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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. There is no way for a remote PC to access a local file on server. C:/Users/Administrador/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/StandAloneISAPI/files/Thor.avi Use a URL instead of a local path.
  2. Well, implementing such feature is only possible if an equivalent web technology exists to prevent moving from a field to another.
  3. It may not be a real operation timeout condition. It can show that server connection is actually lost.
  4. There is no way to stop an event after it is generated. The only way is to avoid it from being generated in client side. For Enter/Exit events I'm not sure if they can be avoided. Actually, you shouldn't rely on such particular details when developing a web app. What do you want to achieve by disabling events?
  5. href="http://<myAddress>"
  6. You can load png images but transparency is lost.
  7. TuniImageList supports all formats available in TImageList.
  8. In future each UniControl will have its own Mask Control property.
  9. In UniDBGrid ClientEvents.UniEvents: function OnAfterCreate(sender) { sender.store.on('load', function(this, records, options){ // process event } ); }
  10. An Ext.viewport you mean?
  11. Well, in unigui pages are not actually pages. We have a Main Form which can be a page and several other Forms which are displayed on top of MainForm. In future we may allow other Forms to be independent pages too.
  12. Uploading files is a complex process. Can you explain more about Uploadify and the way it handles uploads?
  13. We don't support browser authentication yet. Authentication must be done inside an active session. You can terminate the session if authentication has failed. A session can contain very complex client side state which can not be reconstructed easily when page is refreshed. For example you may have several Forms opened on screen on top of each other.
  14. In this case userValid is set after Server side event is executed which means you can't display the mask when user presses the button.
  15. Where uservalid is set to true? Also ajaRequest() works in background. It doesn't block the current thread.
  16. You call a server side click which has no effect on a client side mask. Solution: object MainForm: TMainForm Left = 0 Top = 0 Caption = 'MainForm' ClientHeight = 74 ClientWidth = 232 Color = clBtnFace OldCreateOrder = False Script.Strings = ( 'function sendProc(sender)' '{' ' sender.showMask('#39'Sending...'#39');' ' ajaxRequest(sender, '#39'sendEvent'#39', []);' '} ') ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Strings = ( '1-Onkeydown=function form.Onkeydown(sender, key, shift)'#13#10'{'#13#10' i' + 'f (key==121) {'#13#10' sendProc(sender); '#13#10' }'#13#10'}') MonitoredKeys.Keys = < item KeyStart = 121 KeyEnd = 121 end> OnAjaxEvent = UniFormAjaxEvent PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object UniEdit4: TUniEdit Left = 56 Top = 10 Width = 121 Height = 22 PasswordChar = #0 CharCase = ecNormal MaxLength = 0 CharEOL = #0 TabOrder = 0 Color = clWindow end object btnSend: TUniBitBtn Left = 56 Top = 38 Width = 121 Height = 25 Caption = 'Send [F10]' TabOrder = 1 ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Strings = ( 'OnClick=function OnClick(sender, e)'#13#10'{'#13#10' sendProc(MainForm.form' + ');'#13#10'}') OnClick = btnSendClick end end unit Main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, uniGUITypes, uniGUIAbstractClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniGUIForm, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniEdit, uniButton, uniBitBtn, uniScreenMask; type TMainForm = class(TUniForm) UniEdit4: TUniEdit; btnSend: TUniBitBtn; procedure UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); procedure btnSendClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; function MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses uniGUIVars, MainModule; function MainForm: TMainForm; begin Result := TMainForm(UniMainModule.GetFormInstance(TMainForm)); end; procedure TMainForm.btnSendClick(Sender: TObject); begin if not WebMode then Sleep(5000); end; procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin if EventName='sendEvent' then Sleep(5000); end; initialization RegisterMainFormClass(TMainForm); end.
  17. How do you use a shortcut key in web mode?
  18. Can you open multiple sessions in same PC in multiple browser windows?
  19. You should be able to embed any player inside a TUniURLFrame or TUniHTMLFrame.
  20. UniStringGrid is not oprtimized for dynamic loading of large amount of data. It is in out todo list.
  21. This is not a uniGUI error. Where and when do you receive this error? How did you install the isapi moulde? what is the url you use to run the app?
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