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Everything posted by mmurgas

  1. hello .... how do to fill graphics from a database? Thanks
  2. mmurgas


    Friends , I found this excellent free demo for generating a dynamic table, which would be very useful for our users. The link is: http://nicolas.kruchten.com/pivottable/examples/ Will it be implemented in our beloved Unigui ? Personally , I lack knowledge in Javascript, but if we could generate a small demo would be very helpful ... A cordial greeting to everyone mmurgas
  3. Hola, saludos desde Chile! Unigui es una joyita para los seguidores de Delphi!! Estamos en contacto !!!
  4. mmurgas

    Multi Select

    Dear , someone used multiselect combos that could help in its implementation http://harvesthq.github.io/chosen/ Attached a picture Best regards
  5. This excellent .... unfortunately could not see the Pie If you could see this http://echarts.baidu.com/doc/example/mix9.html#-en fantastic... thank
  6. Solution RxForForX , abrir cualquier archivo DPROJ-editor de texto, en busca de una fila existe El código XML 1 <DCC_DebugInformation > 0 </ DCC_DebugInformation > Y cambiarlo a El código XML 1 <DCC_DebugInformation > false </ DCC_DebugInformation >
  7. Dear, I have Delphi 2010 and unigui I could not check this demo, it looks phenomenal. My error is "[MSBuild error]" 0 "is an invalid value for the" debugInformation "parameter of the" DCC "task" .... any help will thank Greetings to all mmurgas
  8. Thank you Mr. Lema, I could make Importancion with XML from the next page I found knowledge .... thank you very much for your interest and help. http://neftali.clubdelphi.com/?p=1245&cpage=1#comment-20667 Thanks!
  9. Hello Friends, I want to import my waypoint directly from my GPS to map .... if anyone has done, I appreciate your wonderful help ... Greetings and Thanks MMurgas
  10. hello try this code... procedure ExportarCSV(Dataset: TDataset; Archivo: String); var iArchivo: TStringlist; Linea: String; i: Integer; begin iArchivo := TStringlist.Create; Linea := ''; for i := 0 to Dataset.FieldCount - 1 do begin if Dataset.Fields[i].Visible then begin if Linea <> '' then Linea := Linea + ';'; Linea := Linea + AnsiQuotedStr(Dataset.Fields[i].DisplayLabel, '"'); end; end; iArchivo.Add(Linea); Dataset.DisableControls; Dataset.First; while not Dataset.Eof do begin Linea := ''; for i := 0 to Dataset.FieldCount - 1 do begin if Dataset.Fields[i].Visible then begin if Linea <> '' then Linea := Linea + ';'; Linea := Linea + AnsiQuotedStr(Dataset.Fields[i].AsString, '"'); end; end; iArchivo.Add(Linea); Dataset.Next; end; Dataset.First; Dataset.EnableControls; iArchivo.SaveToFile(Archivo); end; Call fname := 'F' + FormatDateTime('hhmmss', Now()) + '.csv'; // Create a unique name for report. ExportarCSV(Dm.myQuery,UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + fname); unisession.SendFile(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + fname);
  11. Hi all, someone worked with Unigui and Google Drive, am testing cloud products and would like to make a system administrator documents (pdf) that seamlessly connects to google drive. regards + Thanks MMurgas
  12. Hello Friends, I consult them if someone made ​​connection from Unigui and Dropbox, the idea is to have an evidence base (.PDF) in the cloud, but manage user profiles and upload information from Delphi + Unigui. If someone can guide me, Many Thanks Greetings MMurgas
  13. Excellent graphics ... Now as you can pass information from such a database either regards
  14. Dear, I really liked your application ... on the other hand we could teach and gives effect to open a form ... it's great! Greetings and Thanks
  15. Muchas Gracias Oscar , esto me a servido.
  16. thank you very much, it works fine again mmurgas
  17. Estimated Zilav, if I could show you a basic example would greatly appreciate it, since I have not much knowledge (I learn) to understand what you send me Thank you mmurgas
  18. Dear, I consult them, I need to make my application unigui, talk to another remote php application, what should I do? I understand using a webservice / XML / JSON, another. I will appreciate your support and feedback as could do this task.
  19. Estimated Lema, strangely MarkersEx began to fail by putting several markers icons get stuck in the same position, check the online demo and has the same problem. Thank you in advance
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