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Everything posted by M.Ammar

  1. Hi, I have worked with similar APIs integration in 2 projects before, it is not UniGUI Related subject but you can start by understanding how to use RESTAPI components like: RESTClient1, RESTRequest1, RESTResponse1, RESTResponseDataSetAdapter1, SimpleAuthenticator1 you can use Tools >> REST Debugger tool in Delphi to auto generate these components with correct settings. A good place to start is : regards ammar
  2. Hi I keep getting this error in the log Ohotel.dll: 00000D14: 00:00:35 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\unigui\ext-7.0.0\build\classic\locale\locale-ar.js Regards
  3. Hi thank you both I totally agree that this is very important information and must be added to the documentation, I have wasted many hours trying to find out why was not working
  4. Thank you mohamed for reply my issue is not converting dates or checking correct dates I am doing that using SQL server. also I can use API for that as well. my problem with users that enter incorrect dates (or incorrect date format) that's why I need DateTimePicker to make it easy for them to make less mistakes like this one http://hijri-datepicker.azurewebsites.net/ best regards
  5. hi my new application is based heavily on hijri date. 1- is there any compatible hijri DateTimePicker or calendar that I can use in my UniGui Application. 2- can I use the flowing Bootstrap Hijri Date picker https://github.com/balbarak/bootstrap-hijri-datepicker if yes how can I do so, any suggestions are welcome. Regards
  6. Hi on formA on click event formB.close; or formB.hide; Like so procedure TMainForm.UniPDeskTopClick(Sender: TObject); begin formB.show; end; procedure TMainForm.UniPDeskTopDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin formB.Hide; end; Regards
  7. Hello , I have used the first Approach in 2 wizards , it is working fine with organizing each step code in {$REGION}, but I don't recommend it. in another wizard I mix between 1 and 3 (Especially good if you going to use existing forms and use them inside taps) I think you will be better off with no 3 it will be more manageable like Mohamed Nasman said regards
  8. this is working perfect if you can direct me to sources to understand jsCode in UniGui it will be great Thank you
  9. Hi you can use components paletas to search and add any unigui component
  10. Hi in ServerModule CSS file add the flowing CSS .treemenu .x-treelist, .treemenu .x-treelist-row{ background-color: #10044a; } .treemenu .x-treelist-row-over, .treemenu .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-selected > .x-treelist-row{ background-color: #40366e !important; } .treemenu .x-treelist-item-text, .treemenu .x-treelist-item-icon, .treemenu .x-treelist-item-expander { color: #e8dff7; font-size: 14px; } then in your uniTreeMenu> layoutConfig > Cls > treemenu you can select any colors you want Regards
  11. based on another topic of yours i added this link in server module <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Cairo' rel='stylesheet'> this is the font https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Cairo?subset=arabic
  12. Sorry I did not understand what you told, can you give example please.
  13. yes please, I already can use it by adding a css below .treemenulavender .x-treelist, .treemenulavender .x-treelist-row{ background-color: #10044a; } .treemenulavender .x-treelist-row-over, .treemenulavender .x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-selected > .x-treelist-row{ background-color: #40366e !important; } .treemenulavender .x-treelist-item-text, .treemenulavender .x-treelist-item-icon, .treemenulavender .x-treelist-item-expander { color: #e8dff7; font-family: Cairo; font-size: 14px; } what i need is to be able to change it at runtime with some code like this UniSession.AddJS(UniTabSheet.JSName + '.tab.btnInnerEl.setStyle("font-family", "'Cairo'")'); that works with UniTreeMenu regards
  14. Hi I use google fonts, and i need to change font family at run time, I managed to do it for all component except for UniTreeMenu, I need like the flowing code which works on UniTabSheet UniSession.AddJS(UniTabSheet.JSName + '.tab.btnInnerEl.setStyle("font-family", "'Cairo'")'); regards Ammar
  15. Sorry I cannot find out what the Couse of this except for clicking too fast on another button after changing the item from the list , otherwise if I waited one sec the application is working fine that's why I need to enable screen mask to prevent this from happening i can make a video showing the crash if it would help regards
  16. Hi I have TUniDBLookupComboBox that i want enable screen mask because of long prosess. when I enable the screen mask it works when I click the TUniDBLookupComboBox dropdown list button and don not allow the list to show I want to enable the screen mask after the item is selected not before can that be done ? if not what is the alternative to block the user from selecting any other option manually? Side note : before the last update I had no issue with this list but now if the user select an item and then clicked another button fast the application crashes for unknown reason and give blank page and no debugging feedback in Delphi. regards ammar
  17. Hi if I understand you correctly it is better to use layout than normal align, but if you don't use layout, you also can use the Anchors to achieve the required result you can check the chart demo to see how it is done C:\Program Files (x86)\FMSoft\Framework\uniGUI\Demos\Desktop\ChartDemo regards
  18. Thanks that fixed the problem , I found out that below line in UniServerModule 'CustomeFiles' was the cause of the issue <link rel="stylesheet" href="files/fontawesome-free-5.12.0-web/css/all.css"> it was added before to support font awesome V5 manually in older builds, before the last update and may have conflicted with the new update side effect that some other icons that used this was not displayed but I will replace them no problem issue fixed thanks again best regards
  19. Hi which Build did you go back to ? Regards
  20. Hi All Any update on this issue , I have the same problem in most themes after UniGui, I was about to open a new topic. I have noticed that problem only show in my project but not in demo, and I have trayed the flowing: 1- uninstall and reinstall a clean UniGui and themes 2- removed all css code from project. until now with no success only working themes for me is uni_emerald which I have coped from old instlation and (Neptune). I cant reproduce issue in new projects only in my currant one affected components (anything with down arrow icon) UniComboBox UniDBComboBox UniTreeMenu what can I do to help find the issue regards
  21. Thank you it was included in Build No, But unfortunately it was removed again in I think it was forgotten when reverting To Ext 7.0.0, I had to copy it manually from .\unipackages-7.2.0\themes to .\unipackages-7.0.0\themes working fine Regards
  22. Hi Congratulations on the new support for FontAwesome 5 Icons it is looking great and so much more icons, only one issue so far that Font FontAwesome Icons are not displayed when used with UniTreeMenu and items are displayed using UniMenuItems thanks for your effort and best regards
  23. Hi unigui: I tested in my project is working fine, I think you must mean mobile
  24. (Posted in mobile by mistake) Hi Congratulations on the new support for FontAwesome 5 Icons it is looking great and so much more icons, only one issue so far that Font FontAwesome Icons are not displayed when used with UniTreeMenu and items are displayed using UniMenuItems thanks for your effort and best regards
  25. (Sorry Posted In mobile by mistake ) Hello I found that uni_emerald theme was removed from latest uniGui Theme packs I tested latest FMSoft_uniGUI_Theme_Pack_1.90.0.1529 also I cannot find it is there any reason for removing this theme because I use it as the main theme in my application I know how to copy it manually from older installations and it is working fine so far. just need to know the reason thanks
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