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Everything posted by patmap

  1. patmap


    Hi, Uses uniGUIApplication; Regards
  2. Hi, ExtRoot in ServerModule incorrect ! You must be set correct Exr path. Regrads
  3. Hi, This events is not work in WebMode, you can use OnException of ServerModule. Best Regards
  4. hi, In AjaxEvent of UniDBGrid use this code: procedure TFDevices.UniDBGrid1AjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); begin if SameText(EventName, 'cellselect') then Caption := 'RowID = ' + Params.Values['rowindex'] + ' and ColName = ' + UniDBGrid1.Columns[strToInt(Params.Values['colindex'])].FieldName ; end; Best Regards
  5. Hi, So you can change background color and image with css: .x-panel-body, body { background-color:#87cefa; background-image: url(bg.png); } Regards
  6. Hi, I dont know what is this property 'RootFolder;' ! Which path you want to find, URL path or Exe root path ? Regards
  7. Hi, ClientEvent fire first. Regrads
  8. Hi No you can not recompile VCL app to OSX, you can recompile it to x64 platform. For OSX you must be create a new FireMonkey project. Best Regards.
  9. This year, in RAD Studio XE2, we will deliver new capabilities some of the following: Delphi 64-bit compiler Delphi OS X compiler C++ OS X compiler FireMonkey Platform for creating 32-bit Windows applications for Windows 7, Windows Vista and XP; Server FireMonkey Platform for creating 64-bit Windows applications for Windows 7, Windows Vista and XP; Server 2003 and 2008. FireMonkey Platform for creating OS X 10.6 and 10.7 applications FireMonkey Platform for creating applications for iOS 4.2 and higher VCL (Visual Component Library) for rapidly building 64-bit applications for Windows 7 and Windows Vista. IDE support for building and managing projects for 64-bit Windows IDE support for building and managing projects for OS X Delphi RTL for 64-bit Windows Delphi RTL for OS X C++ RTL for OS X Native zip file RTL support for Delphi and C++ RTTI for indexed properties and RTL support C++ RTTI compatibility with Delphi C++ Boost for OS X Dinkumware C++ RTL for OS X Deployment Manager: Deploy Delphi applications to OS X, 32-bit Windows and 64-bit Windows Deployment Manager: Deploy C++ applications to OS X and 32-bit Windows Deployment Manager: Deploy Delphi and C++ applications to Amazon EC2 and Windows Azure Delphi Pointer Analysis for Audits C++ audits C++ Static Code Metrics Debug Delphi 64-bit Windows applications Debug Delphi and C++ OS X applications All dbExpress drivers available for 64-bit Windows dbExpress drivers for OS X – InterBase, Firebird, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Anywhere and Informix dbExpress ODBC Driver LiveBindings connect any type of data to any UI or graphical element in VCL and FireMonkey HTTPS support in stand-alone DataSnap Applications DataSnap server ability to terminate socket connection DataSnap CommunicationTimeout for HTTP protocol DataSnap JavaScript Minification with dispatching DataSnap Heavyweight callbacks support broadcasting to specific callbacks DataSnap Callback channel events for servers and clients DataSnap REST server support for multiple Callback Tunnels DataSnap Session Events for TCP/IP Protocol DataSnap KeepAlive support for TCP transport component DataSnap Monitor and control connections DataSnap wizard source code enabling developers to build their own DataSnap server wizards ClientDataSet support for OS X and 64-bit Windows DataSnap Desktop Client Connectors for 64-bit Windows, OS X, and Windows Phone 7 DataSnap Mobile Client Connectors for IOs, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone 7 InterBase XE Developer Edition inlcuded for up to 20 users and 80 logical connections MetaData support for TAzureQueueManagement Amazon Simple Storage Service API Amazon Queue Service API Amazon SimpleDB API FastReport VCL 4 RAD Edition reporting tool Documentation Insight - a Delphi XML documentation tool INDY component libraries for Win64 and OS X ActiveX for Delphi Win 64 VCL support for Win64 VCL Styles: Create VCL applications with enhanced GUI RemObjects Oxygene Compiler 5.0 FastReport.net reporting tool RadPHP Build mobile-optimized Web applications RadPHP Visual mobile design surface to see how the interface will look on the device Turn PHP apps into native mobile apps for iOS and Android RadPHP jQuery mobile components source: http://blogs.embarcadero.com/davidi/2011/08/14/41124
  10. Hi, The last news for RAD Studio XE2 available in Delphi day's : 2011-08-24 Best Regards
  11. Hi, The good video for FireMonkey example: http://www.andreanol...ws-mac-and-ios/ Best Regards
  12. patmap

    A suggestion

    Hi, Mr. Farshad Is it better to have a section with nightly version name only dcu's no installation version ? We can download it and test it quickly. This is only a suggestion. If you think it is good. Best Regards
  13. Hi, I put OnResize property for this problem. You can you this property for solve this. This Example When panel resized My UniXDBGrid1 on then panel resized and fit to parent xPanel. Procedure TFPSample.xpRightResize(This: TExtBoxComponent; AdjWidth, AdjHeight, RawWidth, RawHeight: Integer); Begin UniXDBGrid1.SetBounds( 0, 0, AdjWidth, AdjHeight ) ; End ; Best Regards
  14. Hi, I forget to say this good future: RAD Studio Pulsar XE2 Edition Please. Best Regards
  15. Hi, Thank you for this topic. I think: 1) DBGrid with CheckBox cells. 2) Combobox with CheckBox list (Multi Select). 3) A TColorBox component. 4) ToolBar with Dropdown buttons style. 5) Excel Exporter For DBGrid ( Ext.ux.Exporter.zip ) Best Regards
  16. patmap

    Jalali Calendar

    Hi Jalali DateFunc Added. Best Regards DateFunc.zip
  17. Hi, Add this code in ServerModule CustomCSS Property: <style> .x-grid3-row-selected, .x-grid3-cell-selected { background-color: #F2F1B3 !important; background-image: none; border-color:#222222; } </style> Beset Regards
  18. patmap

    Jalali Calendar

    Hi. Mr. Farshad I develope this component with OnGetText event and work fine ! unit UniXJalaliCalendar; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Ext, ExtPascal, ExtCalendar, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniPanel, uniDateTimePicker, DateFunc; Type TDateTimePickerGetText = procedure(sender: TObject; Var DisplayText: AnsiString) Of Object ; Type TUniXJalaliCalendar = class(TUniDateTimePicker) private FVersion: string; OldOnAjaxEvent: TUniAjaxEvent ; FOnGetText: TDateTimePickerGetText; function GetJalaliDate: String; Procedure OnMyAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } Procedure Loaded; Override; public { Public declarations } Constructor Create(Owner: TComponent); Override; Destructor Destroy; published { Published declarations } Property JalaliDate: String Read GetJalaliDate ; Property OnGetText: TDateTimePickerGetText Read FOnGetText Write FOnGetText ; End; procedure Register; Implementation // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure Register; Begin RegisterComponents('uniGUI Custom', [TUniXJalaliCalendar]); End ; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- { TUniXJalaliCalendar } Constructor TUniXJalaliCalendar.Create(Owner: TComponent); Begin Inherited Create(Owner); End ; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- destructor TUniXJalaliCalendar.Destroy; begin inherited; End; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function TUniXJalaliCalendar.GetJalaliDate: String; Begin DateTimeToString(Result, 'yyyy/MM/dd', Self.DateTime) ; Result := StrMToSh( Result ) ; End; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TUniXJalaliCalendar.Loaded ; Begin Inherited; If WebMode Then Begin OldOnAjaxEvent := Self.OnAjaxEvent ; Self.OnAjaxEvent := OnMyAjaxEvent ; Self.Text := '' ; End; End; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure TUniXJalaliCalendar.OnMyAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TStrings); Var DisplayText : AnsiString ; Begin If SameText(EventName, 'select') And ( Params.Values['Date'] <> '' ) Then Begin If Assigned(FOnGetText) Then FOnGetText(Sender, DisplayText) Else DisplayText := GetJalaliDate ; JSCode('document.getElementById("'+Self.JSName+'_id").value="'+DisplayText+'";'); End; If Assigned(OldOnAjaxEvent) Then OldOnAjaxEvent(Sender, EventName, Params); End ; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- End. This code in AjaxEvent very important condition: Params.Values['Date'] <> '' Best Regrads
  19. patmap

    Jalali Calendar

    Hi Mr. Farshad I Solved it with this code on OnAjaxEvent : JSCode('document.getElementById("'+Self.JSName+'_id").value="'+GetJalaliDate+'";'); Thank you Best Regards
  20. patmap

    Jalali Calendar

    Hi, Mr. Farshad I can convert it to display in textbox, but when i click on calnedar button to view Jalali Calendar Panel, i cant triger this and jalali date send to panel and panel convert it to jalali agin and date is incorrect shown in then panel !!! How can i trigger this when panel want get date from textbox i give it a grigorian date ? If we have a OnGetText event like DBEdit or TField only for display a text not for store text in the DateTimePicker this is a best way for do it. Can you help me for this event Please ? Best Regrads
  21. patmap

    Jalali Calendar

    Hi, Mr. Farshad Thank you for your reply. This work very good and DateTimePicker show Jalali Calendar Panel. But have a litle problem, in the DatetTimePicker text box not show jalali Date !!! This shown a gregorian date. Event a select a jalali date and close the Jalali Panel in the text box not show Jalali Date !!! Please help me. Thank you and Best Regards
  22. patmap

    Jalali Calendar

    Hi Mr. Farshad Can you make a sample for this pluging? Or how can i use this plugin in my project ? Best Regards
  23. Hi, If you have one button or ten button in your project ! The ext-all.js + some others files must be load in your clinets. If Compression of HTML in ServerModule is ON then size of your small project + ext-all.js + css+ pictures nearly 300 KB ~ 400 KB !!! Now if your client have a internet with 64 Kb they must be wait nearly : 40 ~ 60 Second + 2 ~ 7 Sec for TCP overheads Or if your client have a internet with 128 Kb they must be wait nearly : 20 ~ 25 Second + 2 ~ 7 Sec for TCP overheads Or if your client have a internet with 256 Kb they must be wait nearly : 10 ~ 13 Second + 2 ~ 7 Sec for TCP overheads So all this times dependent on a good performance Server ! Best Regards
  24. Hi, Add your CSS in ServerModule->CustomCSS property ! Best Regards
  25. Hi, 1. Sort only on the current page I test is and sort work on all pages ! Probably you test sort on a numeric column filed ! In the dbgrid it seem Mr. Farshad add all field in the string type. in this mode sort on numeric columns not work correctly. if you have 100, 20, 300, 50 must be sort 20, 50, 100, 300 but in string mode sort is : 100, 20, 300, 50 !!!! 2. Clicks after the changes after the SQL query, the sort failure This sort is client side, not in Server side. for server side maybe server performance down if you have many many record in your table. Certainty you not have index or key on all fields ! then sort on server side slower then client side. Best Regards
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