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Everything posted by bahry

  1. كل عام وانتم بخير
  2. HI, I think the the StarDocs from Gnostice can help https://www.gnostice.com/StarDocs.asp Regards
  3. Hello every one, It seems Delphi 10.4 is still bugy check the following link https://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/delphi-10-4-sydney-is-available?CommentId=f0664fd1-bf88-44c5-b8cb-d36772358e94
  4. Ramadan Mubarak to you all
  5. Very Thanks Sherzod, Am aware of this event, But I need the main Form and subsequent forms/frames to have different designs on the tablets than those in the mobile. Regards
  6. Hello every one, Is there a way to check the users device (Desktop/Tablet/Phone) and the screen size, so the main form will be designed accordingly. I know UniGui will handle it internally, but it will not distinguish between the mobile and the Tablet, I need to make the main form for the Tablet with 9" or 8" to be different from a Desktop/Mobile. Regards
  7. Very Thanks Mohammad, very useful example.
  8. Yes, Firefox works without problem, by the way this is my first time facing this problem in Chrome while downloading UniGui.
  9. HI, on latest version of Chrome "Version 75.0.3770.142" am not able to download the latest version of UniGui .1506 which marked it as dangerous and blocked without any option for saving
  10. Hi, I use the following and very satisfied, in the MainForm properties KeyPreview := True NavigateKeys.Cycle := True; NavigateKeys.Enabled := True; NavigateKeys..Next.key := 13; NavigateKeys.Prior.Key :=13; NavigateKeys.Prior.ShiftState := [ussShift];
  11. أقر الله عينكم في رمضان بلذة الاسحار وصحبة الاخيار ورحمة الغفار وجنة الأبرار وبلغني وبلغكم الله العشر ورفع عني وعنكم الشر وأكرمني وأكرمكم بليلة القدر وأسعدكم طول الدهر اللهم في هذه الليلة المباركة انصر اخواننا في غزة واهزم الصهاينة ومن والاهم
  12. HI, I have an Application as a Standalone runs without problem but as a Service it crash in the login screen here is the log file ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:06 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:06 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:06 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server on Port: 8077... BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:06 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started on Port: 8077 BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:10 [TUniServerModule]:Shutting Down Server. BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:10 [TUniServerModule]:Stopping HTTP Server. BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:11 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Stopped. BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:11 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Terminating Session manager. BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:11 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Stopping Cache Eraser... BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:11 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Cache Eraser Stopped. BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:11 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Destroying Worker Threads. BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:11 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Session manager terminated. BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:11 [TUniServerModule]:Server Shutdown Completed. BO.exe: 000008E4: 19:37:11 []:<--------------------------------------------------------------> BO.exe: 00003FF8: 19:37:11 [Terminated]:Exit Code: 0 BO.exe: 00001930: 19:37:13 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< BO.exe: 00001930: 19:37:13 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. BO.exe: 00001930: 19:37:13 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server on Port: 8077... BO.exe: 00001930: 19:37:13 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started on Port: 8077 BO.exe: 0000398C: 19:43:17 [Unhandled Web]:EThread : CheckSynchronize called from thread $398C, which is NOT the main thread : Addr: $004D74A3 BO.exe: 00001930: 19:43:35 [TUniServerModule]:Shutting Down Server. BO.exe: 00001930: 19:43:35 [TUniServerModule]:Stopping HTTP Server. BO.exe: 00000368: 20:05:33 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< BO.exe: 00000368: 20:05:33 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. BO.exe: 00000368: 20:05:33 [TUniServerModule]:Global Cache Folder Erased. <3> Files deleted. BO.exe: 00000368: 20:05:33 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server on Port: 8077... BO.exe: 00000368: 20:05:33 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started on Port: 8077 BO.exe: 00000ADC: 20:05:47 [Unhandled Web]:EThread : CheckSynchronize called from thread $ADC, which is NOT the main thread : Addr: $004D74A3 BO.exe: 00000368: 20:06:03 [TUniServerModule]:Shutting Down Server. BO.exe: 00000368: 20:06:03 [TUniServerModule]:Stopping HTTP Server. BO.exe: 000029E0: 20:21:32 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< BO.exe: 000029E0: 20:21:32 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. BO.exe: 000029E0: 20:21:32 [TUniServerModule]:Global Cache Folder Erased. <3> Files deleted. BO.exe: 000029E0: 20:21:32 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server on Port: 8077... BO.exe: 000029E0: 20:21:32 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started on Port: 8077 BO.exe: 00003E78: 20:21:49 [Unhandled Web]:EThread : CheckSynchronize called from thread $3E78, which is NOT the main thread : Addr: $004D74A3 BO.exe: 000029E0: 20:22:45 [TUniServerModule]:Shutting Down Server. BO.exe: 000029E0: 20:22:45 [TUniServerModule]:Stopping HTTP Server. BO.exe: 00001F64: 20:29:19 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< BO.exe: 00001F64: 20:29:19 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. BO.exe: 00001F64: 20:29:19 [TUniServerModule]:Global Cache Folder Erased. <2> Files deleted. BO.exe: 00001F64: 20:29:19 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server on Port: 8077... BO.exe: 00001F64: 20:29:19 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started on Port: 8077 BO.exe: 000026B0: 20:29:43 [Unhandled Web]:EThread : CheckSynchronize called from thread $26B0, which is NOT the main thread : Addr: $004D74A3 BO.exe: 00001F64: 20:29:59 [TUniServerModule]:Shutting Down Server. BO.exe: 00001F64: 20:29:59 [TUniServerModule]:Stopping HTTP Server. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Service App using the same Units as the standalone. Using latest version with latest Delphi RIO Does anyone experience the same issue? Regards
  13. Hi, Here is how to add UniMenuItem in a TUniPopupMenu. UniPopupMenu1: TUniPopupMenu; newCaption1: TUniMenuItem; . . procedure TMainForm.FillMenu; var sTxt : string; iTag : LongInt; MI_New : TUniMenuItem; begin For iTag := 1 to 5 do begin sTxt := 'Menu No ' + IntToStr(iTag); Try MI_New := TUniMenuItem.Create(newCaption1); with MI_New do begin Caption := sTxt; Tag := iTag; end; newCaption1.Add(MI_New); Finally End; end; end;
  14. I use the following in UniEdit ClientEvents --> UniEvents function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.selectOnFocus=true; } and it's working as expected. Regards
  15. I use WinLicense since very long time, and it is perfect for all cases exe & dll.
  16. Hello everyone, I just start using uniGMap component and tried the attached example, but it does not work as the provided demo ​I received the following error in the console ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Uncaught ReferenceError: GeolocationAPIForm is not defined at eval (eval at AjaxSuccess (ext-unicommon-min.js:9), <anonymous>:1:111) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ext-unicommon-min.js exist in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\uni-' directory and the desktop demo works fine. Am trying to show the Current location of the Client as soon as he opened the application, but without sucess. Thanks. example.zip
  17. Hi to you all, Anyone has an example on how to get the current location of the connected client? I found the following script in "Stack overflow", but don't know how to return back the 'loc.lat' and 'loc.lng' to my code ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function initialize() { var loc = {}; var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); if(google.loader.ClientLocation) { loc.lat = google.loader.ClientLocation.latitude; loc.lng = google.loader.ClientLocation.longitude; var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(loc.lat, loc.lng); geocoder.geocode({'latLng': latlng}, function(results, status) { if(status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { alert(results[0]['formatted_address']); }; }); } } google.load("maps", "3.x", {other_params: "sensor=false", callback:initialize}); </script> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Regards
  18. Hi Farshad, I already posted here http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/10699-button-image-align-problem/ Regards Bahry
  19. Hi Farshad, same thing here update from to and this problem effect even 3rd party components "TUniSFBitBtn" is there any solution? in this component we didn't use UniImageList the image comes from the Icon font . Regards Bahry
  20. There is a lot of function to help you deal with UTF8 and strings http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/UTF-8_Conversion_Routines
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