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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, First of all, can you please specify, which edition and build of UniGUI are you using ?!
  2. Ok, Thanks for the update Can you make a simple testcase for this? Or maybe you forgot to assign the name to the component?
  3. Thank you! First of all, can you please adjust your forum email address? : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6291-new-users-please-adjust-your-forum-email-address/
  4. Sorry which edition? Are you using a trial edition?
  5. Hello, Can you specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  6. Yes it's by design... Try this config: procedure TMainmForm.UnimFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UnimTreeMenu1.JSInterface.JSConfig('scrollable', [True]); end;
  7. One possible solution MainmForm -> ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> function titlebar.added: function titlebar.added(sender, container, index, eOpts) { this.insert(0, {xtype: 'spacer'}); }
  8. \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Touch\ToolBar - Advanced Controls
  9. Ok, can you try this approach for now? For example for UniComboBox1 1. UniComboBox1.ClearButton = False 2. function beforeInit: function beforeInit(sender, config) { Ext.apply(sender, { multiSelect: true, plugins: [ Ext.create('Ext.ux.form.plugin.CheckComboBox'), Ext.create('Ext.ux.field.plugin.Clearable') ] }); } 3. function afterrender: function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { if (sender.getValue().length == 0 && sender.triggers.clear) { sender.triggers.clear.setHidden(true); } } 4. function change: function change(sender, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) { if (sender.getValue().length > 0 && sender.triggers.clear) { sender.triggers.clear.setHidden(false) } ... ... }
  10. Hello, Try this config UniChart -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> function chart.beforeInit: function chart.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.colors = ["green", "yellow", "red", "#94ae0a", "#115fa6", "#a61120", "#ff8809", "#ffd13e", "#a61187", "#24ad9a", "#7c7474", "#a66111"]; }
  11. Thanks a lot! And please, next time, create a new content if we are considering a question that differs from the main post.
  12. Try this: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniDBLookupComboBox1.JSInterface do //JSConfig('pickerOffset', [JSArray([-20,0])]); JSConfig('pickerAlign', ['bl-tl']); end;
  13. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/6291-new-users-please-adjust-your-forum-email-address/&do=findComment&comment=32086
  14. Maybe you wanted like this?!: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin //An offset [x,y] to use in addition to the pickerAlign when positioning the picker. with UniDBLookupComboBox1.JSInterface do JSConfig('pickerOffset', [JSArray([-20,0])]); //JSConfig('pickerOffset', [JSArray([20,0])]); end;
  15. Sorry, can you please explain ?!
  16. Yes, sent screen is a mobile form, you can recognize it at least what the interface looks like and by this: MainmForm
  17. Yes I saw, and you wanted to use a solution that is designed for a mobile platform OK We will think about it, but I think it may not always work correctly, in some cases, the browser will continue suggesting autocompletion values even if the autocomplete attribute is set to off (Google that)...
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