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Javi last won the day on October 15 2012

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    Getafe - Madrid

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  1. Thanks for answering Delphi Developer Then, it only does: FBookmarks.Clear; I thought it was to update the Dataset.
  2. Hello What does this button do? O How can it be used? Thank you. Javi
  3. Thank you very much for the help.
  4. It works ... But "deselectAll" only works when thrown at another event. /////////////////////////////// // It work procedure TMainForm.UniFormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Close; UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Open; end; procedure TMainForm.btn1Click(Sender: TObject); begin UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName + '.getSelectionModel().deselectAll()'); end; /////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////// // It doesn't work procedure TMainForm.UniFormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Close; UniDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.Open; // It doesn't work UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid1.JSName + '.getSelectionModel().deselectAll()'); end; ///////////////////////////////
  5. En mi empresa también empezamos con el desde el principo. Y hemos comprado tres licencia pro. Ya hemos hecho varíso proyectos y estamos muy contentos con UniGui.
  6. I would like the "De Session.URL" property can be modified for each session. Each session can modifcar your URL. I use input parameters. And when a session is closed by timeout, interests me customize the URL (which is inside "ServerMessages-> InvalidSessionTemplate"). To be able to pass parameters between the closed session the new open session. THK
  7. Javi

    Collapsible grid

    How I can reactivate this property? Under my responsibility. Thx
  8. +1 I like to test my apps too.
  9. Hola. Hay un ejemplo que se llama UrlParameters, a lo mejor es lo que buscas. Un saludo
  10. Me autocontesto... UniApplication.UniSession.AddJS('RUN = false'); Más fácil imposible
  11. Hello. I want to enable / disable the event "form.Onkeypress". I have put this: Form.Script ==> 'var RUN = false;' Form.ExtEvents.1-Ext.form.FormPanel ==> function form.Onkeypress(sender, key) { if (RUN == false) { sender.preventDefault(); }; } And it works. But not like putting 'RUN = True;'. ¿Someone can help me? As you see, my knowledge of JavaScript are very low. Thank you. =========================================================== Hola. Yo quiero habilitar/deshabilitar el evento "form.Onkeypress". Yo he puesto esto: Form.Script ==> 'var RUN = false;' Form.ExtEvents.1-Ext.form.FormPanel ==> function form.Onkeypress(sender, key) { if (RUN == false) { sender.preventDefault(); }; } Y funciona. Pero no se como poner 'RUN = True;'. ¿¿Alguien me puede ayudar?? Como vosotros veis, mis conocimientos de JavaScript son muy bajos. Gracias.
  12. Hello I can not help much, but a co-worker, had the same problem as you. He told me that the problem was the Path of UniGui within XE3 and XE.
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