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  1. I would like to scroll the grid when a new record is created and this record is active. Is there a way how to do it? If I locate the record and refresh the grid, the selection is on the right record but the scrollbar is on the top...
  2. Is it possible to show TUniScreenMask manually somehow? For example if I have MessageDlg and the user chooses one button and the following action takes longer time.
  3. Hi, is there a possibility to change title font at runtime? I tried to do it in OnTitleClick event by doing aColumn.Title.Font.Style := FS; but it does not work. Please, help. Thanks.
  4. Hi, I'd like to show ampersand character '&' on TUniButton but it's not possible at all. It is always removed, I tried assignment in runtime alsobut without success. How is it possible to do it? Thanks.
  5. Nevermind, I've already found a solution which works: MF := UniApplication.UniMainModule.MainForm; if (MF <> nil) and (MF is TUniForm) and (TUniForm(MF).WebForm <> nil) then begin EF := TUniExtFormAccess(TUniForm(MF).WebForm); CBF := TCallbackExtFunction.Create(aCallback); CBF.FAjaxIntercept := EF.AjaxParamIntercept; CBF.FAjaxParamListIntercept := EF.AjaxParamListIntercept; CBF.Ajax('callback', ['ButtonID', '%0'], True); ... procedure TCallbackExtFunction.HandleEvent(const AEventName: string); var MR: Integer; begin if SameText(AEventName, 'callback') then begin if Assigned(FCallback) then begin if (ButtonsDict = nil) or not ButtonsDict.TryGetValue(ParamAsString('ButtonID'), MR) then MR := mrNone; FCallback(MR); end; FCallback := nil; end else inherited; end; initialization ButtonsDict := TTextDictionary<Integer>.Create; ButtonsDict.AddOrSetValue('ok', mrOk); ButtonsDict.AddOrSetValue('cancel', mrCancel); ButtonsDict.AddOrSetValue('yes', mrYes); ButtonsDict.AddOrSetValue('no', mrNo);
  6. I have another question. Can someone give me a solution how to pass a callback function to TExtMessageBoxSingleton's methods like Alert etc? I'd like to have customized message dialogs with callbacks but I don't know how to do it. Thanks.
  7. OK, I thought it. I made a workaround by using of instance of TExtMessageBoxSingleton.
  8. Hi, I'd like to show error message with red cross (if possible) with MessageDlg procedure but the shown dialog has still the title "Confirmation" although I pass 'mtError' parameter. MessageDlg('AAA', mtError, [mbOK]); Is there a bug? Thanks.
  9. This looks fine, in the meantime I've found another solution: function OnKeydown(e) { if ((e) && (e.keyCode == 113)) { var sc = formCategoriesStages.gridCategoryCodes.selModel.getSelectedCell(); if (sc) { formCategoriesStages.gridCodes.startEditing(sc[0], sc[1]); } } } Do you think that it'll be 100% functional?
  10. Hi, I am playing with TUniDBGrid and I'd like to know if it is possible to find out selected row and column. Thanks for any info.
  11. Hi, how is it possible to display path with backslashes? I have this code: StatusBar.Panels[1].Text := FTool.Config.RootFolder; but it removes backslashes. Thanks. Petr
  12. Oops, you're right. I forgot to add the module into the "Default Document" list (I use IIS). After that it's working without problems. Thank you.
  13. Hi, I would like to deploy ISAPI module on the domain only, it means I'd like to have uniGUI app running on xxx.domain.com - now it's possible to run it only as xxx.domain.com/module.dll. We already use this technique where we have ISAPI handler for any * address. Is that possible? Thanks. Petr
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