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Everything posted by Sherzod

  1. Используйте afterrender, или boxready события.
  2. Тогда попробуйте с defer. JSInterface.JSCallDefer('boundList.getSelectedNodes()[50].scrollIntoViewIfNeeded', [True], 100);
  3. Have you tested it on other browsers too?
  4. If I understood you correctly, itemIndex - zero based.
  5. Sorry, can you point it out, I don't see.
  6. Sherzod

    Css error

    Hi Dominique, We already had a similar request. I have already opened a ticket.
  7. JSCallDefer('fireEvent', ['change'], 200); Can you check?
  8. Hello, UniDBGrid.Columns[xx].ReadOnly = True/False
  9. No problem, your English is good, I understood you. Just wanted to clarify. https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/System.Zip.TZipFile
  10. Hello, I couldn't reproduce. It seems you are using custom styles.
  11. Hello, Sorry I didn't notify sooner. I already opened a ticket in the support portal. You can try this JS code: procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with UniComboBox1.JSInterface do begin // items[4] - Fifth record JSAssign('getStore().data.items[4].data.icon.iconUrl', ['files/free-icon-canary-islands.png']); JSCall('fireEvent', ['change']); // If the record is already selected end; end;
  12. 1. function painted(sender, eOpts) { sender._tip = Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', { closable: true, align: 'tl', focusOnToFront: true, autoHide: true, autoShow: true, autoScroll: true }); } 2. function childtap(sender, location, eOpts) { if (location.sourceElement && location.sourceElement.className == 'far fa-trash-alt') { //ajaxRequest(sender, "_tap", []) //alert(location.record.data[12]); sender._tip.setHtml(location.record.data[12]); sender._tip.showByTarget(location.sourceElement); } }
  13. Hello, pnlInformacoes ?
  14. Hello, Please explain in more details?
  15. 1. UniHiddenPanel1 -> UniCheckBox1 2. procedure TMainForm.UniFormReady(Sender: TObject); begin UniDBGrid1.JSInterface.JSCall('header.insert', [1, UniCheckBox1.JSControl]) end; 3. procedure TMainForm.UniCheckBox1Change(Sender: TObject); begin // end;
  16. Думаю, в любом случае мы не можем применить готовый выше приведенный код, поскольку это не отдельный компонент, а иконка. Придется модифицировать код.
  17. function form.beforeInit(sender, config) { config.style='border-style: none'; } form.beforeInit
  18. Hello, Can you please explain in more details?
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