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  1. Thank you all!!! All the reviews were very helpful !!!
  2. Good Morning!!! I have a password encryption function to write to the database !!! But I'm having problems ... in the application to win the word pave2010 in function gets zk€o<:;: However due to unigui using utf-8, it returns zk'#$0080'o<:;: I have tried to change the charset in servermodule but I did not succeed ... Any suggestion?? function TFuncoes.EncryptPassWord(sPassWord:String):String; var i : Integer; begin Result := sPassWord; for i := 1 to Length(Result) do Result := Chr(Ord(Result) + 10); end;
  3. Sorry my english but I use a translator !!! My connection components are in MainModule ... I have several DataModules in my project ... I noticed that when SQL is in DataModulo1, the transactions work ... When they are in the other DataModules, the transactions are ignored ... as if they were in another session ... How to make all DataModulo use the same session ??? Thank you!!!
  4. I have a project in which some moments I need to control the transactions manually !!! I happen to have problems, because all users are staying in the same section !!! User X initiates the transaction ... user Y does Start and commit in his section (which should be separated) .. If user X does the Rollback, everything that user Y did will be lost !!! How to instantiate a section for each user ?? Thank you!!! Connection Type FireDac and DataSnap
  5. the user will do the reading of a file, and I need to rename or even delete what is not to do the reading of the file again !!! To the know that this file has already been processed !!!
  6. Sorry my english but I use a translator !!! Okay clarified my doubt !!! But would you have some way to rename or delete this file from the client machine ??? And if I want to save this file from the fileupload to another folder other than temporary file, would it have to do ??? Thanks!!!
  7. Good morning friends!!! I should not have expressed myself well, I need to get the path of the source file (the file path of the end user's machine) ... Taking advantage of the opportunity, if I need to write the file on the server as permanent file (not as temporary file in the cache folder) ... anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!!!
  8. Hi.. I need to get the path of a file so I can read it on the system... How to get the full file path through fileupload??? Thanks..
  9. Galera!!! O outro grupo está cheio!!! Eu Criei um novo grupo, tem poucos membros.. quem tiver interesse de entrar, só deixar o contato!!! Obrigado!!!
  10. Thank you ... you were very attentive answering the messages en gave me a good hint of how to solve my problem ... I adapted some things and worked perfectly .. thank you !!!
  11. Is there a performance difference for EnableAssynchrono = True and EnableAssynchrono = False ??
  12. I found a bug in uniGui .... I have a UniPageControl component and inside it I put a UniTabSheet ... then I put a UniToolBar and I added some buttons ... When calling the function UniPageControl.Pages [0] .ComponentCount it returns me = 0 ... as if I had no component inside the UniTabSheet ... but I have several !!! Would you correct this problem ??? Thank You!!!
  13. Sorry about my English!! Edition 1.0.0 build 1421. See the code sample below ... procedure TfTeste.DCallBack4 (Sender: TComponent; Res: Integer); begin ModalResult := Res; end; procedure TfTeste.APesquisarExecute (Sender: TObject); begin MessageDlg ('mbYesNo', mtConfirmation, mbYesNo, DCallBack4); // i need him to wait for the message to reply before proceding... if ModalResult = 1 then xxxxx else yyyyy; end; how to make???
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