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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hi, What components are on the frame? Pay attention to additional JS codes, possibly which are in ClientEvents (beforeInit, afterrender)...
  2. Ok Maybe you wanted like this?: CustomCSS: .x-grid-item-over .x-grid-cell-inner { color:#000; background-color: yellowgreen; }
  3. Do you want like this?!: function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.series[1].tooltip = { trackMouse: true, width: 120, renderer: function(tip, item) { tip.setTitle(this.getTitle() + ': ' + item.get('LL')); tip.update('Αγορές: ' + item.get('B')); } }; }
  4. Hello, Can you make a simple testcase for this, for a better view?!
  5. Well, the get method parameters can only be: LL - XLabel value YValues: A - Series0 B - Series1 C - Series2 ...
  6. Goog Morning, Sorry, can you please explain in more detail what you wanted ?
  7. but, I don't see the changes Are you sure that chose the correct event?
  8. Hi, Also you can use UniURLFrame for this: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\URLFrame(HTML)
  9. First of all, please adjust you forum email address: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6291-new-users-please-adjust-your-forum-email-address/
  10. Hello, Which edition are you using?
  11. Maybe this post can help you?: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/10400-unidbgrid-selectedindex-e-charcase-uppercase/&do=findComment&comment=54441
  12. Hi, Can you please explain in more detail? Does this happen sometimes or permanently? Are there any errors, messages in the console of the browser?
  13. Sorry, can you explain in more details?!
  14. Hello, You can use this config for this: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.fieldStyle='text-transform:uppercase;'+config.fieldStyle; } In runtime (when an app is ready): lUniMemo.JSInterface.JSCall('inputEl.setStyle', ['textTransform', 'textTransform:uppercase']); //lowercase or none
  15. Used: UniEdit1 UniButton1 UniNativeImageList1 CustomCSS 1. CustomCSS: .customTrgCls { border-radius: 0; border-left: 0; } 2. UniButton1: Caption = ''; iConAlign = iaCenter Images->UniNativeImageList1 ImageIndex = 0 LayoutConfig->Cls = customTrgCls 3. UniNativeImageList1 Add camera-retro IconCls
  16. A, B, C, .... For the second series use "B": function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.series[1].tooltip = { trackMouse: true, width: 120, renderer: function(tip, item) { tip.setTitle(item.get('LL')); tip.update('Αγορές: ' + item.get('B')); } } }
  17. Please attach a simple testcase
  18. Hello, Can you analyze, check this approach? UniChart -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> function chart.beforeInit(sender, config): function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.series[0].tooltip = { trackMouse: true, width: 120, renderer: function(tip, item) { tip.setTitle(item.get('LL')); tip.update('Value: ' + item.get('A')); } } }
  19. Hi, Yes, this solution was for ExtJS4
  20. Hello, Try this: ComboBox -> function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { $("#"+sender.inputEl.id).inputmask("99999-999") }
  21. Maybe like this?: ._treemenu .x-treelist, ._treemenu .x-treelist-row{ background-color: green; } ._treemenu .x-treelist-row-over, ._treemenu .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-selected > .x-treelist-row{ background-color: #295C29; } ._treemenu .x-treelist-item-text, ._treemenu .x-treelist-item-icon, ._treemenu .x-treelist-item-expander { color: black; font-size: 14px; }
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