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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Sherzod

    TuniEdit Styling

    Make a simple testcase if possible. I couldn't reproduce.
  2. Sherzod

    TuniEdit Styling

    UniEdit -> Alignment = taCenter ?
  3. Sherzod

    TuniEdit Styling

    Hi, Can you please explain in more detail?
  4. Hi, This post may help you:
  5. Hi Dominique, Do you mean double-clicking on an event?
  6. Well, for example like this: procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1DblClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage(UniDBGrid1.Columns[UniDBGrid1.CurrCol].FieldName); end;
  7. No, really everything is OK! Sorry, you're right, we need to do this using the property. I will open a ticket in the support portal.
  8. Try this approach for example:
  9. Sherzod


    Здравствуйте, Тогда попробуйте с самоподписанным сертификатом: http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/generate_a_self-signed_certifi.htm
  10. Hello, Do you mean double click on the column header?
  11. Please see this demo: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\CustomControl-5
  12. I do not argue with you, just gave a temporary solution.
  13. .. with AUniBarSeries.Parent.JSInterface do //JSCall('chart.series[0].setTitle', [JSArray(Titles)]); JSCode('try {'#1'.chart.series[0].setTitle(['+ Titles +'])} catch(err){};'); ...
  14. I couldn't reproduce this behavior. Works for me.
  15. procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin UniPanel1.JSInterface.JSConfig('bodyStyle', ['background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)']); end;
  16. Hello, Do you mean transparent!?
  17. Can you make a testcase for reproduce!?
  18. They are already implemented. UniChart -> Axes -> AxisA -> Title, AxisB -> Title UniChart -> Title -> Text
  19. Well, there are two moments... First moment: https://javascript.info/bubbling-and-capturing Second: As we can see looking at the first moment, in fact, you have two events for both: UniPanel1 and UniPanel2. Plus, since Ext.Msg is singleton, you only see the last message. I will analyze more, although there were solutions on the forum.
  20. Hello, Scrollbar styling is browser specific, need to analyze...
  21. UniComboBox uses a text input to display the selected value. It's not possible to include HTML tags in a text input.
  22. For UniMemo: procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniMemo1.JSInterface do JSAddListener('afterrender', 'function(){'+ 'this.initResizable({'+ ' minWidth: 100,'+ ' minHeight: 100'+ '}); '+ 'this.bodyEl.setStyle("width", "100%");'+ '}' ); end;
  23. Can you try this approach for now? 1. uses ... uniStrUtils; 2. procedure SetTitle(AUniBarSeries: TUniBarSeries; ATitle: string); procedure TMainForm.SetTitle(AUniBarSeries: TUniBarSeries; ATitle: string); var I: Integer; Titles: string; begin if (ATitle<>'')and(AUniBarSeries.Title<>ATitle) then begin AUniBarSeries.Title := ATitle; for I := 0 to AUniBarSeries.Parent.SeriesList.Count-1 do Titles := Titles + '"' + (AUniBarSeries.Parent.SeriesList[I] as TUniBarSeries).Title + '",'; Titles := RemoveTrailingChar(Titles, ','); with AUniBarSeries.Parent.JSInterface do JSCall('chart.series[0].setTitle', [JSArray(Titles)]); end; end; 3. Use SetTitle(Series3, 'newTitle');
  24. Yes. http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/unigui_application_architecture.htm http://unigui.com/doc/online_help/main_module.htm
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