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SISBLU Software

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Everything posted by SISBLU Software

  1. Hello, I'm going through this. EXE can access DLLs in the exe directory. IIS fails. WINDOWS server 2019
  2. has not ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> function focus: Solution: ClientEvents -> ExtEvents -> function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var me=sender.inputEl; me.set({ readonly: "readonly" }); sender.addListener( 'focus', function(sender, e, eOpts) { me.el.dom.removeAttribute('readonly'); } ); }
  3. How do I change FOCUS using the keyboard? Key -> (right arrow)
  4. Hello, Any Solution? The BORDER BLACK , How to remove this other border ??? This result UniHTMLMemo2.JSInterface.JSAddListener('initialize', 'function(editor){'+ ' const bodyArea = editor.getEditorBody();'+ ' bodyArea.style["border"] = "1px solid";'+ ' bodyArea.style["border-radius"] = "5px";'+ ' bodyArea.style["padding"] = "5px";'+ ' bodyArea.style["line-height"] = "2";'+ ' bodyArea.style["background-color"] = "#0190FD";'+ ' bodyArea.style["background-image"] = "linear-gradient(180deg, #0190FD, #0169FF)";'+ '}' );
  5. I got it! Thanks: CustomCSS: .custom-grid .x-grid-item-focused .x-grid-cell-inner:before { border: none !important; } ... and UniEvents: function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.cls = 'custom-grid'; }
  6. I solved function frameload(sender, frame, eOpts) { var frm = UniFPrint.UniURLFrame1.iframe; var Imprimir = UniFPrint.UniEdit1.getValue(); if (Imprimir == 1){ if (frm) { printIframe(frm); } } }
  7. Hello, I have this function on the button to print and ITS WORK function click(sender, e, eOpts) { var frm = UniFPrint.UniURLFrame1.iframe; if (frm) { printIframe(frm); } } ---------------------------- I want to do a conditional, how can I do? function frameload(sender, frame, eOpts) { var frm = UniFPrint.UniURLFrame1.iframe; var Imprimir = UniFPrint.UniEdit1.text; if (Imprimir == 1){ if (frm) { printIframe(frm); } } }
  8. UniServerModule.SessionManager.Sessions.SessionList.LockList; SessionList.LockList no exist
  9. Ola conseguiu ? eu também estou tentando
  10. Sometimes I will use EXCEL or another service, and when I get back on the system it will crash.
  11. Perfect... Perfect. This problem will be solved in the next update?
  12. Hello, this is no work. x-boundlist-list-ct x-unselectable x-scroller { column-count: 3 }
  13. procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin TUniLineSeries(UniBarSeries1).ShowMarkers := False; end; Perfect ... thank you very much! - this Work --------------------------------------------------------------- How can I solve this: function beforerender(sender, eOpts) { var me=sender.chart; me.refill=function(sprite, config, rendererData, index) { return {fillStyle: me.colors[index]} }; me.series[0].setRenderer(me.refill); } But how to update the legend COLOR (UniBarSeries1)?
  14. Please, how do I appear Decimal numeric 18.2? Ex: 12.500,10
  15. This Option: FShowMarkers how to disable this function?
  16. OK thanks! STACKED = FALSE The function color is WORK function beforerender(sender, eOpts) { var me=sender.chart; me.refill=function(sprite, config, rendererData, index) { return {fillStyle: me.colors[index]} }; me.series[0].setRenderer(me.refill); } But how to update the legend COLOR? And How to remove the stitch (point) ???
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