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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Если Вы имеете в виду на стороне клиента, то это невозможно. За исключением случая если не используется IE с ActiveX...
  2. Здравствуйте, Простите, а что за функция?
  3. The default message that appears in the confirmation box, is different in different browsers. However, the standard message is something like "Are you sure you want to leave this page?". This message cannot be removed. However, you can write a custom message together with the default message. See the first example on this page. Note: This only works in Internet Explorer. https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/event_onbeforeunload.asp
  4. Здравствуйте, MainForm -> OnScreenResize событие
  5. https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/event_onbeforeunload.asp
  6. Sherzod

    BUG ?

    Hello, Can you please make a simple testcase or how can we reproduce this issue?
  7. Hello, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?!
  8. Hi, Try: 1. UniImage -> function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls='avatar'; } 2. CustomCSS: .avatar img { vertical-align: middle; width: 80px; height: 80px; border-radius: 50%; }
  9. Sorry, how or where? You can use the MainModule -> OnDestroy event for this I think (without MessageDialogs of course)
  10. Sherzod


    For the grid header as a whole: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniDBGrid1.JSInterface.JSConfig('enableColumnHide', [False]); end;
  11. Sherzod


    Have you tried with? uniDbGrid1.Columns[index].Menu.MenuEnabled := False;
  12. Sherzod


    Or do you want to completely hide the menu?
  13. Sherzod


    Hello, One possible solution I think UniDBGrid1.JSInterface.JSAssign('hideable', [False], UniDBGrid1.Columns[1].JSColumn); UniDBGrid1.JSInterface.JSAssign('hideable', [True], UniDBGrid1.Columns[1].JSColumn);
  14. Hi, Immediately run the code or warn the user: UniMainModule -> BackButtonAction = bbaWarnUser
  15. Hello, Maybe you can try something like this... // 'FIRST', 'PRIOR', 'NEXT', // 'LAST', 'INSERT', 'DELETE', 'EDIT', 'POST', 'CANCEL', 'REFRESH', 'APPLYUPDATES', 'CANCELUPDATES' procedure TMainForm.UniFormReady(Sender: TObject); var btnName: string; btnHint: string; begin btnName := 'FIRST'; //uni_dbn_xxx btnHint := 'First'; UniSession.AddJS('Ext.ComponentQuery.query("[uname=uni_dbn_'+ btnName +']").forEach(function(el){el.setTooltip("'+ btnHint +'")});'); btnName := 'PRIOR'; //uni_dbn_xxx btnHint := 'Prior'; UniSession.AddJS('Ext.ComponentQuery.query("[uname=uni_dbn_'+ btnName +']").forEach(function(el){el.setTooltip("'+ btnHint +'")});'); //... end;
  16. Hello, By default the FireDAC application works in auto-commit mode, where a transaction is automatically started by FireDAC when it is required, and is committed on the successful command execution or rolled back on a failure.... http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Managing_Transactions_(FireDAC)
  17. Also you can try to use only this config, without CSS: with TUniPanel.Create(Self) do begin ... JSInterface.JSConfig('titlePosition', [1]); ... end;
  18. Hi, What code is not executed, can you clarify?
  19. ... ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Clear; ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add ('afterrender=function afterrender(sender, eOpts){this.addCls("my-panel");}'); ...
  20. Hello, Which error do you get? Did you assign a name to the component?
  21. UniHTMLMemo -> ShowToolbar = False (BorderStyle = ubsNone)
  22. Hello, JSCode for example: MainForm.UniHTMLMemo1.iframeEl.dom.contentDocument.documentElement.scrollHeight
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