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  1. Hi Farshad, It's possible to not show the Tay Icon when using Stand Alone EXE ? I have created an application with a Main Form thats monitors the Web Application and I use my own Tray Icon with another options... so when I run the application, It's shows two Tray Icons .... Thanks.
  2. Hey Farshad, Any chance to change the name of SynEdit package/units or another way to use uniGUI having other version of SynEdit ? Thanks..
  3. Hi, I already use SynEdit for other things, with the last version (updated via SVN - SynEdit sourceforge). This version conflicts with the SynEdit version that comes with uniGUI... And then I can't install uniGUI... I suggest to rename SynEdit units used in uniGUI to not confict with original SynEdit package... Thanks.
  4. Hi Farshad, Could you rename the SynEdit package and units to not conflit with other version of SynEdit that we may be using for some other proposes ? Like you do with Indy package... Thank you.
  5. OK, it works! Thanks.
  6. Hi, Any way to catch commands like: "http://localhost:8077/do_something" Thanks.
  7. Hi, I have a problem using TUniDBGrid with Master/Detail structure. I put two TUniDBGrid's in a TUniForm, linked to two Tables (configured with Master/Detail) Until here ok. Then, I want detail grid starts with the "last" record selected when Master grid changes record. In my Delphi projects (non uniGUI), I usually set the event of Master component TDataSource>OnDataChange > TbDetail.Last; and works fine! But in uniGUI (WebMode), it seems when the grid detais recharge records (master record changed), after display refresh, the DataSet jumps the record to the focused on the grid component, losing my required position on DataSet. Some workaround for this ?? Thanks.
  8. Hello, It seems to be a problem with the function "SendStream" to download files when I want use extensions not usefull, like ".cfg". I use the following code: S := TStringStream.Create('abcdefg'); try UniSession.SendStream(S, 'file.cfg'); finally S.Free; end; If I use the extension default ".txt", then the download sucessfull ocurrs, but when I use an extension like ".cfg", the download doesen't starts. I have tested with Chrome, Internet Explore and FireFox and the same in all. Someone have this problem? Thanks.
  9. Yes, I want to catch the HTTP call before a uniGui session starts, because in specific commands I don't want to start a new uniGui session, but just do some procedure and return a HTTP response to the client.
  10. Hi, uniGUI uses Indy to controls http requests and manage the sessions. Is there a way to catch the Request event of Indy when the http request fired (before the section starts) ?? I would used this to catch when client starts page like "http://localhost:8888/specific_command" when client starts "specific_command" should NOT starts a session, but only do something in server (like write a record on a database) and closes de HTTP connection. Thanks.
  11. I'm using a TUniDBGrid linked to a TDataSource, and the TDataSource linked to a TTable. When I do: Table1.Append; Table1.FieldByName('campo').AsString := value; Table1.Post; The record in DataSet automatically moves to the new record (ok!) But in TUniDBGrid the selection is currently in the previous record. When DataSet fires update to the linked components (including DBGrid), the record change to the new position, But TUniDBGrid fires some Refresh event after that and set the previous position to the DataSet according with the original selection, losing the new record position. This occurs only in WebMode. ---- I try to do that: UniDBGrid1.DataSource := nil; Table1.Append; Table1.FieldByName('campo').AsString := value; Table1.Post; UniDBGrid1.DataSource := DataSource1; And then works perfect (when the Grid refreshs, the new record comes selected). ----- Is this a bug or how to workaround ?
  12. I already use the SynEdit package in Delphi 2010, updated via SVN (I have the last version SVN 81). But uniGUI uses an older version of SynEdit. When I try to Install uniGUI I receive the error that an unit of uniGUI was compiled with a different version of SynEdit. An idea: change the unit's name of SynEdit in UniGUI package, like made with "uIndy". Thanks.
  13. dalpiaze

    Download File

    Hi there, I want to place a Button on a form that fires a Download of a File located at Server side (considering Web Mode, of course). It's possible?
  14. dalpiaze


    It seems to be a problem with the component "TUniDBGrid", when using with DataSet "filtered". When the DataSet it's non-filtered (full records), navigating around the records works well. But when the dataset is filtered, the navigation loses control, selecting a prior record or jumping three records than the selecioned record. This ocurrs when using UniDBGrid in "paged" mode and in normal mode too. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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