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  1. FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.70.0.1485
  2. Hi, the TUnimDBNavigator doesn't sync button state, ie I click on add record button the "add/remove/up/down/first/last" buttons remain active, only the edit button goes disabled; same when I click on edit button... Thanks, Francesco
  3. Hi, I use Chrome on Android tablet to test my webapp made with unigui mobile. I add the shortcut to desktop so when I tap it starts like an app...but as soon I type on a edit field (even if it is not a password field) chrome show in the top the warning that remain in all pages making error in layout forms... I know that I could buy a ssl certificate, but there is another way to avoid that ? Thanks, Francesco
  4. Hi, no solution for SAML 2.0 but in my case client also has OAuth2 authentication... So I made a half of a real good solution... In the LoginForm the user click on a button that redirect to sign-on Note: XXX is the name of the client procedure TUniLoginForm1.btNextXXXClick(Sender: TObject); var _XXXurl, _state: string; begin //redirect login _XXXurl:='https://login-dev.XXX.com/adfs/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code'+ '&resource=XXXClientPortal'+ '&client_id=a123-b456-c789'+ '&redirect_uri=http://dev.test.it:8077/?callback=XXX'; //add an encrypted string in parameter state that will returned back without modification _state:='&state='+XEncrypt(edCodCliente.Text+'|'+edCodUtente.Text+'|'+DateTimeToStr(NOW)+'|'+UniSession.SessionId); _XXXurl:=_XXXurl+_state; UniSession.UrlRedirect(_XXXurl); end; In MainModule procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleBeforeLogin(Sender: TObject; var Handled: Boolean); var _callback, _state: string; _CodUtente, _DataOra, _SessionID: string; begin if (not _FlStatoAutoLogin) then begin //check if arrived from callback _callback:=UniSession.UniApplication.Parameters.Values['callback']; _state:=UniSession.UniApplication.Parameters.Values['state']; if (_callback='XXX') and (_state<>'') then begin _state:=XDecrypt(_state); _CodClient:=GetStrPosiz(_state, '|', 1); _CodUtenteXXX:=GetStrPosiz(_state, '|', 2); _DataOra:=GetStrPosiz(_state, '|', 3); _SessionID:=GetStrPosiz(_state, '|', 4); if (MinutesBetween(StrToDateTime(_DataOra), NOW)<=5) and ChkExistSessionID(_SessionID) then begin _FlStatoAutoLogin:=True; Handled:=True; end; end; end; end; function TUniMainModule.ChkExistSessionID(SessionID: string): boolean; var _path: string; begin //look in files if exists a session with specific ID _path:=UniServerModule.CacheFolderPath+'cache\'+ ReplaceText(ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName), '.exe', '_exe')+'\'+ SessionID; Result:=(DirectoryExists(_path)); end; To exit and get again loginform, in Main.pas procedure TMainForm.UniFormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if UniMainModule._FlStatoAutoLogin then begin UniSession.UrlRedirect('?'); Action:=caNone; end; end; The above it's just to authorize access to my unigui webapp...
  5. Someone has played with SAML 2.0 single sign-on with uniGUI ? If yes, is there any example to follow ? Thanks.
  6. Hi again, I cannot get to run as WindowsService, I tried different use of CoInitialize/Ex with no success... I came back to normal Windows standalone program, not a big issue. Thanks for the support.
  7. Ciao, I will check CoInitializeEx and etc. Thanks.
  8. Hi Farshad, ADO components, Indy IMAP, UniThreadTimer reside in ServerModule since I need to pool IMAP server and when I found new emails they are copied into SQL database for later use. Main form is used only for SQL database and IMAP configuration, protected by the Login form. Attached you can find the project. It is not necessary to configure SQL and IMAP access, since if they are empty the project runs but does nothing. Eventually password for login form is admin. The project will pool the folder INBOX/RichiesteArticoli of the imap user. GetMailRichiesteArticoli.zip
  9. Hi, I have a project (unigui with ADO components and Indy IMAP component that when compiled as Windows StandAlone works correctly; when I compile it as Windows Service and start the service it stops; in log a read the error "CoInitialize has not been called". I have set ServerModule->AutoCoInitializa to True. I run the service on my pc but the sql server is on another pc, so I try to change in Windows Service the account from "Local Service" to "Network Service", still the problem. Any ideas ? Thanks, Francesco
  10. I found the problem ! I have changed TUniThreadTimer with TUniTimer and now works as it should. Thanks for you support !
  11. My project get data from SQLServer...even if I post the project, you should have SQLServer installaed and database... Or do you wish to see source code ?
  12. Hi, I need to refresh data of a TUniDBGrid each X minutes, so I use a TUniThreadTimer and in the OnTimer event I close and Open the query but the new data are not refreshed in the grid. I did also a TUniDBGrid.Refresh and/or MainForm.Refresh with no success... But if I put a button and click on it the grid is refreshed... What I miss ? Thanks, Francesco
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