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  1. I am test is ok. Thanks Farshad. I am a suggestion, whether can public the 2 properties to set, because when use grid to input data, this is so useful.
  2. Many thanks Farshad. How can I coding it use delphi code? Current row is fix by dataset cursor, so whether uses like FocusedColumnIndex to make grid focus and cursor on the correct columnindex.
  3. Hi All, I want to set a grid's cell to focus, How can I coding? Thanks.
  4. If set AutoEdit is True, the DBEdit/DBCombox will can be modify. I must set AutoEdit is False to forbidden to modify, and also can see the DBCombox arrow, Is it possible?
  5. I saw this topic , but I hope this could be adopted, because I think the db-app is so important to see the TUniDBComboBox's arrow( data browse & datasource.autoedit=false)
  6. HI Farshad Mohajeri, when test in 0.92, the TUniDBComboBox's arrow is not show when datasource.autoedit is false, Whether it can retain the arrow when datasource.autoedit is false, through uses add property to setup? Many thanks.
  7. PNG(UniImage) Not show when dll deploy in Apache. But can show when VCL Application Test. Thanks.
  8. These issue sometime OK in test projects, I don't know why? UniBitBtn font setup is not work only in my Login form, In other form(dialog/frame) is work know.
  9. Hope zilav or unigui team can check "mask input for date" for using Masked Input Through by HTML + JQuery + Plugin is work, but in unigui framework not.
  10. UniRadio ExtEvents OnCheck not activate function OnCheck(sender, checked) { ...... }
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