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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Hello, Sorry, can you please specify first, which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  2. Добрый день, Попробуйте: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.header = { defaults: { width: 25 } } }
  3. Можете ли Вы проверить на последних сборках?
  4. How can I add hint or tool tip on the button? function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var me=sender; me.triggerButtonEl = me.bodyEl.createChild({ tag: 'button', html: '<i class="fa fa-search fa" style="position:relative; color:grey;"></i>', title: "This is a tip" }); me.triggerButtonEl.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); me.triggerButtonEl.setStyle('top', '0px'); me.triggerButtonEl.setStyle('right', '0px'); me.triggerButtonEl.setStyle('left', 'auto'); me.triggerButtonEl.setStyle('height', '100%'); me.triggerButtonEl.addListener('click', function(){ //ajaxRequest(me, 'clicked', []); }); me.inputEl.setStyle('padding-right', me.triggerButtonEl.getWidth()+1); }
  5. Sorry, I think I'm getting off topic here.
  6. UniApplication.Cookies.SetCookie('_loginname','',Date-1);
  7. Hello, But I thought that you have already solved what you asked: Then clarify your case again please.
  8. Perhaps this is the correct behavior. But there is a workaround.
  9. Use both. UniButton1: UniDBGrid1:
  10. Also you can use like this: UniSession.UniApplication.Cookies.Values['phoneID']; For example, demo: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\LoginForm Cookies procedure TUniMainModule.UniGUIMainModuleBeforeLogin(Sender: TObject; var Handled: Boolean); var S1, S2 : string; begin S1 := (Sender as TUniGUISession).UniApplication.Cookies.Values['_loginname']; S2 := (Sender as TUniGUISession).UniApplication.Cookies.Values['_pwd']; Handled := SameText(S1, 'demo') and SameText(S2, 'demo'); if Handled then LoggedUser := S1; end;
  11. When do you run this code? Many controls have the ScreenMask property. For example the grid (UniDBGrid) has a LoadMask property. You can use these properties.
  12. On the client side? If yes, do it on the server side.
  13. Hello, If I understand you correctly, you can see and analyze this demo for example: \FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\LogRequests
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