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Farshad Mohajeri

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Everything posted by Farshad Mohajeri

  1. More questions: 1) Do you have a continuous Timer on your app? If yes what is the interval? 2) Do you have a single Database server for all of the sessions?
  2. Hi, Can you also send the Transport tabs (For Master server and one of the slaves)?
  3. Hello, It is the ConnectionLog. Can you also check the main log file?
  4. Hello, What is your uniGUI build? Is it the latest build?
  5. Hello, Can you investigate your project and see where Image1 component is placed?
  6. Please note that sessions and threads are not same things. Each session has a dedicated connection provided that Connection component is placed on MainModule. However, sessions can be served by different threads at different times. When a request is received it can run in any thread and it is not guaranteed that it is the always same thread for a particular session. What uniGUI governs is that a session will not be accessed by multiple threads simultaneously.
  7. If you check the control panel the /server url it will show the correct uptime. You are trying to create the server panel form manually. It doesn't initialize the form correctly. I will include an example showing how to create a custom server statistics page.
  8. program Project1; uses FastMM4, uniWinUtils, Forms, ServerModule in 'ServerModule.pas' {UniServerModule: TUniGUIServerModule}, MainModule in 'MainModule.pas' {UniMainModule: TUniGUIMainModule}, Main in 'Main.pas' {MainForm: TUniForm}, ServiceModule in 'ServiceModule.pas' {UniServiceModule: TUniGUIService}, Unit37 in 'Unit37.pas'; {$R *.res} function GetMemoryUsed: Int64; var st: TMemoryManagerState; sb: TSmallBlockTypeState; begin FastMM4.GetMemoryManagerState(st); result := st.TotalAllocatedMediumBlockSize + st.TotalAllocatedLargeBlockSize; for sb in st.SmallBlockTypeStates do begin result := result + Int64(sb.UseableBlockSize) * sb.AllocatedBlockCount; end; end; begin PGetMemoryUsedProc := GetMemoryUsed; Application.Initialize; TUniServerModule.Create(Application); Application.Run; end. Here is the solution. However, it will only work in next build!
  9. Hello, Is the value correct in server control panel?
  10. New version allows you to choose between 7.4.0 & 7.0.0 from ServerModule.
  11. Hello, The license terms indicates that you can not use Ext JS as a standalone product. You can only use it along with uniGUI projects. I will not restrict you in any way if you develop uniGUI projects with Delphi.
  12. Reason: Sencha has added a new property named: autoSelectMatches It is True by default. Setting it to False resolves the issue.
  13. I can confirm that behavior is different in 7.4.0 as you demonstrated above.
  14. Well, when you search for a "10" cursor can be placed on any row. It won't affect the result because any row with a "10" matches.
  15. I checked with 10.3.3 and your demo app. I could not find any problems.
  16. Can you try installing uniGUI based on instructions here: http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/c-builder-(without-rad-studio).htm
  17. Hello, I tested on our test PC and it compiles without any issues. Make sure lib files exist under below folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\Dcp You may try installing again according to our instructions for CPP builder.
  18. Can you please explain what steps did you take? Did you update app on master by uploading it remotely?
  19. This situation can only happen if the app running at that URL is a regular uniGUI app not a HyperServer (slave) instance! Is this possible?
  20. Hi, A 3rd party Web Sockets implementation may not work with HyperServer. HyperServer should also relay the connection to the nodes. This functionality is not available in HyperServer.
  21. Which is theme is active in your app?
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