID', '']
  19. А в чем проблема? в MainModule описываешь нужную(ые) методы и дергаешь их из сервермодуля
  20. Всё хорошо видно в dfm, открывай и смотри что там поменяли по сравнению с дефолтными свойствами.
  21. I could not help you remotely but could get you an advice: use the examples instead of the documentation. The UniGui has really many examples, and it's great.
  22. Hmmm Simple, obvious and correct solution, thank you!
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