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Everything posted by Hayri ASLAN

  1. Hayri ASLAN


    Hi If you're giving customUri, you need to set DefaultIcon to False
  2. Hi, It is the same with UniMap. Please check the UniMap demo.
  3. Hi, Can you please create a test case that we can work on it?
  4. Hi, You need to add TUniMapKeys to servermodule. Please check our unimap demo
  5. Hi, Can you upload your test case here so I can check what's wrong.
  6. UniWebcam and UniVideoPanel. UniVideoPanel is a web video player built from the ground up for an HTML5 world. It supports HTML5 video and modern streaming formats, as well as YouTube, Vimeo, and even Flash. UniWebCam : HTML5 Webcam Image Capture Library with Flash Fallback NOTE: YOU HAVE TO USE HTTPS TO WORK WITH CAMERAS. UniGUIOpenSource.zip
  7. Hayri ASLAN


    Hi, We are not using google map directly. We are using Leaflet.js. Leaflet is a map display library, not a data API, not an elevation raster query library. 1- To able to use route, we need to use a plugin. like leaflet-routing-machine 2- we may use L.GeoSearch plugin. 3- There is no "idle" event in Leaflet library, though the description seems resemblant of "moveend"
  8. are you registering the class of FFORMCADASTRO? because you are using "FindClass" initialization RegisterClass(TFFORMCADASTRO);
  9. Hi Can you please explain what are you trying to do? Can you please create a test case?
  10. Can you please adjust your email address?
  11. Hayri ASLAN


    Hi, Yes with the new build we will get the demo. Please find attached demo. UniMap - Custom Marker.rar
  12. Hi, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  13. Hi, Can you please specify which edition and build of UniGUI are you using?
  14. Hayri ASLAN


    Hi, Let me check my commit again.
  15. Hi, What you're expecting from listview? Right now stringgrid almost equal of listview component. Maybe you can use it
  16. Hayri ASLAN


    Hi, We created a specific demo for your request. Did you get the latest build? Please check "UniMap - Custom Marker" Demo
  17. Please simply add "@@" in front of your message. like MessageDlg('@@Do something?',mtConfirmation, [mbYes,mbNo], CallBackFunct);
  18. Hayri ASLAN


    You don't need to send your project. Just create a testcase
  19. Hayri ASLAN


    Use onbeforeshow to load your data. How are you calling-showing that form?
  20. Hayri ASLAN


    Why you are not doing it onbeforeshow without showing a mask
  21. Hayri ASLAN


    You can't use syncronize onAfterShow.
  22. Hayri ASLAN


    So what's happening when you use this code? can you please create a simple test case?
  23. Hello. Please adjust your forum email address first:
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