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  1. Today
  2. Dear Friends! Stumbling upon a nearly decade-old post, I'd like to note that the code can be simplified even more... Thank you! 1. initialization ... UniAddCSSLibrary('build/packages/ux/classic/classic/resources/ux-all.css', False, [upoFolderJS, upoPlatformDesktop]); UniAddJSLibrary('build/packages/ux/classic/ux.js', False, [upoFolderJS, upoPlatformDesktop]); 2. function pagingBar.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.displayInfo = true; config.plugins = { 'ux-progressbarpager': { width: '300px' } }; }
  3. UniSession.URL gives only protocoll and host. No params.
  4. Hi, thank you, I will check.
  5. I'll explain better. I know how the client/browser side works and the interaction with Unigui. My question is ... Starting from a page (like the example, in this case Bootstrap), I can encapsulate via iFrame (or another way) an uniContainer object created at runtime (I don't want interaction between the object and bootstrap), all I need is that uniContainer is aligned within the iFrame. I need to create a sort of template where to place a multitude of uniContainer objects created at runtime. Sorry if I wasn't specific before. Thanks Antonio
  6. It seems the Ajax error was caused by some JS code I copied from the forum to reduce the size of the legend font sizes. After removing the code, I was able to hide the legend.
  7. Can you please advise why "hide" FAILS to FIRE
  8. I wish to hide the legend of the TUniBarSeries by setting the TUniChart's legend's Visible property to False. However, this causes the program to crash with the attached Ajax error. How do I hide the title arrowed? -- Frederick (UniGUI Complete - Professional Edition
  9. Hello, If I understand you correctly, you can use Clientside Alignment, with the layout you need...
  10. UniCalendarPanel1.JSInterface.JSCall('onTodayTap', []); UniCalendarPanel1.JSInterface.JSCall('onPrevTap', []); UniCalendarPanel1.JSInterface.JSCall('onNextTap', []); //There are several examples on the forum! UniCalendarPanel1.JSInterface.JSCall('setView', ['month']); //day, week
  11. I would like to create a Form with different html pages where there are "iFrames" inside. Is it possible to integrate/align a TUniContainer created at run time inside an iFrame? at least simulate an alignment to the HTML page. Thanks Antonio
  12. Yes this is needed. Why don't component makers just make this a standard? You need to have multiple columns for all comboboxes with search, sort, and filter options.
  13. Yesterday
  14. how can I implement this code in Delphi-Unigui? Pinch and Zoom with native JavaScript Pinch the images below on a mobile device to see the effect. https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/vmorneau/r/pinch-and-zoom/pinch-and-zoom-js OR Add touch gestures (pinch zoom, touch drag and twist rotate) to an image. https://github.com/Becavalier/Zoomage.js/ Attach Is a project to play with MzunimTest.zip
  15. grdSuppliers.JSInterface.JSAddListener('boxready', 'function(sender, width, height, eOpts){ajaxRequest(MainForm.grdSuppliers, ''_BoxReady_'', ["w="+width, "h="+height]);}'); // FIRES 🙂 grdSuppliers.JSInterface.JSAddListener('hide', 'function(sender, eOpts){ajaxRequest(MainForm.grdSuppliers, ''_Hiding_'', []);}'); // NEVER FIRES ???
  16. thank you. 🤲
  17. @Sherzod Is there a way to hide the UniCalendar tool bar (where is the "TODAY", "<", ">", "Day", "Week", "Month" button) and create calls for them via code?
  18. how can i set the image to resize with finger pinch I have image jpg in unimImage or unimUrlFrame and I can not "play" with the size of the image
  19. picyka

    Only errors.

    Very good news, thank you.
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