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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, Try this approach for now. 1. procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with UniDBGrid1.JSInterface do begin JSAddListener('focusenter', 'function(me){ajaxRequest(me, "focusenter", [])}'); JSAddListener('focusleave', 'function(me){ajaxRequest(me, "focusleave", [])}'); end; end; 2. procedure TMainForm.UniDBGrid1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = 'focusenter' then begin // end else if EventName = 'focusleave' then begin // end; end; We will try to add this in the next builds.
  2. uniGUI - v1.90.0.1552: [UNG-3264] - New mobile Column type: ceMemo [UNG-3265] - TUnimDBGridColumn: New DisplayMemo property
  3. uniGUI - v1.90.0.1552: [UNG-3267] - RAD Studio 11.0 Alexandria Support
  4. Hello, What do you implying about these events?
  5. Please adjust your forum email address first:
  6. Hello, First of all, can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  7. Okay. I think mistake in the code was that you specified the ItemIndex of the selected row (UniListBox1). That's not so. Should always be zero. procedure TMainForm.UniTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin with UniListBox1 do if ItemIndex <> -1 then JSInterface.JSCall('boundList.getSelectedNodes()[0].scrollIntoViewIfNeeded', [True]); end;
  8. Based on the above solution which I already told you several times. test case.rar
  9. Sorry, I do not understand what you want. Can you create a similar working example for the VCL?
  10. it seems we don't understand each other! You are still using this code: Do not use it, instead, use what I gave you:
  11. Please read the above post, I have already given you a solution. 1. 2. procedure TMainForm.UniTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin UniListBox1.ItemIndex := 0; //with UniListBox1 do //if ItemIndex <> -1 then //JSInterface.JSCall('boundList.getSelectedNodes()[0].scrollIntoViewIfNeeded', [True]); end;
  12. If I understand you correctly, also set the following css rules to your style: border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: red;
  13. Or add this client event: function afterCreate(sender) { var list = sender.boundList; list.on('select', function(){list.getSelectedNodes()[0].scrollIntoViewIfNeeded()}); }
  14. Hello, Just try using this: edCliente.JSInterface.JSCall('addCls', ['campoVazio']);
  15. Hello, Please try to create a working example. This does not mean that the problem will be solved, although it will make it easier to reproduce and see the problem.
  16. Hello, Do you have a simple testcase to check?
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